<br />Rudenxtai No .......~.. 4~~...~.~`.~....---_....._ ~ ,•!
<br />. DEi;D 4F PARTkAL REi.EASE
<br />~~~`~C/p~~ ~~~~~
<br />t+7rereas.....RQ$:£~tT...h..... J€~HNSQN._and...HARRIETT.. ~i.... SCHNSOy,...husband...and., wif e,..........._....
<br />................._...................-............__. _................. ... ____..._.. _.._....................._.... eYecu red a certain mo
<br />.._. _._........ ... rtgage, as Mortgagor.
<br />to,. .......................... _..... _.....---................
<br />TfdE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COAiPtINY OF .LNERICA, a New fersey corporation, as Mortgagee, dated
<br />....................IS:~L..~.............-........-................., 19._~$.... _.. to secure tfte psyment of a Hate of even date there with, in. the svm of
<br />RNP....F1L'~'t'A~CCF.U..:TF,IQG.S~'A..AATA. ~IQ./.~,Q@..-_--. -....-_.-_..-._.-..- _- _-._-...-...-._-...-...-....-...-...-...-.._-...-...-Dollars,
<br />recorded in .......$e,1.7 ..................___ Canary, ...Nebraska. _ _ _.____. as Dccument No.7&-001132..._.....
<br />~ . ... ................ ........ 9fi6Y .._...._... _Y7~iX .__ _.
<br />Now Therefote, Know Ait Mat By These Prescntx, drat said TIfE PRLtDE\TL~L tNSURANCs COAfPANY" OF AMERICA,
<br />for and in consderalian of One Dotiaz, and fat ether wood and vatua4le ansideraiions, flte r_ctipt of which is atknowltdged, hereby,
<br />does xemise,_ convey, rekease and qubt-claim to zhe aiorexild MarVdgor, alt the richt, title., and interes[ it may have acquired by virtue
<br />of said mortgage N attd to the preadses iocated is the Cuunry of _..Hdll...........
<br />..__. ands:ateat......Veb~aska....._...__ ...............
<br />desm"bed_ax follows, to wit:
<br />rIlE1ARIED b'Y1 A. 'W. ~Toennies
<br />3800 PRU()ENTtAL PtA14 CHICAGO, k16. 505nt
<br />Ta 6ave cad fo hWd the. sarrtc with the apprutenaocea arx! privdegex thezeunto txianging or appertauting, free, dixcharged
<br />cad rslaued od and tmm the tiaz of said mortgage.
<br />Provrded,. howYVer, that ttozlting herein cunraetted xliall in any wsac or manner affect, alter or dimuuxh iht lien or
<br />ezrcumbraace of aul mnstgage on the remaining parr of the premnex oz property described therein, not herein reirased, <rr r4e
<br />runedMs a: tavtoc zecoveriztg from the parttes lia4k theredor the 4akanx of said prutcipai sum, with utteresi, secxred Thereby.
<br />,. -, Nitse~`tLe d~ execution hetaoC> in._Chifisi.$Q.a...1:Zl~tagi`.~.~.......--.,, oz,,... M3z'ch 23 .................. 19.,.`~.Z......
<br />~. ~ ~ _ - r / THE PR UDE~i7TAl INS4RA COMPANY OF AMERICA.
<br />z' A
<br />Attest ,_. ... ..:. .. ( K~ ,{
<br />sy - _ . __ __..,,r
<br />_. •, ;4 taP Secretary ~~~ ~-~-~~Igce PresiJent.
<br />rite of 1111noS e
<br />Counts d Cook
<br />~.
<br />J, L02'I:YLB:. K. N•ICS't.Q , a ,k'otary~ Pu$tic in and fpr saizl Ciyrraty, irs nc~ $1a[e afvrasaW, Jn
<br />kurby. cerr(v Brat A. J. Boy1C , personafFy known tv me rv bt the Vice PresiJenr of
<br />7Yf,£ PRirZ1ENTtiL fNSURR:tiC£' COAfPrdPo'Y QF 1hfERICA a corrnraricm cJ rht Smtr of Neer .,rrrsey, ateJ,
<br />d11~Zl31. iI. T0lI1E11!S ~TSVr~'`Ry known to me ru ba the Asslstarxr S~=cretar~~ o,.r ra61 cvr'7roratiun, and persurrafly knvwn to me
<br />to.br rPrc mrtte itrraienz. whose names. are sv8scri$ed ro the fvrtfovrz ia,rrrumcnr, apticrrr,J before me this day in person and rera:raity
<br />at'katowitdgtid thet tJbty tignrJ aruf d¢diverrd the .mid ;nrtrumant as 4`irr Prratlenl end ,duisient Srucrarv of miJ eor~:anon, end caus..•J
<br />iht acwptvatr xea( of zwut txrr}xxtatiatz tc+ hr affzxr,•ii thereto, purxu¢nt t,~ autkarirv gtnen $p the Bvaed of Direrurs of srrtrf rsrrFwrat4on, ar
<br />[lµti fxet aee,^! vrdur[rart~ aft acrd at Ctte (yet and talunrary cct unJ decd of sax/ c:rr~ arrsrn.or rhr use,: arul ln.rpnxas they. in set f'tirtF..
<br />ftup!n unaftr my tianJ ara.t. ajfeeicfaeat .tires 24th. kar Uf 498Y'th . 19 8~
<br />My <ammicxscwat ceptat3 .....i~13r~18.5 _ _ aa-1.~.<'i'r~._. :~,,a7. ~. -- -„..
<br />~,
<br />r>;:,r, ~--~~:,z,tr
<br />