<br />53-A-REAL ESTATE MQRTG AGE-With Tax Ctaust (Revised 1962) Tho Human General Supply Houae, Lincoln, Nebr.
<br />MARIE V. REINECKE, a single person (Mortgagor > I
<br />of Hdmi lton County, and State of Nebraska in consideration cf the sum of
<br />TWENTY THOUSAND and no/100----------($20,000.00)-------------------------Daf.LAxs
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY" unto }
<br />EVERETT N. WALTERS and DOROTHY M. WALTERS, husband and wife, (Mortgagee ~
<br />of Ha11 County, and State of Nebraska thefollnwingdescribedpremises
<br />situated in Hall Ceuta;, and State of Nebraska to-wit: ,
<br />Lot One (1) in Block Twelve (12} in Schimmer's Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />tf~
<br />L.^
<br />--y
<br />G
<br />'.the intention being Yo canvev hereln~ an abwoluur title in ic•e =ample including all the rights of hamrstead and dower.
<br />7PC1 HAVE AUL] TO HC)LD ihr, premrsrc ;rtMVe ~!r-,cribed, with alt the appurt:~nances theretulto belonging unto the '
<br />sold mortgagee and to the? T' hewn and assigns, fareve r, pmvidcd a)rvaya, and itrese prcaenLv are upon the exprese ;
<br />coztdition that if the aforesaid martgagnr , her heirs, exeerztors. cxlministzatcars ~>r assiKns shall pay nr cause #o be
<br />paid to the said molt, sgee , th21 r hems, rx. cut~irs, administrators ar assip-nq, the swm of TWentJr
<br />Thousand and. n0/100--------($20,DOO.OD)------------------ Dollars, payable as follows, to-wit:
<br />5175.52. per month payable on thft»itxtwetwcfoKx xxlxxx xxt~ec
<br />5th day of each month, accordi ngh,xllt~cxeaxxxx xixt~cxK Xxt~gc
<br />to the monthly amorti zati an zwbxs~xta>oatx xxacxx x~st~K
<br />schedule lttaxxoaxuux~tK xel,icxK X~
<br />Z7tJSJfi[i7fih7QXx xifttlCXK XX~(
<br />with untorest therron at 1D per crnk per annum, payable monthly XtYdiiWR~( all according tv the tonor and effect of ~
<br />^ certain promisauty note of said Marie ~. Rel necke
<br />brwring even date with these prw.rents, and .shall aay all tax~•a and assessments levied upon said real estate, and all other faxes,
<br />levies urd assessments Levied upon this mortgage er the ntste which this mort.Kage, is given fio secure, before the same becomes j
<br />delintyuent, and keep the buildings on said prern~ses 4nsured fur the sum at S las®, if any, payable to
<br />'. the gold rmrrtgagee. then #hese prrsren is to 1>e void, niherwise W be and remain in full forge.
<br />I"f 1S FtTRTHER AGREED ll) '1'ha1 if t2re said rnartgagvr nlrall fail to paY ouch taxes oc prvrure suoh insurance, thv -
<br />said martga(Lee may pay such taxer and prvcurr. <uc}r ~~aurznce; and the sum rso advanced, with interest et per cent "
<br />shall be poid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as >tti:wity for ibe saute. (2) 2'hst a failure in pay any of said
<br />money, either principal ac intr+ravt when the ^.:ame tx~r;omes d^#~, ar a failure fia armply with any of the foregoing agreements,
<br />shall cause the whole sum of mangy he. rein :w-c{i rcKl to tx*trome due and rnllectible at onc~ at the option of the mortgagee.
<br />;: Signed this ZOttz daY cat ApY],1 19 t '
<br />i _ ~t1
<br />~ENW~MUlr•~MSMU7i6ft y
<br />t FJIWtE/AE t_ presence of X . f,~ar1 e W f~e~i~n2~~Ce.. ..... ~_ - .....
<br />My Cseewt 6F.~~.t~f- - ___.
<br />__
<br />_..
<br />oC~4_.~.,ti>~~ ~" tars.--~-~ .~_. _:-->~,..._--
<br />STATE.OF... ._....._:~BRA~KA _ County c~i Hdu
<br />-_
<br />Before. me, a nofarypublic qualified for said county, per>onally came Tf3T'le V. F,einecke, c"i single I~eYSOri
<br />known to me to be the identical person ar persona who signed the foregoing instrument and aclmowledged the execution ,
<br />thereof W 'be hia,. tier or thaiz wluntary act and deed.
<br />Vfiitnesa my hand and otaria! s_al oa... ..April 20 I9 82
<br />/~ _ __ _. ,:
<br />iFSY cummisaion eapirea: .... _. ... ~? ;s,_~i9. t~`,Y~ /t-`~-5,~- C .,,. ,!*/ rb~t~ ~-- ~. ..:.`.~Ncrt:try Public. ''
<br />i
<br />4'TATE CtF.__...__.......... ......... ....._.__- s E;nlered nn numeri<:al index anti filed for recotd +
<br />'r se.
<br />Ctxta~ty ._.___ ....__.~._ ... __._.. _-__. ._.-; i~a (he Rogiater crt I)cecls (?Elite of said County the .
<br />t. .:-..,. __....,day of_.._.. ._ _...,_ _. ___. tS3.._....,., at_.. _.. _. _... .__.-n'ckoc}: and._.. _. - _rrtinutes __. _.. _A9., ~.
<br />' and reaanled in Ffaak... ..___..._... .___..__.af _.__.. ..._. _.. _.._at i;*age. __ _.._ - -
<br />i - .... _. _ fi.eg, of Llerods
<br />?3Y... :e3z+iru t:Y
<br />