<br />221-h-•M ECldANIC'3 LIEN ~~-
<br />~ t Lien claimed by.
<br />,,._PAC~SETFER--PRODUCTS s --INC.--___
<br />Address.P.~.505 ,'!I!! ,thitahas__Ngbr.-__68127
<br />•~, Naffman and Kelton & Wotf Walton, Ne. 68461 ~
<br />--
<br />~i
<br />- Michael J. and Laura ~. ATelson
<br />tigamsk.°---...--.. -------•-•--- --- ------------------ -• -------•- --.....
<br />50$ E. 19th Gzand Island, Nebr. 688J1
<br />it
<br />if
<br />I ~k
<br />fi
<br />I
<br />' I
<br />!`
<br />Slats of,.N.£~iL4ka '~
<br />ss.
<br />Dau~las ...____.___ Coxxty~
<br />Afjtaxt', ..-_._Ns3,Ktl.~n.OsL~ow-Vice President ...., beixg first
<br />dxly sworn, ax his oath says that the foregoixg itemised account of work, labor, skitl..........-•-..--•-°..._ ..................................
<br />matrriads, and' improvemexts is true and corrert: that same were doze and performed and furnished by the xxdersigned
<br />for the said...,..__._.._----°• ..................kSi.Chat1--'~~---~d---Lr~uz:1..J....~1.~1EOn-...-°°----------...............-°-•-----....._......-•---•--° '' I
<br />wider as WLl t~efl..... ..............._,........, .. COxtract._.......,....., ~,
<br />repair dwelling
<br />for the*......_.__......_......._.....__...___,.......__.__._-- ............._-..._......of a .............,..•--_......_............................••----•.................._......._...
<br />on the following tot, pied or parcel of tand, visN.._........._°--- .......... ............................._.............................................
<br />{ __.._ ........................................._.Lat..K~,.Block..l..klaggene=...S.uus~ix3sian.......,..._............_.......... .
<br />
<br />That at the Smr said contract xt+as made and labor and matesials furnished axd delivercd iherexxder ........................ '~
<br />Michael 3. and Laura J. Nelson........ -•--•..---.-,-.•,---,.,._...was the owner of said premises' '~
<br />That the Bats of the. first ittm fxrxisked and delivered was ................. 3-2Q-$?
<br />............_ and: the ;~
<br />I date of the. last itare wa.r ....................._.__._...._....,...... ~_ .~.~.:..x..~_............................. ......._ ....................... ......... '.
<br />rtgiant fwthn states that said labor ttps performed ox, and materials were fxrnished for, delivered at, and xstd ix
<br />said bxiddixp or premises ox and betcveex the dates speci(red.
<br />That tlr~ pricts charged thersfor ors fair axd reasoxabde, and that there is now due on said accvxxP the sum of
<br />~ One Tfxousand Four hundred Ninety Eight Dollars and 32/IDO
<br />......_.......__....,..._._.____..-•°-----•--------- .............---- -• - --•--•---.........---._._ ..._.....- ---............Flaltars, that said"
<br />Pacesetter Produets~ _ Inc ,... - „--.cdairns a liex on the said premises for the full arxauxt of ~.
<br />.. »-,
<br />said accoxxti to-mit• Tks sxm of 3 49$X32.,.__..........__.._ ................lo~Kh~• y~Pfi sa3asat tksu+ren..~_ r
<br />;f7a+w the__s~.~..-----day °f-------- --.~ ~.~...._._...___------••--------------..-----°-- • rq_~ •--....,-rtsrt further ajfiant says. not.
<br />-_-___--------------_____~iatJlan Ostrgw_-_Vice President
<br />~£~L -, Subscribed sn my esence and sworn to before me this.. ! ~ .....
<br />........................
<br />ey ~£ chat k6TmR Ss.;. re ~ n..aa = ~ e
<br />ss~= C t:rf.atnv F day of .. _ ~~}. -`--•`• . ~ - `F-- .............. _. .-------................... ~g 6._ ~- _...
<br />~"` ~ &v m, -~,. Lac. i2 ,383 i ~~}} ?J ) ..
<br />(See revtr3e s~ide'tor zxtstrnctiotta} Notary I'xbldc.
<br />County _...
<br />..-.._...... _:.._..dty.
<br />irad retxrsitcutats:
<br />-~ Entered on numercal index and filed for record
<br />;._.. ~ ~ in the P.egieter of Dat+dw Office of said Connty th®
<br />19_......._, at... ...__.._...-.... ....o-cfack-~d_. ____.__-.minutes ._.._.. _. _. _.M-,
<br />...._,_...._.._.... _--._.atraga._... ._..... _. .
<br />l3y... .
<br />-.........._.._._..._.....___. __._._.... ._._$eg. of i)e~ts
<br />