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oz 2e 3sssa crow R,~ T~'v <br />16`A ~~ 1 i7r~Gg~ rr~-~ <br />i3G~'~~Q~~ f <br />This form is used in connec- <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the l+tationai <br />Housing Act. <br />THiS'ttnRTCACE. made:and execpted this 23~ day. of April A_D <br />ly E2 , by and between Sohn titilliata Crow and Juste Flora Craw, husband and wife <br />of the County of Hall. ,and State of Nebraska, party oP the first pan, hereinafter called <br />'the't2ortgagor.and ~~ RICf3ARD GILL COMPANY <br />`a corporation organized and existing under the {awsof the united States of America <br />patty of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee, ' <br />WI'fNfiSSETH: That the said'44ort~g•agor, far and inconsideration of the sum of <br />Thirty Three Thatasand attd 44/ICOt.>ts------------- poliars (S 33, 400 _ OQ ), paid by the; lNort- <br />gagez. thz receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and. Sold and by these presents. does firanF; IIar- <br />:gays,. Sc7t. Convey and Cannrm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever; the fallowing-described <br />real e,tare, the County of Hall ,and State <br />'of ~'ebrasita, to wits <br />Lot Nine (9), Schn*+un*+ Subdivision, HaII County, Nebraska <br />Also Knotora As <br />3Q23 North Wehb Road <br />Grandzslatad, NE 68841 <br />of tM: Sixth Principal Meridian, cantaitring in elf city propert acres according to Govern- <br />mentsurvty Y <br />T© HAVE AND T(1 H04D the premises above described, with ;di the appurtenances thereunto helanging and including <br />alt heating, plumbing and lighting fixtures and. equipment now ar hereafter coached to ar used in cannectitm with said reef estate <br />unto the Mortgagee, and to its successors and :,signs, forever. The Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Mortga- <br />gee, Chat therMortgagor has good right to slit and Canvey xaid premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and ttiaf the <br />Mortgagor wilt wartafli and defend the same against the lawfai c[sims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor here- <br />by relinquishes all rights of homestead; and alt martial rights, either itt law or inequity, and all ether contingent interests of the <br />Mortgagor iir aril to the above-described premixes, the imcorion being to canvny hcreby an a6nalute, tilts; in fee simple, indud- <br />ingalt nghts of homestead,and oilier rights and interests as aforesaid, <br />PROV IL3ED AL1tAYS, and.these presents ace executed anddelivered upzm the follawing el7nditions, to wit: <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or ard.r, the }iriircipal sam of Thity Three Thousand and <br />40j144ttts------------------------°- Datlars t5 33.040.00 ), <br />with interest from dale at the rate of fi:Eteen and one half per crntum ( 15.54 .~ ~ <br />perannum on <br />the unpaid balance untifpaid. Thrsaid principal and inieri:st shalt bepayahte at the office,af THE RICHARD GIFT. COMPANY <br />in San Antonio, Texas . ar at such other place as the holder of <br />the:. note may designate in venting, in monthly instattmeatsof Four Htutdred Thrity and 55/IOOths-------- <br />----' -°-----^^--=Dollars f$ 431).65, ), commencing an the first day of <br />June , 19$2 ,and on the first day oP each month thereafter until the principal and in- <br />terest are :fully paid, .except that the final payment. of principal and interest, if not saner paid, shat) be due and <br />payable on the first day of I3ay -,2412 ; cif according to the terms of a certain. promis- <br />s~ry nets of evendate herewith exe cured by the said Mortgagor- <br />The Mortgagor in order more ftrlty io protect the security of this Mortgage, agrees: <br />i. That Yee wit! pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in-whole, or in an <br />amount equal to one or more monthly payments oaths. principaithat;are. next due on the:note, on the first day ofany:monrh <br />prior to mawrirv' Provided, howzver, That written notice of,atrintentian o exercix such privilege is given at least thirty (30) <br />days pnor to prepaymert_ <br />2. T?:a;, togc[her with, and in addition to, the-monthly payments of principal and i.nferest. payable under.the terms of the <br />note vecvrred hereby, the Mo~tgagur wilt pay. to the Martgagee,pn the first daq of,each month until ills sal8 note is fully paid, The <br />following surn5~ <br />(a} Amoum s~ift~etent io;prctvrda the-hgCder hereo6wiitr funds to pay zhe.vtcxz mortgage-insurance preanium if this <br />~ttsitcment and thr note secured hereby are insured; or a monthly: charge fin lieu ofa rreortggge insumnce pre- <br />trrumJ t then arc held by the Secretary of liousingand L'fian Deveiaprnent, as f'allows: <br />(f) If and }a fang-as said'nate of ewers dale and than instrument arc insured c7r are reinsured under the prey <br />ttsiotts of the-Nazianal-._ HousingAct; an amountsuf'f`tcieni to accarrutate in tltc hands of thcholder anc <br />(lerYlmces fHA-2:r4aM which may be useU unx;t supPty is ext,aurtW S7'~"I'E ()$` N~;.i39dAyKA <br />j ~ NUiJ•g2t43Mr 19.7$) <br />3; <br />