<br />
<br />anC, witnOVi d@menq, sna!f D@ immydia".9iy due and payaoia : and snail
<br />pea. in•er@s: alma maxim ~- ahownnie' ,, d d
<br />apucn of 8e ~ y u re i ~ d„d ro r Hal re
<br />of any meetnnd o-ad , pay .r , st..n
<br />IntlabIBCM.s9 and Snn ~iMP Gle rata Diy .a..a c c. cola
<br />tq. Aaslpnmenl of Rants. 8enahcrary snai~ ~ y tea r:pn: c znd autnnrity
<br />curing tee wnanuanoe lp+tnis Trvsr Dygtl +c r,~era the rents.!: and prN!tso
<br />na Property artC of any pera0nar -.~,roper!y lo<att?d ?h0%on wlin o witnout takino
<br />P099e8siOn at Me property alSettftd hoc»Dy, and Trusicr Hereby aDSOtutely and
<br />uncondltbnaily assigns al! sucn reins. and Pro4;A !n 9eneBW cry
<br />BenOfiClary, however. here Dy consents to ina~lYUq for S cbriectlnn anC ratemlon of
<br />such rents, issues and pro%!s a C. become Oayanle sp long a
<br />Trvetor Is not, at suer *im@s.s n^Ceteut w. aspect raym9ni of a
<br />indebtednes9 secured hereby Ur in iha performance•ol anY agreement hereunder
<br />Upon any suM tlefault,Ber.0titiary may at any hma. 8i!nar .n ,^,e; sn^ ey ag0n: Or Dy
<br />a reCelvm to Da aCpPinted DY a cast, wilnnut n0lice and wimJUl regard to iR8
<br />a0eauacy of eny security <qr the indebtedness ner2oy Secured. iar en;yr uppn and
<br />take p09ses910n Of iRe PtOperiy or any part me!aoi. rind in iiS Own nam~t Sve for Or
<br />Oth@rw13B coliaci sucn rants, i99ueS dn0 ~rGhts. !nr,.voinC, iR059 Oi.sl u'ue anal
<br />UnpBfd and apply m9 Same„ X855 CoSis antl exoorts9s Cf Ope+atipn drd cUl±ecti0n
<br />ncWtlisg re name attorney fees, upon radaOladness ~ red •: raDY. ace in
<br />such ortler as BBnef wary .- v d@.»rntn .'ht rartcrm vu n a
<br />protection as mdy b@ necessary or Progar fo Cc rw the va:ue e' t=^.> Pr;,pgrty: c
<br />nsB
<br />IeasB M@ same or any part fher0ot IOr such rental. :a znd upon sucn rpnCrtiens
<br />8s its fudgement may diGete. Unless T,LStor antl 0@n9firiary agree ciRerw•sa In
<br />writing, any dppliCdtiOn of rents, r5 profits 10 ar+y inCe%tedness 90C :Tad
<br />hmeby snail noY Bxterb qr pastponeSl Ra Cua Cate of ine instairment payments as
<br />provbga in Said Promissrory rWr@ or change tn0 amount or 9ucn tnstauments The,
<br />entering upon ana taking Fo3sesslpn or ine Property. the cpil@Lti0-~ o! wcn rants,
<br />18aVa3 rind prOfhs. and ine dpp:iCatiOn mereG as aforasa:d. sn21 nqi wawa nr CUr@
<br />any OBfaWt w notice of default Mreunder, pr Ia+allOaiy am a ny pursuant 'p
<br />9ucn MUCe. Trustor else assigns to 9en»tiGary. a - unity !cr ine
<br />s further ^
<br />t»normance or IM obiiganons sacuryd r.»rery. wit preaaia *ans 5nd ail monies
<br />whim may Mva bBBn0 may neroa4ter ba d2>,^.CSliaC w•ins3;tl Truster Ov anyiassge
<br />of Me PrOPertY, ?o s ;Rep mertt ^, eni. anC :. ^.efau't :- the
<br />tMrfOrmdtlL@ of any pl inae.rovis*pfK har901, ~^+Stpr aGreas 1 aOEi'var sucn Tanis
<br />atttl tlepo]ils to the Benefigary. Deiroery bf v.~. e ct m nneirda+vs
<br />erclse of the ripRla gfanlaO nerain, in any tenant crcr toting Sa+C premise3 sna!I
<br />M SUt}fC+@nt 10 rapu,ra 5819 imam to pdy said rent .O ihp P.anetl C',rv until !u;tnpr
<br />notice.
