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<br />s~ <br />/~ 5 r <br />~/~~~:,' <br />RESOLUTION ~y~~y <br />kTHEc'~S, James Weitan, the record owner of the following described <br />property, to-wit: <br />Parts aP Lots 25 and 25, Geer Subdivision, an Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: Beginninc at the Nartheast corner of <br />~ Lot 25, thence ~•unni~ southerly along and upon ti.e Easterly <br />line of said Lat 25 for a distance of 175.4 feet to the actual <br />paint of be~PiiuiinF; thence continuing Southerly on the astzrly <br />line of said Let 25 fcr a 3ist:nce of 191.4 feet to the Northerly <br />Brnmdarp live of 20~ S~~reet; thence r~ning in a Westerly direction. <br />on ~,.he 21or',,herly Boundary line of 20~'~ S~~xeet for a distance of <br />69.00 feet to khe =~,asterly Baundary line of Illinois Avenue; <br />-thence in a Trtherlp direction along the Easterly line of <br />Illinois Avenue a~.istance of 191.4 feet; thence in an Easterly <br />direction nara:~iei to tt:e Northerly Boundary line of Lots 25 <br />and 26 for a dis-~,ance of 69.00 feet to the point of beginning, <br />zthich was purchased frori laurel H. Knoepfel and Clarence Knoepfel; that <br />the conveyance was a portior. in partial conveyance of Lots 25 and 26, Geer <br />Subdivision; that said lots were not subdivided and did nct confozm with 'uhe <br />Gity of Grand Island Subdivision Ordinance, and, <br />a potential objec}.a.on to the title is present because of the <br />division and subdivision of hots 25 and 26 without obtzining the necessary <br />and prior approval 02 the I~layor and Council of the City of Grand Island, and, <br />S~AERRaR, 5ecticn 76-2,110, R.cR.S. 1980, authcrizes the Mayor and Council <br />to approve am* such conveyance for the purpose of validating said con- <br />~eyaace, and, <br />~, a t,a„v~~.;p will be worked upon the <br />present owner due to his <br />net lowing or ~ders`..anding the subdivision ordinance. <br />~a ~' ~', :~ Il' RESOLED BY THE idAYOR aAID COUNCIL OF THE CI'I'Y OF <br />~ID ISL4'~D ghat the L7a-Tarty Deed conveying said property, to..wit: <br />Parts of Lots 26 and 2j, Geer Subdivision, an addition to the City <br />of Grand island, :iaL Count-,~, 27ebrast:a, Wore particularly described <br />ss follows: HeS;-,n;~P at the Northeast corner of Lo+, 25, thence <br />taming southerly along and upon the Easterly line of said Lot 25 <br />YOr a distance of 177.4 feet to the actual point of beginninv; thence <br />continuing Soot^erly on vi:.e Easterly line of said Lot 25 for a distance <br />of 191.4 feet to tae ;iortherly Boundary line of 20U Street; ther_ce <br />^~^^~n_g i.n a Testerly direction an the I.ortheriy Fsoundary line of 20~° <br />Street for a dis-..ance of 59.00 feet to the Easterly Boundary line of <br />Illinois Avenue; Thence ii a Northerly direction along the Easterly <br />line of Illinois Avezxue a distance of 191.4 feet; thence in an <br />Easterly direction parallel to tae Iortherly Boundary line of Lots 25 <br />and 26 for a dis=..ance of 69.00 .feet to the point of bEginning, <br />~d the conveyance thereof is hereby approved, and the conveyance to <br />James Welton is hereby approved and the conveyance validated, and this <br />