82°-()0133 First National Bank of Grand island ~/o~ ~/
<br />q~j/f} Note. Security Agreement and Financing Stateme~n^t /y ~5
<br />- }(~ S-~""'~ tsrand[sland. I~ebraskt ___~~.Ct?f C'~_O %_-......_ _...17~a
<br />1 ,
<br />F we or either of us..jointIy andtsr3verelJy promise to pay tathe order af'pi6 F'1 Fi5'I'~A'PIONAI,ltANK Of'CrltA~f31S1.AtiD hnn.mafter
<br />:ailed Bank, the principal cum of O
<br />_ together with 3aterest therean from the date hereaf until fully papidpat the rate of ~~_~_ _ per c~e[n~t pe~r.an/nom on unpaid prtncipal balances to he
<br />_ payable'in_~~L~-_installmeats of S _.~~p~{_7t3',.a ,-____each on the.. _._,?(/. (~7_, ~___.___ clan of each month heltinninJ;
<br />nth tne~fj.. day of_~,Q,~ ---. t99 `_._: _...
<br />The INTEREST or FINANCE CHARD} e.//1//rpm h d .e of tra unM•+. a.rtt nrr dat+. i=+ iwi
<br />PP,EPAYMEiT. The bn ..f b qi tF. 'Rht pp, h-. t. II a ~ h p .11 h ~ '1' f h h h hl tl ! 1 t3
<br />meet date,Lh Corer wrll F1NAiCF CItr1REi F:SO inRehrouXir thr tlntacfl .pr ~nrant cxl 1[r+lonn.mpl.intnn xtm hr.t l.y r.m nlprrtn:un frr cnd:t nie rd wl,J.U'.in~
<br />wrance 11 be rebxud nri the !»niP o. therc(e of a8 s
<br />'xOTEC£;nu g h t perrod of eheh.e pad Lalane f,ha loon '1 1 pinnpel xnd ;n:er<•r. ha.<Mren fullrp 3. I' I d ~7 r 6 1 I ..n.
<br />dstea ae sett th LF"a.:acauae tha nmountol the FINANC}, CtIAREF d h ornf amn,rnC Ot per meet. to .m mu* tann n. :Mrw t uda eftr. f e 1r [.+mJ thxn nr h,xnif mxlx
<br />w;nr w tnc a e adtea.'
<br />t h ant f f a' n<p.Ymam nt amens wnen ma nam l d r e n n aror nr'nee h~:a r { n. +, p _.Ilrm"n It I r<nt :
<br />n ou.~n.u r aptroh. + ur h I s b,•t med,atalr a„< end p tar. ,nXaa »;tn ;mr,e+ :n. n n„m ter da:e nr.,, n rnarh nr e.. urrca. A~ui: v. t F,nt~F:n rit,F. u.~:Te:
<br />Th makerx rrrr nd f h d mand p:rxn; i and ,r. { rci r th h 1 f f 1 II h I 1
<br />l t o 1 1 ata Yt 'tf hp h Cn !et- X 1 "h f _.. h h h-I i. h f 11 h t I 1 f...
<br />pert h. eto hit nu [o th< IirS tFi h fth R h. I h ethrxn 1 1 1 tf "th nn lrn•esr hrrc.a l.arnt tart nl
<br />mirth thrintent lu 4rnd th<+e ~ wrth paymrni hrnrrl rrh<Lhrr nrw ,.rn of h:. rt hrv r f them nr hrrc•rft n. luirrrl by I r rclrx. ~d. Irv.., r.: Ir.~rtur.t.
<br />Lpn Fsaare t..r maMe any nthf,Y paYmrnt nrr mptly. a. h. „n r.l 'hi. m M nC than{rtirrn of lhr hrilder nr•^rv,l .hall Me.~nm ~ I Irnvalr+a rra Wore h.r thr rr- ... um ti r•r ..! h~.. anv
<br />naarrad rhvae.e.
<br />TF v i,A+wn -ll f l ih d. M d II 1.- p Pa.. ~.t ~-I 1 h nthrrn>e.,l ,~, .r Xw,rln. nthrr tl art xra r.. ~~vt 1. rrrr r~xhall. rr
<br />n a aaetrri.~ t<r.•xt .rely i( rhbwrnnt.r rxn riNhtn in eh Whin .r-n , .ar.. nterr hrr rl 1`art. e+ ~ ~ r au
<br />k.+ valua.
