<br />
<br />and, wnna-t damana. shall Da Im ylata:y cue and pdyabiR ty Tr-s:ar anb snap
<br />xnr interest et six ma%imum auowae!e legal rate: Dreaded. n r me
<br />option of 8enefificiary Or T~~slae such sums may be atlded to the crrtnc/iDalabntance
<br />a} a irtdebledna39 sec red hereby and shall bear 'n s s.tan
<br />mtlebteCness antl snail Da payabtR rateMV over tea ramsininga a m~thereo! a
<br />Y0. Atalgnmsya of Rents. 8¢ntficiary sea!: n re the ngnt, OQwar and aumerny
<br />during the conirnuance lot this Trust Daetl to collect :ne rants. issues ant grants et
<br />tM Property and of soy perspnal property !OCated thereon w'nn or without taking
<br />poeseaslen of the property affectetl Re-eby, and Trustor hereby ab-4ole`tely anE
<br />unoOntlltiOnatly assigns all sucn rents. fs9ues antl prof?is to Benetia)ery.
<br />Berreflclery, However, hereby oonsan!s to ine Trustor's colFeciien and retortion of
<br />eucn rents, taws and protlt9 as they accrue all become payable so long as
<br />Trustor ie rtot, at sucn nme9, in tlefauft with respect io pay.nent Oi a
<br />IndBptadna9a Secured hereby or in the oartormance Cf any agreement R¢rnuntler
<br />Upon any sucn tlelault, Beneficiary may at any time. either in person. Dy agent. or Dy
<br />a rBC¢IV¢r t0 Da appointed Dy a COUrt, without notice and xnthput regain !O Ihg
<br />wequaty of any 5eeurity far ine indabtatlnass hereby secured. {a! enter upon antl
<br />take po9969afon of Me Property pr any part ihereo!. antl ~in its own nar+re sue for Cr
<br />OtMrwi9e Collect wch rents, Issues an0 profl!s, including loose `oast due and
<br />unpaltl, end apply the Same, 1e99 costs and a%Censes Cf ope2lion antl cel!aCilcn,
<br />InGUdin9 reasonable attorney tees, upon a..^.y indentedness secured hereby, all in
<br />sucn ortlet as Benati<lary mat determine; (b+ perform won acts of repair a
<br />pratectl-n 84 may DB neCes9ary Or grope[ to *_pnsarv¢ the value Of [ne Prooerty; (cl
<br />IeaSS tM same or any part IhueoF tOr sucn venial, corm, and uDOn sucn ConEiflors
<br />89 its futlgertrant may tlictaie. Un1e39 T!u9tor all BanallCiary agrR¢ n:haf xl9a in
<br />Wrlhng, any ep PflCBtion Cf :tots, iSSUBS Or pmtit5 to any iMabtedne95 aecur¢ft
<br />hereby shall nci e%teM or po5iponR ill due tlate Ct the instaumant payments a
<br />prpvidr9tl in 5870 promissory n018 rn Change ane amount of sucn Instatlnsn:s. TRe
<br />enlanrp upon and taking poS4as5ian Ot ine P-o0erty, the CollectlOn of won rents,
<br />iaatr8i and profits. antl the appticarion tnareot as alorssaitl. snarl not waive ar Cure
<br />any tlelault or notice Ot tlelault hereunder. c. :nva:iaate any act dens pursuant tp
<br />WGtt Mfita. 7rU32M x190 dSSlgn6 l0 BBnRtlpldry, d9 'unher 5¢ only !qr the
<br />D•normance of the Obifgaltons SecurBC hereby. elf prepaid rents dM sal monies
<br />waYCtr may have peen M maY nateatler he d¢posrteo wrih, ad.o Trustor by any lessee
<br />01 tM PYOpeM. t0 SBCYta tn¢ pdVment J' any fRni. and UJOn detdutt rn rfa
<br />pMormanee o/ any of tM Provisions n0t¢pt. TrUStOr agrees to Ee ,vat sucn rams
<br />end oeDaafb to ill Beneficiary Danvarv o2 wnttan nonce al t' a Benei:Olary s
<br />BxMCi3a of SM ngh2s qrs..^.iRd herein, to any ten8nl GVCUpY'nq aa. 1 ^!emt5e5 Shan
<br />M sulfkfent is require 9aztl tenant t0 RaY SarE rant tq the Benehciarv u^.til fu'tner
<br />rgtldE.
