<br />t..~.,
<br />.~8~--~®e~Y'st6eat~ $i edoune~ Guurt-i3re~r-zN~ir~g ;nvoEuir~ ~e~i Es4a,*_e
<br />~2°~ ~lt~1533
<br />A rii ?O 1982
<br />Dafe_-_ P -- -__~__--
<br />L'•' TIIE COLA"ll' COi.'RT OF _ Hall _ _----------COC~:VTY, NEBRASI{A
<br />Thts is to cer#ijy that there is pendtng ut the (.uunh; Court oJ.__Ha11______-___Counfy,
<br />:~'ebraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />Vo.~p ?-' ---- Doc.--- --- Pcge- -- __ -- _
<br />arhrch is a proceeding invotuing_________~4rIIa7 probs.te of ',rill
<br />i, roba[c of ui?i, administration o[ estate, de[erminalion oJheirs,determinatian
<br />II'''
<br />_ is which proceeding the Jollou~ing described real
<br />vi fntr,rrilanre [az. quardionshin. or ronserraforship
<br />estate is invodued, to-tuii:
<br />',
<br />` ,,
<br />Lot Fourteen (14) in Block "C" in rar~Giew Subdivision located in the
<br />Pdortheast Wuarter (TdE:;, of Section 7~aenty-nine (29) and Northwest
<br />4uarter (PtW'/,) of Section Twenty eight {?8), both in Township Eleven (11;
<br />P?orth, Fange Udine (9}', t+/est of the Sixth P.,~I,, Hall County, Pebraska
<br />:fie North Half (id%} of the Southeast quarter (SE);} of SEction Thirteen
<br />(I3) inTownship i~velve (lam) North, Range Eleven (lI), ldest of theSixth
<br />P,Id., Hali Gnunty, Nebraska
<br />~`,y.-' .Jar7es I4._?!e11~---------
<br />~~.• Cotrrtty Judge q( sa[d county
<br />a
<br />"^, "1
<br />~' - - r , -, ., ,r-,
<br />' x_:+
<br />_, ,. _,._.T_----.__._.~.- .~__._ ._.--...,- _..,.._ _.~__.__._.__....__._.
<br />z'r Clerit~ of the County Courl
<br />C(jJ~.
<br />5~lltor -'f-~:9, 'Vn antr prnceeding rn the co.rn[y rcrri eruu.ninn F [) t rr 1: nba[c r,,(+r~t115 w+rfrr the prnais+.nc uI Carap[er 3J, urf[cle
<br />'. !2; rlreadr.rizrtstrataon'oj cs[ntes under (hr, p; anisinns aJ K: hauler 3J, nrlre lr ;_ iii the delcnn Bmfian rf heirs rurder fire prouis[nn.a nj
<br />Cfic, [tr 317, art cdt I', {q) tl7e detcrm+naficn of u+/rerilanrc 7az a der ' r r etsit ns of Char [r artrcfe U t~j yuardlnnal+i;rs
<br />n»der the yroatsensts o/ ChaNttr 3S, arirck :. <', .?, or 1, or << ,nnscrru[,r,h,p„ ~urdn ,'h+ (rrn.ts:o,+, or` [,l.ap[cr ;SH, ar[irfe J, where
<br />-v.,+ rsintr is any r;arr qt the ssrls of [he es[ale rr l+r..«edrn,~, t re r=url, ~ nf;rc GcJore .nrrom [ p; nrrcdi ~,[ is fr n+duip shall issue a
<br />cesflfi4att lrlueh shah ht J'ited aotth the rep inter o; deeds nl the C,'orrnll ;r, ud.+rh the real eNare is luc~yed roe:Yun /er duya rrller the
<br />dtscrir~tiue~ cf the real .estate is cited in the pra<eeJing."_. _. _...... ..... _,..........._...
<br />
<br />