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<br />. ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~'~ REAL ESTATE AiORTGAGE -oaM ate zoa (Rev. 1-») t
<br />.,ate APril 14, 19$2
<br />fed H: Meier (also-known as Ned Henry Maier),. and Barbara D. Meier (also known as
<br />Ba~bara Diane Yiaer), husband and wife
<br />Mar2'~fiaBars
<br />.. Marrirk'' Co;:;ty, Nebraska Sn considerations of
<br />.~ aaraaaesa,t~thegrlnet~a1 SuRt reClte~ ,n ih2 ac-.., h...?„ ~~.,, ,.v.'-cribed. rPCC.tut of wr.ibh is agKnow12dg2d; hereby
<br />rrr=:.i;e and convey Le
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA; a Corporation.
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Buitding, Gmaha, Nebraska 58t00,
<br />iiortgage=.`rssbJe t to r+l aas a C ^:S.n - ,5-h '..hn ~ bs .arria o her t1.- rorr~agors; exiatSng eaaements of
<br />: ecord; reservatl r.'s,.. '.i~ted Stst_S and .i..~te J». 2rt... ~..~t..2 rights o_ the ,Lb11c ±. r, ~L highl+aySt, the fo11o'.ving_
<br />desc:lb2d real. 2stat2. in Hall i>;;u::;,=. Nebraska .
<br />SEC. TMP. RG.
<br />Sirs {except a tract o£ land. comprising the Southerly Four
<br />Hundred Twenty-Five Feet or the Easterly Three Hundred
<br />Twenty-Hive Faet of the Southeast Quarter o£ the South-
<br />wesf Quarter, containing 3.171 acres, more or less? all
<br />in---_------------------------- 13 12N 10 W 6th P.M.
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<br />{ ~~r: a gins 156.829
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