<br />11. LWe! 1MaraMw. Wpnin tq days akar demaM. Trwi01 sMll tum,sn to Trustee
<br />a acMdute grtiflw to be we. aenfnp tone .sal leases ct saace. in ill Trust
<br />ProPartY then Fn ailed, iruluding, In aeon pass, ine Hama Ct tea tensors all
<br />occupants, a aeacrigtbn of tM spans oCCUDIw DY won tenant arW oCdupanZ, tea
<br />rental payabN fa aucR apace an0 sucn Diner mtormation and documents wrtn
<br />rMpwtt0 wgfl bases all tenanclea as the Tvatee may vaguest.
<br />WllhoYt lM Pt'dor WrittM COnaeM of Truatea. T'it91DY 5nalt not. EIraCItY Ot
<br />IrWiradiy, wlm raapecl to arty lease o} aDacw m 2M Oeacnbsd Prgmiann, wMtnar
<br />fuCn IMN Ia nOYr ar Mreakef in ealatanCe: la) accept or parmn any propaymem.
<br />Olaequnt w advance rant payabb ihereuMer; fbi uncai o* tarmmale ill sane, a'
<br />soaps any Candapatlan, tKm3Milon M auYrendar tMroot. or ite(mn anY evanl t0
<br />strew rntC}I would enptlelM feasea lherwMx t0!ermiMb « urtei tM eam0; rc}
<br />arMna a rtgElty [M same ao es to rwuCe tM term 1Mfaot, IM rental ¢eYaDle
<br />tMgantlN, or fo dtaMfe any renewal prowabn! tMrom conteinw: ,'dt wai.w arty
<br />dNlYk ttlarauMet M Draach 1MreOf, sal gfve any Consent, waiver Of eDprOVe1
<br />RlereYndtl a take any ottlef aetfon m connwlWei mHewitn, or wkn a teaeas
<br />tMnun0ar,. wMdn woul0 Mw Me Ntsd of impairing f M vacua of lesaorb interest
<br />ttterytrndar, On 4M Roperty aublM tl+araW, w o! ftnparrtng LM p¢6rtiOn or insere8l
<br />of ill TNaIN qr 8anstkbry; or ffl sae. ensign, Dbbgo, mortgage w otherwi8e
<br />dbpoN Of, OY ancumbp, Ica Mtarest fn arty eucn Illy Or any rertta. laaUlB a! prolila
<br />lawinp a ansinq eMrwndsr..
<br />i2 Cearerarngarb If ifib toanY part O} ill Aopany snan a taken In cpndemnalion
<br />poDawmga. DX npM of emlMnl domaM or efmitar agtfon, rk e!49h •5e add under
<br />tMMt O/ cOtbamMtlpn, al! awartla, damagef all WGCa6Ya bfe hereby laaignw
<br />all atoll W pafE to Benrikiary WM atoll apply eucn swoon, tlamepaa ono
<br />ptocaWS b IMeuIM eaW rap Dy tM Trust Dew. won tM ezpesa, it any. pall to tM
<br />Trwlor.Ttwtd~ rill promptly. and W7In due tllflgartca, repo+L soar ane realora ton
<br />ramalndnp part of tM Trust Propwty to ns forms< euMpron auMiemiatly to tM
<br />natant IMt tM soma maY De teasfDb and ao as to oonatpNa a campieta and usabb
<br />unB.
<br />13, frya Maaltaaa. Upon raqueYt of Trustor, BaMtkiary, at itanelictary a dP2an,
<br />pea 9b reconvayance ot:IM Ptrwerty to tM Truata, may maAe tutu+a advent. to
<br />LM Trwtu. 9uOn }WUra iQyanaa, wRri mtmasf iMlaon, stoic M a•curw DY 9Ma
<br />Trust Deetl wean erbal+cstl Dy PromMwry Miea statlrrg that sa+tl notes aro
<br />aeEUnd rlMapJr: pnofrbw iMt ti na stow all;} IM aedWw principal, tuturo
<br />agYanae, n02 InCiudlnQ DUnb advaMad t0 prgiM4 1M 9acuhiy, a%Cetla On0
<br />Mttdnd parcen111g04:1 of tM aipmal principal amPUme aePwed narobY.