<br />11. UeNeO PnmlNa. Wlimn la Cay9 afEBr C@mand Tr::4for ]Hall fvfhtSn 10 TruSt88
<br />a ]ctistlule certlllN 10 M ;rue, setting tOrln all i9a9es at spate rn !M Trus;
<br />Pmperty ifien in affect. +ntlitding, i e84R [ ine n >t tn0 taMr.ts and
<br />OCCUpin1R, a descnpibn at tM BDdc0 pcpUprod Oy .such t odor ano a[[UDd.Rt,
<br />Iemal paYeDle fIX each Space dno sucn otnef InfMmaiiOn an6 CO[Uniantb with
<br />reapaLj 10 6utn leeNe ano lenin<be aE the TU]1M meY request.
<br />Withait tM Prior wnnan conaem or * ustea, T pr snafi .opt, dirxny o
<br />irWiraCny, with rNpact Io env lease ai ]Pisa in ~Ra dgacnbed prgnth0a. whether
<br />aUCh IaaN la r1OW W tvdreanm In azl3lenCe; ia) aCCBDt Or permit any pre0avmant.
<br />04cou%t Or edvanLe rent payable tnarounaer. tOi can081 Ct tetmirtaie iR8 sBmB. O
<br />acgpt my canCB142bn, tgrmiMiion Ur surrondar inereot. yr p9rmn any avant to
<br />ocCUrwhiCn vroulanntine tfro insnag mm+-'"UtWar to imminaxa Ur cent@l the Sama; i'•i
<br />asMntl a maaffy fM 6ame ]O es !p resducB th0 term ihBlMf, tM reniei pdYdbia
<br />IMfaundm, Of 10 cMnpe arty rBneWii praviarOna ihmein LOnl0med: bl w'HiVP any
<br />tlefwl! tnmwnOif Or breflCn ttKyra01; f91 Qlve any LOOSant. W Br Ur RDprOVal
<br />ihflraurbar Of fake any 6iMr BCtibp m GOaneCtbn InerBWftn, Cr won a Ieisea
<br />1DwwrMar, wmM would Hari tM enBCi at `mpeinnp iM value Oi ie]SO! a inlme]t
<br />ttrarwndar, On IM Pi0(IBtty aub(8C1 tMfeto. pt of Impiirlnp IM TrOSlnan Or mlere3t
<br />of tM TruetN or BeMlicliry; or t!3 sell, aaaipn, Diadga, mortgaga or OlMnviea
<br />alRlsoae OI, 0! erlpumfMr, iia interest in any sucn IeasB or any :ante, laauea OI pr0111.9
<br />INUIng Or anainq iMraDndm.
<br />12 Cflterfl11111aLOM1 l1 Sitte tU enY Part O} (M PraDetiy sRall lM Ia%en m COndemnatlOn
<br />t1rOCNdkiga, tlyrighl Ot emlltenS domflb Of similar eCtfOn, a ahali be 601d urber
<br />MrNt W, contlernnatbn, ail iwarda, tlamaq@a artC DrOCee0a are nateoy sasigned
<br />and atoll M luitl tp Seneflcl8ry wn0 >M!I apply sucn BWBftla, damaggtl end
<br />pracaWetotM 8Ume 9atured ay iha Trysl Dead. w~nlhe axLaea t Rny, paiC lbtM
<br />Tyeata. Truatol wilt promptiY, arts wIM cue aftlgence, caeca, char antl restores ine
<br />iwnfllnltip pan df tM.Tru91 Property b its igrrtyr oorartlon subal-nhahv to iM
<br />satant iMt IM earns may M fNeiblb ind sa as to conantute a complete sib uaabie
<br />YNL
<br />t9, flaellra~IflaaN, Upan repaint al 7rvator, 5aMt7Gary, Rr t3eryti[iary'a ~np%an,
<br />WtOr to racanveyenee at ine Property to 4M Trustor, may make tufuie edrante] to
<br />tM TNatal. SuUI future itlyanC@e, with intmeat tMreon, sha:i M colored by tin]
<br />7ns1 ONO wean evidenced ley' PtOmlaSaY ogles elating that aaiC rwtes aro
<br />eacuntl nerdy; prOrided that et n0 limn sMii iM sacurrrU DnnCipal, future
<br />atlyanw, rbt Including Sums aavengetl 10 pr0lect '. i+i nacU>ity, eaCebC OM
<br />nina+.a percent Ci W Y p of SM aripina± PrlnGgal amounts aecurea nnreby.
