<br />~rrtial ~glr~~r
<br />3igerra~e:..... g....$~t?~t>._~?,a7~'3.e..;~d..S~ate1.-.I.<..1?uez~--a>~--l,i~liau.~t...FtaenninS',
<br />I __.._. -- ...... . ----
<br />hereinafter called the il~fortgagor, executed a certain mortgage to tlerxoeo[.tr.~ax LIFE IxsvxnxcE
<br />CompexY; of *Sew York, \Tew York, dated.....-.7.a~..'1.1,...1~-~~.._..__...._ .................._to secure the payment cf
<br />._._-"'~"_..~"~E.,..~...'.~~-.,.~"..-....---......_.-..Dollars, said mortgage-tieing of retard in tho office of the
<br />~iC~A.te~.og.~??~~®. --- -°--..of.... ~3.- - __.._.._ _ ___ _ - ._._......_.County ~6~;5.:&81.~- - - - --- . .............
<br />in Book.......137.....-.-------.....-...af ;Vfor'_gages-", on F'age._.__..61.1...-.__......---.;and
<br />~Qrrzma said Mortgagor has requested i\7ErROt'a~tr.ax I_teE Ixsuxaxce Co~tFaxr to release a
<br />tract of..-.....-None .............__....acrea of the premises described in said ntartgage37m~tEa~from the lien thereof ;
<br />$TDm. if;llertfarrt. i~tIItu ~Aff >'~rn frg t7lhtst ~resrMB, that in consideration of the sum of .............-----,:-..--
<br />-._---.,...-.-.°.°__ ......................._oN~..__--........_._._...._.....__ ..... _..... _°i7ailars, lawful money of the United States
<br />of America, unto it pasd at the execution and delivery hereof, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,
<br />MErxoro4trrt.~ LtaE IxscanxcE Co~rwxv has remised. released and quit-claimed, and by these presents does
<br />remise, release and quit-claim unto the said Mortgagor, his heir. and assigns, the following described real
<br />estate, situate in the Countvot . .-...~ .__-.__ ___ ____ and State af_~I+abr&~--_.__ _-..._., to wit:
<br />'here sill be no ingxesa or egress over the weaterlg e~i.sting .highway 32~ right of
<br />way line located i.n the NcArth Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 25, Township
<br />9 North, die 10 'Rest of the Sizth Principal Meridian, 5a11 Conatg, Nebraska, fmm
<br />ar to the r.~.ar,aor of said Quarter Section, except, over the e~sting public road
<br />slang the North line of said Quarter Section.
<br />Zt is the intention of Chia deed that the control of access remain tmchanged,
<br />ezcept that the rights of ingress sad egaeas as granted in the document filed is
<br />Reed Book 156: Page 572, in the records of the register of leads of Hall County,
<br />Eisbrsbirs shall be teasinated, and tha# the rights of ingress and egress as described.
<br />abows ahail prevail -^,°'~'
<br />$o-~sr aaDlZn3Uoldl~e Bewe~dh}~stlr Agfturtrnritters, tmto the ,aid 1-fartgagor, his heirs and as-
<br />signs, #orever freed, exonerated and discharged of and tram the iirn r,f said mart;;age-, and c.~E every
<br />part thereof, provided always, nevertheless, that nothing herein a~ntained shall ~s env wiu atTect, alter f1r ciimin-
<br />ish the. lien or encumltrance of the aforesaid mortgage ]won tltr. rt•maining part Tji said reel estate
<br />described in said mortgage-, or the remedies at dew iar recovering frcmt tht ,aici lfartgr*gor, his leeirs,
<br />executors, administrators and. assigns, the balance of said indebtedness ~.vith intrre,t.
<br />.~c ~ierruf. MErxoeot.trAx I ate I*:st x.axct: C asre.axr has caused these presents to be
<br />executed its~v, a resident and its corporate s~el to be hereto athxid this_ y4? '~'...
<br />WIT:tiE55£5: :tif~1'RGE'C)LITAti LIFE ftiSliRAtC? Cr~~iF'A`~Y
<br />/' / ;
<br />__._~...._..._~......__._.... . .. , .... .._...._..... - ..-..._..-- /~ ~[„ i,'/-.Tt~ ice f'resialent y^5 _
<br />EtS'WARO i..._ ..-_ 2=r2G
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<br />Pt}p,' AC2GNC1W3.a.Df"31EN't 4E£ R£"u £:RSE: ~iUE.
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