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<br />Si~..~ ~~~+-p~i7 Rr.r.L GSTA'I'F i,IF~N
<br />-.' ~ WHEREAS _ Edwin E. and Roberta a'. Baker „__ __ -__, husaand and
<br />~riCe 'hereinafter usually referred to as 'homeowner", whether one or more) have
<br />entered: rota a certain written IIiS~STER REPAIR AC;REEMENT' dated the 19th
<br />_ day, of Aug¢st , 19'82 with the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; a
<br />runicipai corporation fhereina£ter usually referred to as "City"), acting.
<br />through its Camnunity Development Agent?, for rehabilitation of a dwelling on
<br />premises owned by Homeowner which are hereinafter described, and for the granting
<br />b`" City to Homeowner of Federal funds in the amount o£ Sixteen thousand three
<br />h~r._ed thirty four and ao/200 ------Dollars (',~ 1b,334.00 _ _ } to be applied
<br />In payment of the cost of such rehabilitation, and
<br />WHEREAS, }iomeowner in such .AGREE'•~NT has, among other things, agreed. (a) to
<br />repay such amount or, as the case :nay be, a part thereof to Cit. in certain cir-
<br />cumstances described in the AG~FF?~-E?iT, and iby to execute and deliver to City an
<br />` instrument in recordable form ~,rantin~ to City a ii en on Cue premises'to secure
<br />sorb regavment,
<br />NtP.~ THEREFORE, in eonsiderat ion of such AGREr`II;N~I' with Cityr, Edwin $. and
<br />Roberta=lK. Baker _ husband and wife (hereinabove and herein--
<br />below referred to as "1?omeow.ler'`} do hereb~~ grant to CITY (?F ;RAND ISLAND,
<br />NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns, a lien upon the
<br />following described real estate situated in all County°, Nebraska:
<br />`__ hot 75, Hawthorne Place
<br />an addition t<> the City of, .';rand ?sland,~
<br />Nebraska, according to the recorded plat
<br />thereof,
<br />to stcure repayment [a the Cit~~• of C;rand Island, Nebraska, its successors and
<br />assign&, of the amocsnt of the grant: herai.nahove referred ro or, as the case may
<br />be, a part thereof in accozdance with the teams and conditions set forth i.n t:lte
<br />DISASTER REPAIR AGREEMENT to whirl; reference is made herainaUuve,
<br />°che Ii en herein granted shall teen with the premises f.or a period of two
<br />(2}; years from this elate, and shall. a?so bind the successors and assigns
<br />snd, except as lirovded in such AGREESdENT. the personal representatives, heirs,
<br />devisees, and legatees of Homeowner..
<br />dated this. 26th da~• ni
<br />.STA:^ or NEBRASKA )
<br />ss
<br />Coo.nty of Ha11 )
<br />March 19 82
<br />
<br />~: ti, s _ 26th day of _ March I9 82 be`orr, me, the under-
<br />si;ned, drlti cor,~i-siane3 and. acting in and for suc?; co.mty, personally appeared
<br />identicn? n_rsons w^ose. signatures areaffixed to the foregcr~zg instrument, astd
<br />they acl;t:uwledged the o:xactition o such instr~:ment to i>e their voluntaxy act (s j
<br />and deeti "s)
<br />in witness c.~e~reof; T haveherernro set m; official t=ar.d and seal the date
<br />licst above wr: _tcn; ,+ `,/~~'~y J
<br />*dotarq p+sTalic
<br />'",• roT:c,isson Expires
<br />4
<br />~~ 7fstR N ~~.
<br />uri ~.. ~.~ xa pan
<br />