<br />ta. NuttflYfla Cumtalflttn. Afl ramwlea provided in tRia Trait Dee0 ace 0iati%c! and
<br />cumulative to anM otMr,ignt or remwy undm tine Trait Deed ar aitaroed Dy taw or
<br />spuley, antl m.y Oe exercisN Concurrently, indepirbenf ly or succeeiively.
<br />1A Aapfllentlaet NalnflAtea; Sala, upon tleteult by TrUator in the PayiMnt ofany
<br />Irba0lWnay aacwe6 nmeby or an the penamamx of Hny aglNnWnlMreundar,
<br />Banafklary frlay dKlue aN coma aa:uretl hereby Imn!ediatelY tlue and Payable by
<br />aMlNry t0 T11Jatw OI' Writ1M QagiirinOm qt de}Bun. TM TrusiN abaft neua TM
<br />pd'arar of Bala of tM Property antl M BenitlGefy aesvtee iM Psap@rty to W cab, ii.
<br />shall ilapoan wltn Tnrs[N into Tniat Dealt and •N promiasatY notes errs docutMni3
<br />OvldaitCiiq ezpNbllutN wcure0 hmeby, and atoll dallvm l0 7ruBiN., n wrntnn
<br />rwtke of atwn urd elsciion tocwse iM Progeny :o M sofa, and the Tn,atee in
<br />tam aMpi. Mepara s aimllir Nonce In tM twin repuire6 by few, which anal! bg tlufy
<br />nladforrecord.M'.T.ustN..
<br />lal Ana! tM IapN of such limo a8 may bn ragW+ed DY taw fohow:lrtq the reLOr0~
<br />atbn Of Nitl rwtbe Ot tletauiR, and native of GelflUif MO nOfi0e of ]83B Rdbing
<br />bean gh'en a9 tepulrea oy Iiw, TruatN, wrtnput aemand On TNSt D!, Snell ]e:l
<br />the iaropatty Oil SM tlate ana el iM time 8r,d DfeCB OMignatea in aalC n011ca of
<br />Nk at puMk aucdbn to the higneat b+doer, tM purthaaa price pdyame :n
<br />IainUt moh'aY O} iM Umt@tl SYiina 8[ iha time OS 8818. TM person CorYJUG!ing
<br />1M cab mar, roc arty came na aNma exPeaient, pa Jpone ine Baia rrom t!rM
<br />20 IIrtN vntti it coat! M Campytib and, fn every sucn case, not!ces of DbstpOn$
<br />mart snap be pMn by Pgmle tleciare;bn [n@real D sucn person at iM limn
<br />alb place INt appr>intad fa tM say; P:oy{ded, it Me sale is posiDOtteC tin
<br />ta+rgar. item (ty way Derand iM der aaaignited in tea notion of naia, nmlce
<br />kneroOt shall a glvert in tM. acme manna! a9lM pr{ginai notci Ct sale,
<br />TNatN aM3l ezacute ano d@Viv@f 1D tn0 purcnae@[ hfs Deaf: cpm'eylnp i.Mi
<br />Prtwerty said, but witnout any coranant or warranty, exDraB9, pr !mp11Btl- Tna
<br />recitiUa in MR LMed OI any marten o! lefts sF.aii tx tunClusir9 grout Ot tea
<br />trUtnfutMSa tMTept. Any parson, mpluding Beng!4t+ay, may purC%ase at the
<br />talc
<br />(tq wren TruatN Safte pursuant fptM POwen tylain,tM?rust$e snaiiep93y fhb
<br />Wocaaoa o{ iM ]a}e is Diyment of tM cr,.sta a:iC expenSea of axerp;slty, the
<br />PoWir of Nb ep6 OI tM ate, ineiudlrg gtyq payment M try 'ru]tee's Fees
<br />iCtUNiy inCUr!0d n4i !6 exceed _.~ __„__., _./. _,~ Qf the Saii pnCe. and 7%an t5
<br />five}tamsin auDpssagrapn ft}In tr+e a-t1ar±Mr$e;at@C. -
<br />(U Anm paYl+pkt+e itama apapttied In 9ubparagaPfl fGlx ny xa+a .9'vY ;'uetNa, u:
<br />tM iNOpal batty! and gilgr Cp3i4 61 IOfeClCaure Bed a8ie it 1ha Sdie iS purSURm
<br />10 {vdKlai faradiaaure, fM prOCaga6 qt ea1R Sn8r1 b8 aDD!!$d In thb U'dBr atata0
<br />td tM peYmant aft
<br />tip Cost of any rrrldence op i,tfa prp,ur@t, f n con:vectian w't y. x~c^~. seta are cf
<br />Lny rOVerrue stamP.s;
<br />lift by 4Umn>!`.cn tyetUrad ngreby',
<br />tu;, Too: 'a>dar. i. a a varHOr a•:ruH >L+.,..,.
