<br />
<br />~, s•r.rt~r: ~r~ vi<,u~tA~x. ~, i;~uxxty oz ..._.._..._.......... ......:
<br />bled far record and entered is Numerical in«Ica on
<br />...~ ............................................................ at ......._....... o'clock ...._.......... 7~L,
<br />and recorded in ~iurtgage Record ..............._ _...., Tay;e ... _...................
<br />............._..................._........._..,......_._... f3y .........................._......._.._..............._...
<br />County Clerk or lleputy tiauntp L'.erk or
<br />Register of reeds Denvty Register of Reeds
<br />~2 ~t~ ~ 15 ~ ~ REAL FROFER~Y M0Y2TGA~E
<br />Jeffrey and' Barbara Fein, husbaad' and wife _ lu.r,.i„ c: lied ',.lac nzurtgagor whether one or more,
<br />is consideration. of Seven thousand one h.axdred seventy six and 15/200 Dollars ($7,llb.16)
<br />received from mortgagee, does mort>=age to the t;iC~• LaE `u rand Island, N~bxaska,
<br />a Municipal. Car oration, the 1ollc~sain:, cE<.scri?,ed .-oal. estate. Co-aril:
<br />The North Thirty aad five tenths (30.50) feet of Lot Five (5), and the South
<br />Thirty-One and five tenths (3?.50) feet of Lot Three (3), Block Eight (8),
<br />TJnizrersity Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nel:raska
<br />Axzd the mortgagor !loss hereby covr=rant will, tl:e u,urtgagee and with .mortgagee's heirs and
<br />a,rigns that mortgagor is lawfully sri,ad +:f laic! premises, tl!aL they are free from e!xevmbrsnee, that
<br />mortgagor has good right and lawful authority to conrey the same, acct that mortgagor warrants and
<br />wiU defend the title Lo said },remises against the lawful clai,ua of all persons whomsoever,
<br />Taus uzort{,~agr. ix l;ivex: to sic!!re_ tkte payment uP ilrr. l+romis~ary note of this Ante !nade by
<br />n!artgagox• for:}. 7,16.16 payable, in <xcc:arcl:zzzot. with slid note..
<br />5iorty;nKnr awlI ;ray .+il Ucxr:~ rn,+l assessments locia~i ulran sai+C rc^al prupertp and all other taxes
<br />lr;vic~xl mt this anartgege, or t1te, ntxte whiels tlria nuuGk;x~e is given to ensure bafurc the same become de]in-
<br />.1!r«•x~tand n1+x11 xuaintain fisr„ »hrclst*.rrut and extended ,eo.en+r;v insurance crith x mortgage clause ua
<br />the buildings o!t «,aid prnrnix•s h! the scxu, of :~ 7,176.16 ff mortgagor fails to pay such tuxes
<br />,u!d axxexsmeuts or 1,moeuru suet! f++xuraare, nurrtK.aHc•+• rac,}• 1~,ay suds taxis and purchase; such insurance
<br />and- th«~ auu5nut. si, acTv:in+~cd +~=ti, ;!rter+st at ni,,,~ imn•a•nL per ann+Wn shall be secured by this mortgage.
<br />In ca.e of +lefnnlt ,rr tl+!• l.a,y+rrent +«f tttr }«xin+~ipe,l a«en +u any installment thereof or of any interest
<br />thrrr•tra re°#,en tl»• sanrr ,+halt tn•runie !fur• c«r s`,, cane of tba~. nou~lrayn,4nt of uny LBxes or as3e;sments nr of
<br />Ghc failure to n+mintuin insuranc^r as herein provided, uortgagee neat' at the option of nrortgagce, wrth•
<br />+ftrt notice, aC any tame during the eon!tnnar+tte of .,ueh defdult ur breach, declare Lhe whole debt secured
<br />by thin mortgage to be imnu•dately ricer aratl payable and n!ay forectosc this mortgage.
<br />la the event of default i+e th4 l+rrfonnaner of any of the tera!v xtd conrlil.ions of Phis mortgage or
<br />'the notesecured by it, the mortgag+=«= what( he e•!Ri!led to iuxmediate possession of the property ra}>ove de-
<br />sarabedand all-the rex!is, rivca!rc and incom~r derived thenrfroxr! dixring such time as the mortgage in-
<br />aiebtedxtexti remains unpaid sita7l be ap131ied by the mortgager_ to the payment of Lhe Hate and all other
<br />;y+us secure+l beret}• after. cte.lu+~tiun of any neeeswr}• eaKts of coilecliua. ~'
<br />~"
<br />Dated April 14, 39 $2 / ~ c r~
<br />~~,~ ; ~-
<br />Apr3,I 14, 1982 ~ , f"
<br />......
<br />f
<br />"~'Cdih: 41'` Nh3.1ts1~h.t, LionnL, _llttl[. f~/~
<br />«~t _. _ ....................
<br />_ I3cfure :ne, a notary public yuatified fur Held cornoty, persrxurily cans
<br />3effrey and Barbara Fern
<br />known io mo to be the i:3entical 1,+erson or persons wha si6nred the
<br />faregoix:g inste~:menf and aaanowledged the ez:e~cution thereof to be his,
<br />,cr ar their vuixzntary act aad decd..
<br />°~, ,
<br />~, I
<br />Wit:ai;ss xny ?,and and naxa',ai ::cal on --
<br />. ~A1t,~.~~~ytya.~4,r~. "•Ei-ts dfNw~ii y„ ~ ~y 1 r +
<br />(~{.. ~n ~.~t~ ....... _ ._ ... .. ........ i+(al, Fit'}• ICU 7?11.n.
<br />~~ty r a xaiss r,ta espir.:u ._.__-- - _ .-- - -_._ ._ in
<br />¢~ «r
<br />R°,+~.:, ~+t,~1.ru °:l u,, i <.;:;'fa,a tl~r }its- .1._~:.i, #klwr a w,ta Cl~., tan~xi, >afr~_
<br />