<br />tl. IRaltaMa C1attYlailva. A+t ramwtaa provb•tl In :rue Trvat Davn'J a+a d(stmG end
<br />cuttwY¢M to airy otftq TpM a ramwy uritlar Inia TYwi Dew or ako+tlw DY law ar
<br />aqutty, all may, W axadfawd concurrsnty, indapwdenuy orauccefa»vly.
<br />7S A00eYtaBMY IMIMaMe: Sala. Upon cWfauk by Twator in xM aeyrMrtt Pt any
<br />IMaWadMaaaacurw hereby' d 1n fM partormana nt all agreement nwwwer,
<br />BarlaflC4ry rMy wctaa sit soma aecurw tteteDY tmmadfaiNY dos all paYabia DY
<br />delivery id Trustor of wnttan dsctarat{ar of derault. TM Truafee snap Mvo ill
<br />PoW V o! aa4 al tM Proparry aw if tleMlfcusry dsntraa SM Progeny fo De sottl, It
<br />aNg NPgatt wtN TrYitpIniy.TNtt t)aed orb a!1 promisarx'y notes orb docurrle[rb
<br />aildartclflganpandituras sacYrsd hereby. end atoll deli.mr to Trustee, ! wr{ken
<br />rigtlCa W Mtauk all sfwllon !o twee !M Peopsrty to rte sofQ and tM Trustee m
<br />tiers i/talt MNata a atmllu Notfu in [M. form requiretl try IoW, wnfcn shelf tb duty
<br />f14d la rwOb byTrustee.
<br />ia) Attar tM tapes of eucn time as may De raquirw by law totlorrinp tM rocMd~
<br />attar O! said natke of detW lt, all nel:Ce at dsfaup all notk:e nt 9ale Mvinp
<br />bean plrw. aaraqulratl by taw, Tra,atae, without demand on Truetot, shall oil
<br />tM Piaparty rn the date end at tM time all plea daslgMfe0 in Said mitica of
<br />Nb; at public auptton to the nfpnea: bidder, the RurcMSe Prfa payable m
<br />bwtul molly d tM United Staten at tM time of n Ito. Tba parson conduptkiq
<br />tM sW rnaY: for any nose M deems axDwlent, f patpoM !M sale from time
<br />totlma antl/11 atoll M GOrrtRblad and, in eve? Bach Casa, r1ct;Da of P-a2poM-
<br />fmmt lMYI be 9iwn by pubfk detbrettaR tfreraot by eucn pbr5on a! :M t4mW
<br />arulplaa last appointor tar tM sob; DrovtaeC, +? tM as}e !e postponed M+
<br />IdrtQlr ESWy (1} day beyond tM day dealgnatw :n fns nCtke of Gala, notice
<br />itlNtebf enatl an 9ltrut 3n IM lama manor as tM or7g1M1 n-pte 0+ sale.
<br />Trustee ehaU ezecute all del+wr to 1M Purcn•nar naa Daetl conveylnp SM
<br />Pioparty aoW, but wtitwut any cgvenani rn warranty, express, x ImPtbd. TM
<br />raCkifD in IM t7ew. pf anY matters Or iacta aha;i be LanClua ND yObl Of ill
<br />tNtn!Lin88a tMrwf. Any person, ?nCfudinq BnnnfiCia^y, may p:,~tnasa ai the
<br />eels.
<br />(b} tsfPien Truster eefb pursuant ro CM powers Mre!n, tea Truata¢ shat: apply tM
<br />prxaede of IM ash to pnymant of the coats all expenses Gf grerpistng 1M
<br />pbwiY of safe end of tM wpb; fnd~: p.~ paymerst a! iha Trwtae'e Faes
<br />aclWily irtcurrad, not t0 a%Cae0._, ~.~_X Ot ine sale D'ICe, and tMn to
<br />ttl! items Inwbparagraph {<.I {n ill rndermera stateC.