<br />is. Dunoa ma obngnuona oa Trvatee. :;ar Toe e ana cmipahons or Tnf9tae
<br />ed -~ .: cmwsio-.IS or me'rrast D»ea ana Trustee
<br />n n not ae 'ab r rrra. , r.n renLr ran+.p et taco au•ias ana obfrgabons as are
<br />spycir v^a1rY set .ortn n a c! n :np;iad c sots o o0lipatlOns 5heli Da
<br />mpnso~ upon v. t., hf'JO pr.,v S:l ,cis Tni91 DBBtl anal) repUlro TN9180 t0
<br />avpxnd o ,/n04, Gr nlnerw~w Incur any 1lnanclAl obl{gatlon in fM
<br />pertormsnce of eny of +ts Dunes h¢reuntler, or In thA a%arclae o1 any of Its right Or
<br />paw@•s, ii rt sh A;l nave grpm.~s Inc gyliriny loaf iha repayment of such tunas or
<br />ao@queta Indemn!;y against .suc^ ris4 pr habi:i±y is not r9a9oMmy assured to It; 10)
<br />Trustee may con9ult with „ounsel of ms own cnncsinp antl the atlvice of sucn
<br />Sel shalt tH (un and campi8t@ a,.2horiietlon antl pl'oteclbn In iha respect of
<br />cony aption taken Cr suffered by II hertlunder In goad fallh and r@IlenCa !hereon; b)
<br />T Jslee snail not go- liable ion any aC;ion taken by elm in go0tl /eiM antl
<br />baliCV0a by him to Oe au:ROnzed o. whthin iha tli9Cretlon or Ilgnts of powers
<br />COn!0m9C Upon II Cy tots TrU.9t De9A
<br />77. AddlnonN 5icugy iMervmanta. Tru91ol, at its 9xpen9e, will ev0cUle end deliver
<br />.o Me Trustee ptly ;: pon demand sucn s unity inatrurnenis as may b9
<br />repulred by Truat9a m °or antl sunstance setisfacicn t0 Trustee, covering any of
<br />m9 Property convevyG b:Ttnis ' us1 Daed 'nnicR security Insirument9 shalt bB
<br />aaolunnal sxcunir it T:usrn*'='eun+ql nano-m¢nc@ nr en nt the terms, covenants
<br />rrd namens t. -s T-. xd R p spry nines secured hereby,end eny
<br />ur t-.
<br />tn. Bnt_ ~ uteri i ci+on won tins traneactlon. Such
<br />: ants s±;alt D9 recnrd0dacr rilyd. era rrPrepoMtlcf antl r8411etl, et TNeiorb
<br />¢x Pence
<br />t2. M1aCabRnaaue.