<br />~0 GN e. ~-T~st~ ~-o to ~Pt~ ~ ~. fs ~ ~'~_s i~~h c ~ /~~a ~ e~/
<br />Q f ~~fm~/ Gil.' 3`~ ~ ~. /S~a /I G'~ G~~~ ~--r~s`~~F ~/ ~/E
<br />hncludingai'ta k tncka d char dar dendn and ell ut t. 1 't t'. .x I n r !, t t i } rvh rrr t;rt.ttt*rl :r. r t nr•r..t mo wish •mth p I r. ,whir r irr Iren.~
<br />rn~l-
<br />tagethar with a if dd tb a d uhrUt t h reaft I .rnl I h t,a nk ix tled thr-C ~ artr r~~JJ jjj
<br />If the abrwE Kt ii rl IKr meF cur c tI ~If It. It t t ~~ ~'wQ ~j-~ ~~QG ~(~~ ~('~~';~~ (°~i}
<br />_QHGr ~ eG~rrS /~~~lf~-'m~ ~i~ie G~~d~.~r~!-~n~J.~l °~lf/rj ~Q(/jl/ ~PK/J/a~,,
<br />'this financtnf,tnumenti. td tx•ftfast for tar nrdmihr Icnwtarrwunfr..It tht dr 6tml fhn.-cr ,tin+t olr ^d,ghc ~iun. 7al rrrunlnwnir
<br />lfaker. war anti t},at unlt~s rzwrk~sl thrr . rte tlJet r 1 i t r t rt,ht f rn a h f t i 1. r h ! t ld f t I I t I I P
<br />farming op¢rat ana of market here fr to t r -of sort., and tmnrkr,i hrat 7(i hot n[1 I nJ rn b, lnt,r ulu-uttlw Ihthr prncrrA nl tht ,u,t Want... ... In ., `tit uul
<br />-Party may drafrarv directly to the rtll •r of the lidlatera)r.
<br />'i'he tmduaigmsl atknuwledgea rrMtrt t u!a rmpt• r t thitr erne vn th< dau• Mvrrof. and aKnrs that he hat n;n. , I .aura. nt m,d that tht. at, .. n r nt. inrlr.dv d.nl
<br />auhjeet la the additional pr. vlaiunr x•t firrth below and on t Im n ', to idz hvrrr>t. Chr• «a r irr in{, :ne. I oratrd hr, 2 h}' re•h room.
<br />- 1~'SlIIL1<'(;t3
<br />1'J{(J F'i^: RTS' INSUftltdCE, if rrtl n in t..nnectirm with tltislnan, orgy be obtuinief Ly
<br />1. Proceeds S,~d?S~ _... fk•btor Lhrtfugh any person rrf Lla rhnice.
<br />2. Other:Cha rgea, Itemized Cftt:l)1TJ.Jr•'F:M1N71 D1tiARfL1`i'Y I1S1IiANCF2 is nut required ¢n o66ain thin loon. Na
<br />S ~ _. h rl,t. iv made for en e it insurance an:1 no credit insurance i5 pn~lvided unless the krcormwur
<br />^~ ~~ ~~ 4 «F,n: the dppropriatt sta cement bclaw:
<br />_- ..
<br />°' ~~"~". -" iht lr«t frr(. rEKlit Ltfe und.Uisnb{6t.y lnsar:rnce. will Leo ~[,Y ~.,~ _,,.I'nr the
<br />d. ArtwuntFmRnctv3 tl & 21 3 ~ rrr m of Lhr rnsiit. ,
<br />a. FINANCE CFIAFt(iE S _ , S( ~. ~ + devirv,~ t`redit Lift+ 1 t)O ~;UI xant. Credit
<br />5. Tnta1 of Payments ___! ~~.. _,.. and llisabililyln.vurancc. Lip• r (h.rn. tLty Insu once, l
<br />'"
<br />ANNUALPERCENTAG.E FtATE .. • `" "~~- ~ ~~~j,J~.. j~ ,rte (,~~.~j ~ r~~.::~,/x:~.' f ~
<br />flJato} {tiy{natunrl -. J atrt fSlRna., rr) -
<br />T>F 8T (1RJS) AUl)RF.S~F.S ULI3'f'U1JIyi Sl~ ~ I t ftt S -
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<br />.. ~+ `-+...L ~.. !..~ j 1, f..`4-tl .: _ ~_
<br />Pot purpos a fding as a Finat •inKstateme t is "dote, ticr;urity :lgrer went and F'u[e rc ny Stl t r tt t tcrepu`d tnu, ~•~
<br />dar~r.F_~~~~G _..1~- ~;(/{, fifl. rti; 'IUNr11. 13Ati3C UI'fiHA?711 I`iLA,`GJ>
<br />SECURED PARTY COPY t3v _. ~ ~% `0. ~~-~J~-~`~
<br />Ito Fol
<br />etc_ z-ao
<br />zo> tt~t.., r, rd ~t,=. r _rrrl . ~r•br,r,kn
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