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<br />MORTGAGE _ _ ~~ ~ d 1 ~} ~ tJ'~ ,. <br />Melxze.AGE LOAN No. L 24, 030 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY T}JESE PRESENTS: Thai See L 20 168 <br />Jerry L, Schwieger and Rosetitary Schwieger, eac~i i.n his <br />and her titan right and as spouse of each other, <br />Mortgagor, whether one or mote, in consideration of the stun of <br />EighteE31 Thousand Seven HtuJdred _and_NO/ 100 - ----------- ------------= J)OLJ..AS2S <br />loaned to sand mortgagor by The Equitable Buldirrgand Loan Asuxiaiion of Grar:d Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 187 shares of stock of <br />aid ASSOCIATION, Ceziiticate No. L 24, 030 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOC.FA170N the following <br />rtescavbed real estate, situated in Nail County. Nebraska: <br />A CERTAIN PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE LaDC<'1TID IN THE SO[TPf?WE,gT QUARTER OF THE SOUTf1WEST QUARTER <br />(SW'ySW;) OF SECTION '1W1.3~'I'Y-ONE j21) , TOWNSHIP ET,>•'VF1~7 { 11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WES`P OE' <br />THE 6TH P.i+I., I`K)RE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLIIX+IS; CC1vAfENC:IDiG AT A POINT' 163.3 P`EET <br />WESP OF THE SOUPHEAS"S CORNER QF` THE SOU'1'HGtiE'S'P QUARTER OF THE SOU'PSWE.gT QUARTER (SW'~SW; ) <br />OF SAID SECTION TidEDPI'Y-0NE (21), RUNNING THENCE NORTH AND I~iI A LIIQE PARnr.r.>:r, t,,71~ THE <br />EAST BQ[R3DARY LINE OF THE SAID SOLI i QUARTER OF '1HE SOL>THWE,S"S QUARTER (SWaSWa) A <br />DISTANCE OF 140.7 FEET, THENCE P,T RIGHT ANGLES AND IN AN EASTERLY DII~i'ION TO THE EAST <br />BOUAIDARY LII~: OF r' ZD SOUTI-JtdEST 'XJAR'1'F'~2 OF THE SOUPHS~T QjJ1~12TEE~ (SWQSWa) r 'I'H~`K.'E 1N A <br />SOUTHERLY DIRECTION ALONG SAIL FAST BOUNDARY LPIt E TO THE SOUZ?~E'AST Cl~RNER OF SAID <br />S~ 4LIARTER OF THE 50UTHt~TEST l'ER {SWSWt,) , THENCE AT RIG13T ANGLES IN A WESTERLY <br />DIl~DCTION TO THE PIACE OF F3FX'IDIIVlIQt.,, IN HALL i~(IP7TY, i~RASYA. <br />together with all the tenements, lrereditantenis and appurtenances thereunto Jretortgir:g, including attached floor wvertngs, all window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, tteating,au conditionutg,andplumbingand watercyriipmentand acrxssrxia ahereto,pumps,stoves, <br />reGigera[ors, and other fixtures and eyuipmwn now car hereafter attached to ar used in connection. with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said rrror[gagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and wilt pay all taxes and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall became dt:finyuen[; to famish. approved <br />insurance span the buildings un said premises situatedin the sum of S 1$, 700.00 Payable to said ASSCX;IATION and m deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies far said insuranoc; and Trot to camrnit ris permit any waste on or alxrut said premises; <br />In case of default in the performantx of any :rf the terms and cY>nditioas of this mortgage rrr the iwnd ucured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on demand, be entitled to immediate passtssion of the nrartgaged premises and the rnmtgag<r+ hereby assignx, transfers and. x[s over to tha <br />mortgagee alt the rims, revenues and tflrr7me to }te derived i~iom tJte rrxrrtgaged premises daring such time as the mortgage indeb[edmss shat. rcrnain <br />unpaid: and the mrxtgagee shall hax the power to app>int any agent ur agents at nvay desire far the purpose of repairing said premises and rentttrg <br />thrsatne and wJlecting the mots, revenues acrd incwntr, and it may pay out of said ::rwme all expenses of repairing said pretttises and necessary <br />commissans and expenses incurred in renting oriel managing the satire and of cxilkctirtg rentals thtrefrom; the balance rerrtaining, it any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge ol• said nrartgage indebtedness; these rights rsf the mortgagee nwy be exercised at any time during the existence of such <br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the same. <br />These Shesents, however, are upon the C'anditir>n, "I2ut if the said Martgatror sha8 repay said loan an ur before the maturity of said shares by <br />payment; pay monthly to i:rid .IS.SOCIATION of the Burn spcciiied in r}>r Band secured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, an or before <br />the Twentieth day of each and every' rrwnth, mail card Join is fatty paid; pay all taxex and'assessntenls levied against said premises and on this Mortgago <br />and the Bortd secured thereby, txf xe ddirnyuerrcy; i'umish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the Burn of S 1$ r 700.00 payable <br />to said ASSC1CfATION; +epay ar said A55t)CIATlON upon demand alt nwney by it paid for such taxes, assessnrenis and insurance with interest at <br />the maximum Legal rate thereon Tram date of payrnerat x8 of whir;h Mar[p~gar hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste on said premises; keep and armpty <br />with alI the agreements and ronditans of the }Sand ti>r 5 I$ 70Q, QO t}ris day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with a1C ttre requirements of the Constitution and By-taws o! card. ASSC:;tA1'fUN; then ihrse presents shall become null and void, otherwise. they <br />shall remain in fat} fora and ntay tx foreclosed at the opttion uF' the said ASSOC:tAT10N after failure for three months to make any of said <br />payments ar be three months in arvears in making said monthly payments, or to keep and cutuply with the agreements and cronditions of said Bond.; <br />amd Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in stn;lt foreclosure prr>ceedings. <br />U there. is any change in uwaership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sass ar otherwise, then the entire rernainiag indebtedness hereby <br />secured shall, at the opfirm af' "fhe tiquitabk Building and [,can Assudatwn of Grand island, Nebraslta,becomeimmediately due and payable vrithout <br />fiutber natirx., and the amount reruaia»ng due under said bond, and any other bond. for atry additional advartecs rtrade thereunder, s:[all, from the <br />date of exorcist of aid option, beat imeresr at the rnaxirautn legal rate, and t}ris mortgage nray then be foreclosed to satisfy tJte amount due an said <br />bond,and any other ti[urd faradditianal ar:vanas, tugeetser wiilr all sutrss paid try said The Equitable BuiJdang and Loan Association of Grand tsiwd, <br />Jebraska for insurance, taxes and assessments, oriel abstracting extension charges, wish interest thereon, from dav- of payment at the maximtmr <br />legal raie_ <br />As provided in the Bond se::urrtii hereby, while this rrwrigage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereafter adrancc additional sums to the <br />rockers of said Bond, thou assigns ar successors in ineerest, which sums shall be within the securely of this mortgage the satire as the funds originally. <br />seeurcd dhereby, [he focal aarount ai pnncapil debt not to exceed as any time tha original anwunt of this mortgage. <br />Dated this .. t _ day of April A. [)., t9$2 <br />i <br />eger <br />ti .~ :> - ~ y -..~:, , <br />RosertJary ' eger <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ()rt this 26th day of <br />COUNTY OF HALL ~ ~ A.p r 1 i <br />}9 82 , ixforc mc, <br />the undecsigaed, e Notary Public in and far said County, personally came <br />Jerry L. Schwieger and Rosemary Schwieger, each in his altd her own rigrtt and as spouse of <br />each Ot}tFi , :a•ho are personally known to <br />me to be ttre ideniu:ai person g whoa name S are affixed to the abtrre ir:strun::att as m~gagar S and t12e}+ severally <br />arknowkslgcd the said instrument is be ttlL'lr rotrzzt:vy act and drxd. <br />WETNESS my hand and NOtattai Scat itsc cafe afcresue_ _ <br />My Car,tt - "' snur~ ! "~, " <br />! ~`,' <br />NiYal tN-iMI-Mw~rl ~si~ay ---_._..~ '/~,/_. ~ /~ ~. _x~ ~~ t-fccyr__. <br />lttlx 3a! k3 '~ y. tw/ifia ~(STLYy.tyYt~'itt <br />w ti.aa tv: ~ ~. ~ <br />