<br />{c) Aker paYfngiM ttema spncntwm subparlgrapn !aj if IM sale Is Dy Tnrstae, or
<br />the Otopa! coon all otpei cAata of S4reci0wre aw sale p ill sa}0 Is purwant
<br />' !a fWicfil tfN8C10SUYd tM.ptricegl9 of Gala etWil De eDpited in !ne Or9ar stated
<br />Ep the paymantdt:
<br />1!} C0s2 of anYevldenCe of Stttg prxured 3nSOnnadtiOn with sac.^. sa+a and Gt
<br />any revenue strings:
<br />ffg Au Sums :Han aacu~ad arreby:
<br />rltt) TM remeindet,harly,to tM nersanfspaE}y ar~iirki,^.:Rgreta
<br />te. buttes and omktaaong m Tn,atee. ;al Tnz nmlbs and onnganms at Tr,,rstee
<br />shall M deleml!naC sn!aly by Me. express provisions of the Trust Daed antl Trustee
<br />shalt not M liable a%ceFi for Lna -erfOr rr4an04 0! eucn duties antl oDligetiona as ar0
<br />ec!}ICetly s !Ortn .herein: antl '+ implied C ants Or ObligatlOne sRaif be
<br />imposed u04n Trusses: o` No prcvlslon Ot thrs Test Deetl 9ha11 require Tru9ter to
<br />ax-antl or rise his own mods. a any itnanmal oDUpahon m tea
<br />partormanCR of any of rte tl,r!ras n®.Q~~aa.R4:n nutM a%erDrsa or any or Its rlgM w
<br />powers, I1 !t shalt navy grounds tqr believing coat the repayment of auto funds Or
<br />adepuatR inCemntry against such -tsk or Ilaanity fa not rea9pneDly a39uretlt0 k; (Cf
<br />Tv9taa may Consult with counsel of h!s awn choosing and the advlu of sucn
<br />Counsel shall M soli and Complete autnorlTat{on end protactlon In the respect of
<br />any ecnon taken or Sulfated Ds' it nereuMer In gootl faith and r•nante thereon; (d)
<br />Trustee sMll not be Uable for any action taken by Mm In gootl taltn ant!
<br />Dellgv,N1 DY him to De auinor4-Rtl O within tog tll9cretlon or hells of power9
<br />~on.arratl upon n by IMS Tnvsi Daed. r
<br />1T. AddltloMi Sacunty inatrumwta. T rustor, at Its expense, will gxeoute and Oaliver
<br />1o the T: ustee, promptly v n demaM, sucn security ln92ruments a may M
<br />rapulrad by Trnstge, in roan and substance satislagtOry to Trusted covering any of
<br />the Pmpam Comreyatl -v this Trust DeRd, whipn seaurlry Instruments shall M
<br />etltlinana! seCU;ItY for Trustor a !altnful pertormanca Of all Of ine tsrtrt9, coy'9nent9
<br />and Condi[lons o! Inls Trust Owed, M8 Dromissory notes secured MraDy, antl any
<br />Otnar security +nstvments R. ¢cuiw .n nnacibn wilR tRis 2rersettlOn, sucn
<br />Instvments shalt 0¢ ,RCOr0bd or Iligtl, anC ra-recorded antl latpw, at Tntatar'a
<br />szpensg-
<br />te. Mlaosilaneoua.
<br />(dt .n. 2h0 even flny one o' m0'e cf ine p(prislana Conteln9d In iota Treat Dead Or
<br />tea promi39ory hole Or any t+IMr a6CUnly inslrUmeM given In conneetbn Wlth
<br />!h13 iransscllOn SRdil br soy r6a50n M Rek l0 M invalid, lifegal Qr
<br />urenlorceab!e to any respect, such I.nveltdlty, Illepllily, or unenlorceablltty
<br />9Ra11, dl !ne 4pUOn of 69nefiClary, oat HitaCt any Otnef prOVlelOn Ot tole Trust
<br />Deaf. but this TrU9i Dead snail M rAnatruetl a9 It eucn Invalid, ttlepel, or
<br />u»eniorcaaDle p,ovlslOn Md never Dean Cgntalnw herein or tM*Nn.
