'~ 803?,-1~ELEAS£ OF MOBTGAG~-Corporation
<br />1
<br />$2 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 3 Huffman and Felton & Woif, Walton, Ne. 68461 ~;
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the pa~wnent of the debt named therein, the
<br />TAE. OPE~.I,,ANp NATI~IAL BANK QF GRAND ISLPND hereby releases tfae ~ssortgage made to
<br />oo~~~ ~~SS~~{{ I)~ASE~, f~tlRY r~':El'TFdVBRIIVK
<br />~~~ ANi7B~ ~!~NAR.INK' YORli
<br />~ on the o ounx estri 'e re¢ est¢te, to-xuat:' i
<br />The Northwest (7uaster (IVSP$) of Section Four (4), Townshira
<br />87:even (11) North, Range 'Vine (9) Nest of the/ 6th P.ht. , Hall County, Nebraska, exeeot sucYs
<br />tracts as have heretofore been conveyed and showm in the Deed Records of the Register of s
<br />feeds of Ha1I County, Nebraska., recorded in Book I05, Page 515, Book 118, Page 193,
<br />3ook 137, Page 19, Book 145, Page 349, and Book 148, Pare 151.
<br />of Sectiaa in Tournship ,Range of the P. ~Lf., Hall
<br />County, State of -Nebraska. mhith is recorded era-b'aoit-•-~----af-Real &st¢te .11crt.~?ges, page
<br />of the records of sand County. Daeurrent: ~Tti. 81-003983
<br />IId TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said ZIiE OVEPi~-]iVI? .?A'~'i ISLANT) hru caused
<br />these presents to be esecuted by its president and its Corpi7r¢te Seal th bd dfJiz d ll this d I
<br />~itrc.ss: April ,fl 82.,PHE OVF.,RI~II N.~}~I. }3ANK ISLANt]
<br />- ----- -- ---- -....... - --- ° Presiden
<br />~,. ) ,, ... ..-...., t
<br />4'' ~:--". _ . ..... .. . . ..... ._ 1 hest ?~.-.~L.1<_'..."~~(..J~~:t #_ ' ,Secretary
<br />{ - - --- ----------- - Zia a
<br />j. S'['ATE U^. ----~- ---_..--- --- • ~ On this-...- - -- Y ...Pr ----...., 19 $2..
<br />~ -.da of.-.._.....'
<br />------------------.Coon before me, the undersi _
<br />w --'------ - -1------- tY fined, a Notary Public iu and for ,
<br />• ~ h4ichael T. Higgins _ _ President of the
<br />L- s.,d,Coanty, penoasAy came----°-- .-•-=--° --- °--...-..---° - -- .........................~---..... ....-.... -.,
<br />~ ._-_..-- -" 'IfiE FAD NATIONAL BA'~iK OF (1P,AR~ I.SIAND a Corporation '~;
<br />..-.v ......._ -..._-•---------...----- - ----- - ---------- -------- --- --- -•--------.._.....----......----..
<br />to me petaonally ]snn~ra to be the President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and
<br />acamowledaed the: ezecution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and ~
<br />;deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority.
<br />Witness my hand and. Notarial Seal at..... Gx~nd .Island...--.,-• in said County the day and year
<br />last above written. GENERAL IR1 '
<br />ar Sbh M }kpk)rtW ~ ,
<br />My commission •~ ' F '~=- '~- l y«-,~t,,~
<br />.: ~- ~a Iw?'~i' - --f_t~a. ~':--. CJ ....... ........ Notary Public j
<br />
<br />
<br />