<br />ia; In iha even! any pee or mere pt ine proviabns cantalnatl In lnla Truai Daed or
<br />the oromissCry note or any otRar secudly Instrument given In cannettlOn with
<br />'nia tr ctl n. shall 'nr A^ 0aaan ba Mb to oe inv8110, Illegal or
<br />on eau?er:n any respect. sucn Invatbity, Illepatlfy, o unenforeeabl Uty
<br />anali, ai tea OpLOp pf Ee.^-etlClary-, net aitaet arty Diner provlalpn of thle Trust
<br />Daed but Iris trust Caed snarl ba construed as If sucn InvaliQ Illegal, or
<br />u entOrt9abi@prov;slpn had Waver Wean cO-rtaln0tl h@rotn or tneroln.
<br />(b; Tnis T ust Daec sRa71 Da cgnSCrued aCCgrtltng to IM lives of IM Stela Ot
<br />NBbre SKa.
<br />(ti Tn'rs Trust DBRQ sha!I inure t0 antl Wind ilia heirs, legatees, tleviaeee,
<br />administrarors, a%rreuto?, successor antl eselgnH of Ire gertlea heroto.
<br />(tli Trustor 5na11 pay ail texas levied upon tRts Treat Deed or the debt 9ecar@d
<br />!ieroby, legal Rer with any otRer taxes o ae]aments whkh may De livytl
<br />'ape{nst the irwige ar Beneficiary or [ref legal notder of weld prO.mlasorynote
<br />vn aCCOUai of the in0gbmdnass avitlenced tlteraby.
<br />(el '.'JMnevgr uaetl Rerein, :ha snguiar num0ar shall Include ine plural, ine
<br />ilnpulflr, ine use nl any pander coat! Da applicable to all pentlen, and iM form
<br />"8gn@hGarV" shah incWd0 env Payee of tom indeblaane9a Mraby secured or
<br />any transi9• tiiareaf, w%athm by Operailan Oi law Or pl Mrwisa.
<br />t9. SuCpuor TtuHN. 8Bn811GarY may from limp to nine au6stitut$ a 9ucCB]aar or
<br />suat@aaors iq any Trust08 named rtareln or ecUng Mreuntler to BzBCUte thle Treat
<br />DaBd. Vqon 9UGn Appplnimanl antl Without tOnvByanCe t0 iha BUCCBSSOr TiU91N,
<br />iM f8li0r snail [y vBalao veil F. Ail ifii@, poWgl S. and tlUil99 LOnierred Upon eny
<br />Trustee narein .narnaci pr aptinq hareunUBt. Each such 0ppoiniment and
<br />avDSiitutipn shah Di made by written Instrument by BBneflClary, .cOnLlninq
<br />refinance ;o ;%ls Trust OBntl antl its place of record, wRlch when recortlaOlnthe
<br />plnCa pf the Heq,sla! Ot DBeda Oi !na COUmy ar COUnneBln WniCh 8814 prpperiyl6
<br />litualeq 8%aii tM COnGUSiv9 prOn1 GI proper agpOinlrnenf Of tnBaDCCeanw TruetN.
<br />TM iWagornq ppwm of 9UbslliuboR and the DrOCedUre'iMtglofe Shall n01 M
<br />xClu]IVe v't ton piYWeS end pSMadura prwbe0 fqf Oy IaW f0f ihB aUDatitUC(On O} fl
<br />Trustee or T+galaea in inB pidta. Ot the TruslN.
<br />3g. Felbeannca by OaM11e1Rry or T+vetN Nol • WaMr. eny roreDaanngby
<br />R@MUa.ary o• Truateg :n esmdaing any rigor Or romgoy nareunaer, or atMrwleg
<br />etlgrded Oy e, pircaDra iew.. 9nitli not M 0 walvef G qr prgClUd0 (hB ak8lCI8B OI any
<br />rlpnt rert,ndy 0 ., t.ikgwiSB the welvesr by BOnetlClery or TrVe1N al eny
<br />date Ul4 OY T!Petal UMYnr foie Trust Dead YMII oat be deemeU t0 M 8 waiver pt eny
<br />Dtnm or elm+iar dg/auil3 SubadjUnnlly OCGUffing.
