<br />
<br />AFFIDAi7I
<br />STATE OF NE&~?ASKA ?
<br />, SS.
<br />JAk~S SJELTON, being °irst duly sworn on oath, deposes and
<br />says that he _~ the oxm=r o. the following described rest
<br />estate, te-ur_"t:
<br />°arts ct Loia .5 a,.L 25, eer Subdivision, sr.
<br />Addi.,ior. *„o ±:~e City .. Grand Island. ?~11
<br />Cc?mt, i7ehraska ._.~.,. gar*.icularly r'.escribed as
<br />,_loars: 3e~;inni::,, _t „he Nor'::east corner of hot
<br />2s. ,n ..~~ ^..LZnir :*.ner'_.y al~r,T rd upon the
<br />raste:ly __.._ ;f :;aid Lot ~~ :ar a distance of 17-.
<br />:"eF? ,... he ac*..uai poin-; of 'oe~~..~ .n;;; thence continu-
<br />.:.~; ..~. .re>ry n t.t:e `raste?•"i.y '. isle of said i.ot >>
<br />f<;r -~ di:,`anca o!' :`?1.., fee*, t,o the i;ortherly
<br />^unda::~; '±ine ~i' ~Oth :~treei; fierce rwzning in _.
<br />s .~
<br />:Yest,eriy ..rectinn on the ..~rti,erly i}onr:darv line
<br />of 2~Gt.h v,treet for a ~'istance of 69.OG feet to the
<br />E"aster3.y 3ouz:dar;,• Linn cf Ii.iinois ,Avenue: thence
<br />is a yortherl;;r directicn slo:?g the Easterly line of
<br />Illinois Avenue a distance of 191.4 feet; thence
<br />in an Easterl;a direction parallel to the Norther:l,y
<br />Bcw-~dary lime of i.ats 5 and 26 for a distance or'
<br />b9.G0 feel to the point of beginninv,
<br />and that this property had been heretofore subdiv3.ded by r.~etes
<br />and bounds by -a previous owner and th:3t. upon »urchase, he was
<br />not aware of the manner and for, n: of division of the proaerLy;
<br />that he s?a:5 has been informed thai, such division ~.~f troperty
<br />dog: not; ~~a<aiii"`~ ~i+~der -~p:~inG? ~rdinan~es ar.d as ,_. result, he ha
<br />?wean pre,j .diced r,,rroc;gf - a +.I'; cf _ i:> c.rzx +hr,L Sar_ti:>n 12-~.llO
<br />aut?xorities f.he City Cc= __ .v +vsire }:e arr,'clen; oS » a~ierty
<br />...division :,,• adopting a resoi•..-~c~ ats_ ~virg of a deed of
<br />conveyance; ;.hat this »r..~cedare wil? .pure the ob,jeetiori tc •;he
<br />1 +E3nI?2Z' 3IkC rL7YID di t?le di V1Si0?: Cf'~~F ~I'J JC: ;;J aZf;~ ','JC limed
<br />aermit ecrstruction o. co~?veyar.ce :,. tre nrcuer;,•.
<br />F U T'r1E~ _vr F iANT SAz + r< ."dDT. ..1
<br />r
<br />/ ' r
<br />~,
<br />SuES;;P,7E»D x*~ .;,, ~re~;ence an3 swc,rn '„o . e.t`=-u ic. ..t. ~.`/,:~
<br />day o f ~.»:•il, l9ta~.
<br />~, M[Mf1- Wn • i~
<br />tlt141E [t~5 ~-
<br />