SEGON t „rm s'v ate. ut ~..
<br />~f~t$ ~lr~aeriture, Made and rxncuecd ?hi« 23rd d;,}• ,,r April n t. 1982
<br />by end b°'"+ten Ronald L. and Sharcn K. Smith
<br />. - .. 1 arty o{ th nrst p+u t,
<br />and _.... ....Mdrl,Qll,.F,,. apd._:Ruby D,__ Smith _ _ _ party of Ihr rcont9 part.
<br />N'ITNESSFi I'H, [teal ihe~-said party of [htflrat part, for and In consiJrraHinn of (t.. ~Q,~~Q ..QQ . _.. _. I. r@n :~h0U 5dnd'
<br />and no/00-- -- --- ---- ----- --------
<br />_:...... .....: .... .. ..... _..... _ ... _._ ___. .. _.._....DOIJ.ARC, paid by saki party of the
<br />aecondpart• 4he rtccipt whereat Is hereby acknowle ogrd, tens 6rnntcd. bn rgninal, sold and. conveyed, one! by these presents;
<br />doesgrant, bargain, self andcbnvey, unto aaid paKy o[ the second pa rY. the hitlowing doscrtbed rest property situate in the•
<br />:'County of Nd;7.]: _.. _.... and 3tatc of Nebr sakn, to-wft:
<br />Lot l4,_, Heights Subdivision, Hall.Co.unty, Nebraska..,. __
<br />_ _ ... _.
<br />ttagtther with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenn aces to the some belonging, soil all Uu: estate tiUr, ,,,,.vor
<br />Aght oI homestead,clalmrand demands whatsoever of the utd party u! the Oral partu(, inorto salrl premis •s or an}•pnrt,
<br />lhareot`snd ot.[hc first .putt does hereby covenant, that saW party u( the flrat part is Iawtully seised of said prem-
<br />. >ap,thai'esld premises are Yree. (homincumbrance and thaFsaid party of the prat part wfU warrant and defend the title to soul
<br />premisea_against: the lawful claimrand demands of all persons whomsoever,
<br />YROVTDEDALI~L'AYS, and..Utese. presents :ere upon Utese condttlnns:
<br />YPHL•r'R)$Ag, aafdparty of'theflrat part teas executed and delivered to the sold party of IIte second part
<br />promissorynott.... :p1 U. S,. lDter?St_d5 per..mOri;Qdg2 I70t2.._
<br />-and whertaa, lheparty of Iha neat part has agrredtrr kerpthn 6ull,hngs; !! nn}•, upanv,ud premisc a, insured din v„n,o +-,,,;,,.
<br />parry or companies approved. by sail pariy..u( the sr•.cand part, for the Gull. in urnbk:. ra teas nS;:rin,t Toss a,y..tirp and tvi n~lstn: m w,th
<br />etttendedcovtrtyfe anddellver toaaldpurty n! the sccanA_Imrl the }xdlcy ur. pnIItica auuairiml; h stnndn rd mart t: t?;c. clo a<c trvh
<br />lha tonpayabir lo. atWS party o! Ute arcond part., or assigns, and h:aa :agrc.•aito ]ut}• all Uixcs ui I t~srssnwnt .tgcu I t 1. 1 :
<br />toes betort the same, by law, became iletinyutnt, and tens agn,ed that if said S+nriy of .the tit stpar t it cs n t i u+,~L.Ir nth
<br />inaunnce, of fellso ptyaU taxq as aforesaid, then said party of Yhr :arcoruf part, ur hoS+ler hereof may ],n}- uch in.rue rose
<br />. andtattts,. or etther::or them, and ai! amounts pafcf. by said parry. of the seennd port shalt bear anlcreat nt tho u~;o e f- r„n,•
<br />per centper annum from,: Nc date. of paymen[r and this martgagt shall stanrias. sccurtly therefor, and raid sum may !,e
<br />added to 6heamoun[ of the mortgage debt, and Lht soma recoveredna n part ttiretaf. Now, if lhr said party of the fu~st p;ut
<br />shall welPand tnAy'pay or cattse tobepald the. saldsum ire money in saki note. .. _,menl4antd, with !nl•rast th •roon urcnrd-
<br />Ing to he Tenor anJ eRCCT of said nail. .. and shall keep sn fd half+tm~s tnsurrd ns ^herrsa ell, amt .Noll kr+rl nt taxew and
<br />wesmtnts pald.and shalt duty kttp, serf perform all t~nolher cov..uds :u++t agreements herein cnnutin,..I, then Ihr:a~
<br />'. presenta,ln bt null and vo1d. Ilut (! crud. sum n(man •y ur nn}• p»rt the ~.ut, ar any. In(en•at lhrrcnn. Is not paid stela -hr ... rnr
<br />hr due, omit aaW':bWldtrlCa'atlall nut tnskti>tinaurrd na nf,rresnkl, nr It the loxes nhil nvan suuoria nhnlnai s.,.i Il
<br />'not pnidal or Defort tha: Lime thesamc become. by law ddln quent, ur. t( anidpn riy of ihr•. Ilrat, part stall( hla .n ku•p.:, n.f
<br />pertMmany rnvenants here4h ctmtafned the holder hereuC ahnn havtihe dptlnn to dednrt the whole. n( sn1d in~l+^hic,bn•.a due a,,d
<br />pays bit at any time attee. auchtallureor default,and may main tutu an nrtlnn ni imv ni• oquity In recover the sn ntr. ;end the rru~.