<br />?i. Ttwtw NDI ReNeRaa. EataMlon UI thes Ilme for payment or motl111Panon Or
<br />anasetisarwn u> inn soma aacuren ny sots Trust Daetl prametl by Bengfleiflry to eny
<br />u~Cee>o+ it interest of T uslor nhaii net oparole to rMeabe, In any manner, tM
<br />pYmltly Ot the prlginef 1'us(Or pl TfUatgf~e aUOpaaBO! (h inSerBal. Qan$}IOIBty 8%811
<br />tip[ ty rn•}U1tad Ier Oommerloe prpCgedlnpe agairlgt aUOh 1U00058or Or relu8e to
<br />ax(nnq ir:+y YOr peym.Hnt rir o!n3+Wr8g mpolty nmOr11r8UOn O/ IRS 8Um8 eBCUrBd by
<br />f ny Truet')e@d Dy rea3un of any C.emand mAda Dy the Original Ttuator ano true! Or'S
<br />nutue8apre ,rl rote+eflt.
<br />72- Datiulb lp thau snail Cy H des?cue under Int9 Oeed of TNSf Or under any prior
<br />^rungage. y F%Mhciary Tony rvurn brfc% dnlault, antl I%e amounts 8dvanCed by,
<br />and Winer casts arb aYpbns$a ui me M~nfiClery fn Curmq such tlefeull, wlln
<br />'nfargat at tM aifaWt rata comnmad In tea Note e0eurad hereby from l%$ time of
<br />rMaaranpes or paymania sea!<iyadddd ro the inde0tadneee aecuree by thin Treat
<br />Ddxf erW may tea oaila01f14 %aroundm et any Ilme after the time of each etlvindae
<br />pr PRYriinnle Ynd styli ixi d@enrgd to tri nyeured nergby.
<br />23.Optbn eoiorecloae. Upon :ha occurnnc» ul any tle}9ult nereundeq eeneficary
<br />snail havetM gptlon :o inrycbs0 mib Treat Deod In tM manly!. prgvided by lave for
<br />tM loretloau+H O! morg8pea on r»ai propery.
<br />2a. TNetofe Ripnts, AbNnfi WfwIL Unlil any tlefaulf In the payment of
<br />=ndeblHdMSS hnrBOy Secured r~r un:ii She Orsecn 6f any coveMn[ herein contained,
<br />mg Trustor, rtz succsazora arc as9rgna, coca posaesa and enlpy me property, and
<br />receive the rani3 and profits ihyrafrom. UDgn payment of all Sums secured by this
<br />Tres! Daed, 8nnehciary Shalt fH"yuw9t Trusi'm SO ryCOnv9y tM property dno Sheri
<br />rrerb0r SRi6 Trual DeBC ana die nOins evidB%Cinp Ind@gtednB63 9BCUfed by lnle
<br />Tusl DBBd to 'Trustero. Trust9n 3hai! rr±tunvyY tog oropartY without warranty antl
<br />w h t cr:nrpe 19getly enu±tatl Iharato TM C3rantee In any
<br />re: 9nveyanCg me} O! Or:s[fr:G d a9 't%y ~:yraon trl paraprt8 gniillnd tRara(p," antl
<br />!tie faclttlie iMra:n of r*:altare d taCtb BR811 M Lantlu9lve pr00( Of ind
<br />rurntutnn5a tMrapt. Such parson Or parsons shall Pey aIi COSts OI racortlmp, 1! any.
<br />25. ACeeteratlan in ton Event a1 Trenafar. .n ;ng even! the Lt18 to said reel estate is
<br />' nstarrnC, yr %;r.nira::l9d iG ^vy I!an:yfertexi, tram ,N9 unCHralgnatl for any reason Or
<br />by any mainpi] vmdt5oever thy erriir9 principal Sum er.U aoprued Into Feel Shalt O[
<br />::.C Ge 0 [r d'J OP y-' Ih ela'i n0'the Ban@IICIery Ile etO B%@f05B
<br />tR piC tPeta.. y .+. IIH as abnra staled `n Ong lnswn<,e shall not
<br />• post Rule n wares. ui the aright ioJer»•cis9 ;n0 acme In Ire event OI any sub5equgnt
<br />irenS!ar
<br />2g. Thee doac Ot mist la iun:rn tp qna dated iV1,1~. _
<br />o:ecu:ad by "raai;,. :n ._ Trueta0,
<br />Do l a_.. ~.:eG rU wiir~ r'9 yreq;a;er of T?s@Ca and Idanlitlad as ioliOws.
<br />