<br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE -Nebraska ~~ ® ;) ~' ~' ] f~ >J
<br />Husf~and fi~ 4z<iie
<br />KN04U .',LI.ftEiti BY THESE PRESENTS: That _4?s'~4~>S_R L~l~.SQ7~ 7D.d _`~'"iL@~ _lt'.._~~1.1&4TL_ seems ter
<br />called mortgagor, of _.________.._=~~~h,__-_. -_ County, and State of ~?ebraska, in consideration
<br />of the sum oCF'S33dT_t4;Sn_&ho_;i,`;and two_~~~Z'?r~_517.21Q i~'1~Q,I,~~JA,R Ln grid pgic~.51 1t,-q~~eby grant, bargain:
<br />?.Amount Financedl }+'-iie `i~i~``' '=`~a "r~~""
<br />sell, and convey unto Diaf Finance Company of _^7e3raska.__________________ hereinafter called mortgagee,
<br />of _~i~~_.__.___________-..____-___.____.__. County, State of Nebraska the following described real estate situated
<br />in __:ua3.:L______._-__- County, and Stale of Nebraska, to-wii:
<br />'ractional Lot ';~o (2) in ~ractianal 31oc1: One >iundred Tarty-^wo ('142) in
<br />Union Pacz_°ic 7ailtma~~ Co^P~ny's Second yddiiion, and its corapleatent ~°actional ,ot
<br />'~wo (2) in 31oc'.~c ^lwelve (12) in pussel 43neeler~s Addition to the City of Orand Island'
<br />.:all County, ialebrasl:a.
<br />together with all the tenements. hereditamenws and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title,
<br />dower, right of homestead. claims and demands whatsoever of the said 1lnrtgagar, in ar to said premfses or any part
<br />thereaf; and 39artgagor does hereby rnvecant that said ~7ortgagor is lawfully seized at said premises; that said premises
<br />are free from all liens and encumbrances except as otherwise noted herein, and that him-tgagor will warrant and defend
<br />the tit}e to said premises against the elaims and demands of a31 persons whomsaever.
<br />T'O HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the :;aid mortgagee. provided always, and these presents are upon the .express
<br />condition that iF the said mortgagor sha13 pay in fwl :a said mortgagee a promissory note dated b n~i l 2, r
<br />i9~2 _ for ,T,__~3-n~-~ __ pa}'able in inst.alment_s according to the terms thereof, the final instalment
<br />of which is due nn ._ "n~____? ~,.~~- __~.___..___ 79_~^~_._ which includes interest at the rata of 24S%< psi ~~ear on Chat
<br />part of the unppaid principal balance sat is excess of gIAOf~, and ~3 ~ per }ear on :any remainder of such unpaid princi-
<br />pal balance athe monthly rate shall he one-twelfth of the yearly ate), and ;hall pay all taxis and assessments levied
<br />rpam said real eswtc, before the same becomes delinqucrt, then rheas presents to be void, othera.•ise to beand remain
<br />in full force.
<br />I'P IS FIRTHER .aC;REED that a failure to pav any of said money, c~iiher principal or interest, when the same
<br />fa~eaonae due, qr a failure to rampiy with any of the 1`oregoing agreements, shall cause the whale sum of money herein
<br />secured to became due and cr~llectible at nnce at the option of the mortgagee.
<br />NOTICE TO CUNSUIIER: I. I}o not sign this pa er before you read it. 'l. You are entitled to a
<br />copy of this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balance. at any Time without penalty and may
<br />be entitled to receive a refund ~of unearned charges in accrirdance with law•.
<br />SigntKi th.s .., 2~2Y3 _ ~.. day +,f A~r'~, . A.D tti___~~.. '` /~
<br />ti C: \7~4: tJF :Yehratika ,qr _ .' kt - ___... _ _ _
<br />3. ,~ ~ ~ f
<br />^;.~3- _ t,'ounty ~ ~.~.>c.t..~L ,tJ• Gtr:%...~i.G'~v.l-.. _
<br />_ _..
<br />On than ~Td . , _ day oaf __.A$Y'il__ A-l) . ?.t ~"5rlore m.. she, ut,da rntl;ncd a tiutaa,y }'uhhc, duly
<br />:~ ~imnaicuionc~i and quaLtied for and residing rn saad <rtruaty, per unelly ~~amr ~a~eu =1„_'~ilsol~._,~~:,A~g,~..,K~.
<br />41~.ElOn~ ~ii£uBOan~_i;c ~i~ nrd known za lie the sdentical hc~rsun ~.. whsr• x,une 4_61l'I~xed 'tn ifie faregomfr
<br />~. , instrument as fnartgagors -- .._ __ and acknowiedgea thr_ ..ante to f>e -'
<br />~ tx~ry act and deed. ffl~tfw Mmwlr ->;~.u r r.M.m
<br />Wttnesd my :farad xnd.'tiotaraal !Teal the day aria year un[ abrJVe rvriitNn KATM[fi?:NK. IMLL
<br />'vly Cornm]"inn ~-zprrra the _. _.. --..~ __, ;lap MOww~EwMri+i0l,.f~M
<br />x...,
<br />of ._~ ~,' _ IY;_ ~ • ~ '
<br />,.._.
<br />- -- -
<br />'4;xary Punfic
<br />STATE OF _ _ _
<br />? ss.
<br />Enterec4 bra \umerica: }ndex sndtiied i+r record in the +;fTire of the Regisier cif" ly;~ads of said county, the _.______._..
<br />-~ day a1f _._._. _.._._. _..... _._._ -__...__. ___ I9_ .... at _._.,.. o'clock and __.._ _.._......_._
<br />fninuLes _._ _.._. .._.._.. - ._.._...._ '.Vl._ and duly rHCarded Sri Bnok _.__ ___ _. cf -__ ___.__.__._
<br />liur.gagea psg~- ._.... _.._.. __.__ -. _. _.. __.._.. __. .__. .._.. _.__.. .._.
<br />Registcs ?,tf Deeds
<br />__ _ _._ _
<br />Deputy
<br />v..,a
<br />1
<br />3.._..w.
<br />