4.!-SURVIYORSNIA WARRANTY D€ED ~elr..., f. WoiF CcmPe rny, l.tn<o1n, Near.
<br />SIlRVlVi~i2Si-i1P W,~RRANTY DEE4~
<br />AK~AES Rode, '~ ~~-~~ ,herein called t.}xe grantor «~hether one, or mare,
<br />Iin eonsider2.tion of $1..00 arn3 othFSr valuable considerations,
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto Gerald E. Roc}e aarl
<br />Sandra Ie. Rock,
<br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants ~.x common, the follawing described real
<br />property in ......................_...Hdll........_........,°..... County, Nebraska:
<br />ComAencizy at a point Six (b) rods South of the North-
<br />east corner of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(S>~Sd~ of Section Four (4) in Totitnship Eleven (11)
<br />Diorth, Ramie Done (9) West of the: 6th P.M., on the
<br />Salt line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(), ttsenee running. South Tltenty (20) rods, along.
<br />sad'Sast line, thence run~.ng West Eighty (80) rods.
<br />theme ruamtng Diorth Parallel r-ith said;. East line
<br />ZMenty (20) rods. thence runaix>g East Eighty* (80) rods
<br />to the glace of beginning, in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />To have and to bold the atone 3esrritaed 1~;-emises together with all tenements, hereditaments
<br />and appurtenauees thereto belonging.unto the grantees sud to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns
<br />of the survivor of them forever.
<br />end grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns zuzd wi1:h the heirs
<br />azzd assigns of tlae survivor of them that grantor is lawful)}~ weiseel of said premises; that they zzre £ree from
<br />encumbrance
<br />that. grantor has gaol rig}zt and lawful authority is eanvey the same; and that garaxttar warrants aaxd will
<br />defend the Title to said premises against the lacv£n1 elairns o£ all persons whanzsocver.
<br />It is, the intention of ali partiev hereto that in the event of tlxe death n£ either of the graztees,
<br />thz= entire fee simpIc title to the real estate shall vest in the surrlvi,lzg granta~a.
<br />.Dated ~- ~ r' 29 ~5
<br />.~
<br />~~^/
<br />
<br />.9m.A'3`13 L7F ...................»..............~ ........................ County ;jf ......................................
<br />Befare me, a notary publicquslified for said county, personallq came
<br />~J U) --'s
<br />known to nze to be the idantieai persan or persons was signed ilxe foregoing. instrxxnxent aaxd acknowledged
<br />the esecutian ihereo£ to be his, .her ar tlzeir voltaniary not and deed.
<br />e
<br />Vi'?fusee any baud and notarial seal on ....... ~' ~ f• ~.r.......,; 29 ;!.>a....
<br />/ ~i.....
<br />,^ a >
<br />faEi~Rltti~iu>itY-~:.,~v- " .., ... ~. ~ . `+,~d.ut''Y'r~::~.1::r..,~..f..4`..;.,r:......:~iotsrs i'i,hfie
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<br />~~f1l~lMafi.287ir ~'y cozurr;%9icm ra sires /;ti'..~. _......1..... rr {{,
<br />_.... ..., 29,..,/...,r,~,,...
<br />