<br />lbl Th19 7N9t Caetl 9RHti be pOn9tNBd aCCOrdlnq !o. the iew9 Of tM state 01
<br />Nehreaha
<br />Ica Tnis Trvst Dead shall !r, a to and DIM tM Heim. legatees, tlevlaees.
<br />atlmtntSfrdlCr3. a%e CUtMS. sUCCa9sOr5 antl a691pM Of tRa parties Mre10.
<br />1df Trustor SMII Pay all taxes levied uDOn inis Tn:at Deed or IM debt SBCUro0
<br />hereby. IOgatnei with any C!Mr taxes or easeesmenis wnkn may M IaWw
<br />against the Trustee or Beneiltiary or the lapel Roller of web Promissory no'ta
<br />.n taunt o•tRe ingeDle0neanevbnnCw lnere0y.
<br />Vie} WReneynr used harem. inn singular number sMll include ill Dturel, tM
<br />singular. foe use Oi any panoer snail Oe aop HCaDle Io alt gantlets. and Ina term
<br />' Beneiifl8ry' shell inchrCa any DayM of ine IMBDtwrreae neroDy secured d'
<br />a^.y irenatar tnaregt, wnMnar by oRaranon of taw ar mMrwiae.
<br />t9. SumlaYr yrueM. Benefificiary mny tram time ro time subetrtute a aucceaed or
<br />auccea8ore !a anY Truslea nomad Herein or aptmp MrourMbr to exscule [hb That
<br />I:eed. Upon 9UCn aPPDintmant ono wilnoU2 cOnwya-Ca t0 tM w<CeaaOr Trusses,
<br />IM fatter atoll tM reatatl with ail tine, powers. orb duflee contertw upon arty
<br />L uatee Hera+n named o. stung heeunder. Each auto epoomtmaM and
<br />suDaututkn shalt M m0.dr Dy wnttan ina[rumenl OT BeMttcbry, cantalnlnp
<br />rb/areRpe to Ines Trust Deed and na Pbu at record, wnkn wean recorpw 1n tM
<br />okke of [M Regiatar e! beetle of tM coYnty or countbn in wnkn aaitl pro.peny is
<br />epuaiw 3tlalf M pO11p1U91ra proof pt proper ePPOmintenl ai ill eUCdlDa0f Tfuatee.
<br />TM toret?Ding power cf au0stifutlon and ill DrocadUre InevefOre atoll riot M
<br />azdunire of IM power and proCedura ProNUw ra by law for tM wbantutton of a
<br />7runle8 Or Tru9teBa in l'µr plate u% ehg T ruatee
<br />Zq. FpMlratta Dy BeMlklan or TNatN NOt tl Walrw. Any tOtetMaranCe Dy
<br />B•Mlkbry or T+U91ab In exercia;np anY right Of romwY Ifefwnder, Pt OtMrwiW
<br />a1tc;::w by appilCHOla taw. snail not Da a waiver of 01 preCluda the a%efCbe o1 any
<br />right w remedy nareundRt, Ukawied Ina waiver Dy Pronendlry or Trustee of any
<br />default of Trustor under iota Trual Bead 9nali not be danmw to M a waiver of any
<br />other qr elm:+•r aebunn aunaequanny accwrmp,
<br />?t, Trwtp Mot RaW.aed, E%;enslon M 1Re Ilme for payment ar motllllallon or
<br />arrgrtlaatlOn pf tae sumo af5curaE hY IMa Trust Dead grantor DY Benetlcbry 10 any
<br />wcusaor m +nterral of TruStnr SMn not operate to reteaee, In soy manner, IM
<br />!bblHry of tM rnl9tnaf 7runtar or rruatorS aucceanor In Interest. 8anancbry snail
<br />rfit pa raqungd :o cGmmbnce prrx:aoEinpa against such euc<eaeor a reluee to
<br />e%bM nine for Paymanl or ou+erwag m«fny amortCl•UOn -t tM sums aecurw by
<br />mta Trust Dead by reason r;t arv demand made by tog original Trustor orb Tru4tor's
<br />wcG•aDOrB in inte!atlt.