<br />.mencernent of auchactluo- shalt be the unlyrtotlct af. 4he excrc lac of saki option required..
<br />AND'IT IS FU(tTliEft PROVIAt',D ANf) ACItF.EU, Thalihr yaid ittartgnyor shaiCnmt wilt 1-sty net I:ixcr Icvi,^d uixm t6ix
<br />mort~e' or the-debt xtcured Chereby, tngetherwJth any athcr lnxta nr nsacasmenla whte5 may be A^vLd ondcr the 1.uws „(
<br />Nebraska, agaiilsl thesw[d 1KOrtSagce. ur'[ht. legal lu,lder_ut the said principal Holt ._. ,.un account a( this indabinlncas.
<br />ANDDT 15 FURTHER F'ROVIflF%D ANDAC.REdi l}, that the nn tern n.+S M,+r(t r, :vv n ,t and s ~.rr n•ithtr Mnrt t_ ;
<br />(hrl the Conditiana far makiaR thir loan is that the Marq,apc r~ S nd wi 7 ttt + r wn n ecr. py th r ai r ~r t,•
<br />herein des~:rttxd as stet personal pt{vrtedwclGng"of thrmar(Kagurti s .look m, this murty /. , I th oar 1 n l~ sour I h r t t
<br />rnY Dart Ihrrcnl. remrtna unpsad. 1! ut any tm,r, wht7w Sht marl lttt~Il ~ in r f( t. nn I ft+ t It f r ahtc•h thrs m rt 11 +r
<br />atemtty, ur any peel rhrrra remains. unpaid, .the undlrFfQnrrl Mo 18. y,ro d! r u +.t th • estate I r in.. t•ri rib t yr ,r nv
<br />paK then af. ar IheMorr `rgora do Hal have nr cease t1i ryavc (v. to t r I :al ra t r r nY pL rt. thorn .f c t r ao t'. t a liy
<br />atrupy Iht acrd reel ertate as. tlu orivste dwelLng of the undvrv good, th n anA.. n ry xucl mLa, th 11ont,+ • .n uy, ,,; t..
<br />option, declrte [hrunprtd.a,rmeSprthalrna r, a+nd mtertxt,. of the. nuts securrSl. hereby mmedlottly da+.. and{ray ati,ir.
<br />~n ~e~tim+anp ~fjercof, . _ _ __
<br />._. __ ..
<br />__ _..
<br />__ _.
<br />~ ,
<br />~, .
<br />W PRESENCE OF: ..I//J,"-1-~-: ~/2t-'Z~~.. .
<br />~o~. Smith ,
<br />Sharon K. Smith
<br />STATE t)F NF.P.RASKA, (3n. t1,9s ~3rCt
<br />,,~ da}• a( _ Apra l 82
<br />-A. D. la
<br />Camtty nl Ha~~. .. before me, a Notary Public Sn and for the ant<t County persnnnily rn mr the nlxrvc
<br />namta Ronald L. Smith_and Sharon K. Smith
<br />. ~ - ~ ° - wits del?. _ pcrannnliy known tr r. u:
<br />!o hr, the. htcnUca! person S:... w}r,gsc .name. die nKixed to the nixrvc inalruna•nt
<br />as grsntar and acknawlrctgcrt said irslrumen[ to he th21 r
<br />.volt: ntn ry nc•t sad deed.
<br />WI'1'NE,SS: my hated ttndNot aria! Sral the date l:vat :Ifnrrsnid.
<br />.. -^_ jr
<br />Cit(f146t aCi111Y-lfnadsMlarb~-%r.!w }.. :..-c .rn.,. _~j d~.. `~.,./ .
<br />t11ARCbR iL D.AY15 + '
<br />fly cnmrrtisslnn a%p#rra }f- - -C^'_. ;G" `5 tMY Calaaa.6µ Ay s, LD&1 Nalnry 1:•ublic.
<br />