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_____ <br />I~IURTCACE ~ ~~°- s ~ {. i <br />~. MORTG.AGE LOAN NO. _ L 24~Q29 <br />TfN09V ALL MEN BY TIIFSE PRFSENTS~ That Donald M. Tagge and Lorraine S. Tagge, each in his and <br />hey" Oidi1 right and aS SpOUSe Of each Other, Mortgagee, whether one or more, in cottsideration of the sum of <br />'l~lve ')~tLSarx3 and no/100-------------__ DOLLARS <br />loaned Ya said titortgagor try The Equitable Handing and Loam Associatian otCrartd Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 120 shares of stock of <br />sad ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 24, 029 , da hereby grant, convey and mortgage tmta the ssid ASSOCIATION ills foIlowing <br />deserrbed real estate, situated in flail County, Atebr-.aska: <br />Lot Seven {7) in Block Thirteen {13) in wallichs Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; <br />foltetiser wRh a1F the terrcmrnts, hereditarrents sad appurtenances thereunto belonging, mcltrdir[g attachal. ftoir mxrings, ail window screeats, <br />wittdew shades, blinds, storm windows, awautgs, heating., air conditroning,atdplumbing and watcrcyttipttfenfand actzssories tlteteto,pumps,stoxs, <br />rcfrigasatots, and other fntttues and equiprxrtt cww or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real esiatc. <br />Andwhercas the said roartgagor has agreed attd doles hereby agree that the mori~gor shall and wiHl pay a81 taxes and assessments levied or <br />asatsaed-open :said Premises sad upon this mortgage and the bond se~arred thereby before the same shall become delingttent; to furnish approved <br />instrra[ue topon the bttilditgp oa sad Premises sittnted in the sum of S 12 ~ OOO. QO payabk [o said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATIUN the policies for lair{ insurance: and rout to rxrrrtrrtit or permit any waste anon about said prcmisa.~s; <br />in L'au; of default ut the perfomm~ce of any of the terms and aasditrorts of this rnurtgagr it the bond secured hereby, the mortgtigce shall, <br />on dermrwi. be ettuikrt to immediate Poaessian of the mortgaged premises am! the rnattprgor ttreby assigtts, transfers and sets oxr to the <br />morfpee all the rents, rrnenttes and. irttzrrue to 6e derived from the trwrtgageal prcmiaea during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall rettutin <br />umipaid: and thcmor[gagee shall hex the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire far the purpose of repairing said premises and renting <br />the same atul colkc[iag the teats, reventtes and :naotne,and iI'maY WY out of said income ail expenses of repairing said premises and nerxstary <br />o aril cxpatacs incurred in. rmtingaod managittg the same and of calLczing renlais therefrom; the baHance rermtining, if any, to. be <br />appGni toward the discharge of said mortgage indcbtedrtess: these rights of the mt>rtgagce may Ix estercised at any tithe during the existence of such <br />ode, inesPuctive nt any temporary waiver of the same.. <br />1lsese presents, 8tiwexr, are upin .the Conditarn, That if the said Mirtgagor shat! repay said loan on or before the maturity of slid shares by <br />payment; pay ntirtihty to said AS5(.1C.tATfUfd of the sum specified. in the &md ser~ured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before <br />flee Twrnttet,h dayof each and exry ntanth., until said Roan is fully Paid: PaY a81 taxes and assessmems levied against said premises and on this Mortgage <br />anti the Band secured zhercbY, before delingttenay;tanish approxdinst:rance upon thebuildings thererxn inthe San of 512, 000.00 payable <br />to said ASSI]CLATION; repay in said ,4SSOCtATION upon demaml. at8.martcy by it paid for such [axes, asaessntents and insurance with interest at <br />the maximum kgyt rate therein :from date of payment all of whir3t Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; perauf rti waste on said premises; kcepand comply <br />with aB.tbt: agrtemeoasard catditions of the eind for512,000.00 the day.. gixn by the sand Mortgagor w said ASSOC1AT10N,and simply <br />with. adl the raquireatents if the. Cinetitutian aril BY-Laws of raid ASSOCIATION; then these presents atraH become ntd! and raid, othe[wise. racy <br />sltaB restrain in fu6 force and may befaecktsed at theoprian of iii said ASSOCiAT10N .after fadtue for three montlrs ti make any oC said <br />payments or be three months in arrears in tnakiag:said mtmthly paytnrats, or to keep andcompHy wkh the agretments and crmditionsot saidHond; <br />and Mortg,~usr,agrees to hex a re~rvcr. appomted tortlnvith m srtch forrxlostue proceedings. <br />if there is anycbange in owtterslrip of the real estate. mortgagadherein,. by sak or otherwise, [hen the entire remaining indebtedness hereby <br />secured shall, atthe option of The Egttitabk Banding and Loan-Association afGrud Ssland,Nebraska,become immediately doe andpayab[e without <br />frrrtlter acstioe, and tfte amount rensanautg due under saidband, and. any itber bond, far any additiowi advances made thetttmder, stra8,.from the <br />due ofexerrase ofsaMeptron,bear mfeie~at the:tnaxittturnkgai rate, and this morigagemaytlxn be fnredrrsed tosetiafy 4lleanwmtt due oo said. <br />bond, and say ithu bond far additional advances, together with alt sunss paid. by said 77x. Equitable Budding sad Loan Association of Grand Island., <br />PTekbtaska for insurance, taxes and assessmi:ats; sad abstractinv ex[ensian charges, wdth interest therein, from date of payment at the maximum. <br />kpl late:.. <br />As pmvided in the Hind secured hereby, while this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee .may hereafter advance additional surna to the <br />nukers of said Bond,itreir assigru or successors in interest, which stunsshatl be within zhe security of this mortgage the same as the funds originally <br />secured titerebq, the total agtount if principaS debt nit to exceed at any time the original amount if thisrnortgage. <br />Drred tats 21st day of ~~~April, A. n.. l9 82 <br />1a1 . M /i!f" <br />~,, <br />~ ~ ~ <br />. I,arraine S. Tagge <br />STATE OF NEBIeASKA,,~ ~ On this 21St da of <br />COU*1T'S' OF NA LL r April , l s 82 , bcfoce me, <br />the undersigned, a Notary Public in and tar sairi County, personally came <br />ldorTagge and. Lorraine S. Tagge, each in his and hex--own~igl~hiard as spouse of <br />`~ are personally known to <br />r <br />tnc to be the itlentual petxon S wlurst namt S are affixed ti the abox~astroment as mo~fgagrer 5 and the .ieveraHy <br />ukaowle4ged ll.~ sai~: irtstrurrerst tc: tae.... thelZ valrsnzaxy act asd deed.. ;` <br />r <br />t47"!:N#r3.C my hand and Nitariat.Seal the date afiressid_ ~ ' <br />~1 }' ( a:n.]liSrlpif CIprTC9 ~ ~' ` <br />__ <br />rxr$na 1Yr ~wwn~~~ ~,~~ ,... r~ ~ ~. NDtaT~( 8'1Rtr{s•J`'- <br />