<br />M. Oalautt. n theta shad pa a defauh under tnb Deed nl Trust or under ar+y prbr
<br />rho+tpapa, ine BnrinnClHry n, re aUCh delwlt, antl Ufa am4unte 0tlvAncetl Dy,
<br />all otMr C9sia dM 9xpar1ag5r~or IM Dengl4pi8ry IM1 Cutinq eUCh de}HUtt, with
<br />In1erN1 at IM gafauit rate cOntainw in the Nbb eRCUratl MrebY from tea time o}
<br />tM advance. or payrtWntn snail Da HddaA to the IMebtedneaa secured by this Trust
<br />(5ead and may M cOilaCiad Mroundar at any alma attar tea tfma Uf such advances
<br />nr paymanle and shalt De deemed ir, Da ~apurbtl Mraby.
<br />23. Iy0!!rM to ForaWxa. Uprn Ina occurance or arty tletoup Mreundnr, Benatklary
<br />nnan nave ill Gplior la loraGloae tyda Trust Dead fn 1M manner prW Itlad Dy law tot
<br />tMTOrac+sure of mart9ages nn real property.
<br />2t, TfuatoPa RFphta, ADNnt Dahutt Unni any tlelault in ine paymem of
<br />IMBMwnasa MreDy aecU.lntl Or Un211 tn0 txgach UI Yny COYOnant herein CGm8Mtl,
<br />tM Trustor, its 9uuassors ar.C asalgna, snail possess all enjoy tea property, antl
<br />gceive IM rents a,.d ¢rohta 2Mret:cm. Ur un payma t of all Bums seturw Dy this
<br />i'tusl Decd. Benetlcinry 3hal"'rqurSt 'fn~stae to recGnvay tM PropartY and Shall
<br />Surrender :nla Treat GrW a a!I notes Rvidannng :ndebibdnnsa Secured by inis
<br />Tru9! r Io Teaatwe ~. nvG1'fns DrOpOrty wr;nout wbrranty and
<br />'wu". c^s~q ~~ g!ly~ a^:!ir:ed Thereto. Tha Grani0e In any
<br />~, :the ;.r. Gr. or parsons nntlpatl Snerv(o," and
<br />tea avast&.4 t^ee~~ yl 5k;y r';a;la+5 a' facts SHelf M CPRCiU9iva profit o4 ton
<br />iNiRlUinaS9'IWbra<.l Such paraor~or~ r7CM Shawl pay all COatH of recGfdinp, if any.
<br />25. Aceetaretlon in tM cent of Trannbr. %~ tnb event Ina cola SO Sald feel n9late i3
<br />+ ansiarrgd, o; Ccrdractad `o be'.+ansfarred, from iha undorsipned ,'or any reason ai
<br />by any melRCd wMt~ vgr, Ina anUru principal sum all accrued Intarosl anal! Ht
<br />OnCa DaCome LUa 3M pBYd-le at tea eh)Clion h` the 8anbli Clay. Failure 10 Oxelc199
<br />tn{5 Option badauSe Of ;! e! ~ ti:;b HB aWJVe stdlaC Irl Gne 'oaten Ca shalt n0!
<br />constitute a waiver Ot thgaigni tC exert-ire the same ir. iha a+ant of wry 5ubsaquen:
<br />t.anbfar
<br />aa,Tnisdeodoftrustfa;unlor;cona.Oatari~/A ______,_.._______.._._-.~__._-_.
<br />axacuteC t>y'rrusiOr l0 __.... _.. _. ___. .__.___- _. _.___.._. Trualea,
<br />aeCwirtp aprmc<pa hale for _..__ __ ..____ _._.____
<br />Gaiters and f?tad far rec::rd wSilr the Regis'. ar U! bottle R!`d idpntl};ed as foHow9:
<br />_"' _..
<br />