- ~~ a~
<br />8
<br />~Rt~RTCAGE 2~ c,it~.150~<
<br />T'13t3 INIIENTEIlrE, made thie__e---.19th any of~~prll _~_._._ _. 29 $~_, by ana between
<br />yugene F Spencer and Kathleen F. Spencer, husband and wife, each in his and her own.
<br />right acrd' as spouse of the ottrer,
<br />oP... Ha 1 l County, Nebraska, as mortgagor S , anal Home Federal Savi
<br />ngs and Loan Associatltm of Granalsland, a cntporafion
<br />organized artaezisting. ands she laws of the United Stases of America with its peincipal ofTix and place of business at &tand Yslaad; Nebraska, as
<br />tnortgagix;
<br />Wf77d£SSETH: Tha[ said moetgagor_ 5 ~__, foz and in cc naideration of [he sum of _
<br />*Six Thousand Two Hundred Ninety and No/100ths* -ndt. ~ . fi,291}.a0. 1.
<br />the retells of which es btreby ackaowkdged,. do _.~_ try these presents mortgage and warrant eento said mongag¢e, iLS ,ui..nsors and assigns.
<br />fdrexer, ail the fa}Fowiog Ascribed reap state, s;tuazed in the Cnunfy of _ Hal 1
<br />and Stsseaf Nebraska. [owit. ~~_-.
<br />Lot Sixty-four (64) Le Heights Fourth Subdiaision, Hall Ccunty, Nebraska.
<br />Tpget.ber with sit htvtttB, air canr}itiotung, iightizut.. and phzmbing eyuipmwxn and futures, inzluaing scrte^ns, awnings. stu..rm x~in~ws and
<br />daora, seed window ahedaa nr h3iada. used ors or is cnnteecition with seal pmpcrt y. wh¢thez the same are saw Irxatcxl on said prop¢ny ar hereafter
<br />planed thereon.
<br />T43NAYEe4N177'Q HULLI TFFE SftME. tnL+~et},rr .with sit and singular zhe t+.xtatnents. 6r..reditamtmts and aPPUt'tezeazu:es thcrzuenW be-
<br />~gs+r+g. czz u+..rnywisa agp~taiairg. Eazever„ anal warrant the title w the *wne.. Said znorga$gr _S_.... hereby ¢rrvez[ant ... .. with sued
<br />ttetrrtgagoa tint ..,, the .y_ d,rQ„ _.........._ . at z3te de{ivery hereof. the lawful owner S_.. cep the premaaes shove amveyecl and describec9,
<br />sled _ d re __ - sairaa of a goad awl inztefeapiblN rswzx „f rn3zmtanca tlrerrii[, free atzd clear of all cncuznbranccw, and Lhat .. the _}!.. wilE
<br />warrantatfd.. dckend tt+a title therew ramose agai[zat the claims and demaada of aU per+,uma whoznsarver.
<br />I'RG1ViD$U ALW AI'3, aaa thza matrunarmt es exarutaa and dahvmed uz secure the payrzzena of th¢ sum of .
<br />*Six Thousand Two Hundred Ninety and Na/l~flths* rx,lla,•~{$.6,29~.t3Q - _
<br />wilt intRa~t. thmason. togs with such charges and aovan€ws as may Ix due and payatr3e w said martgagroeunder the tcrrnw and csrndetirrns
<br />bl the ptusgyjaapry earls of even date tasrewtth Std. secured tuerrby, ezactztted by said ztwrtgagor _ s.._.. to said mziztgugee, puyai+te z+s exprrsvaxi..
<br />is said [fate, apd to enanaro the. parforzaanee of ell the terms and conditeacsa canteanad tFtF*raitz. 17se iei'tna at said Hate are lenzrby incorpnrats.•t4
<br />hraeati by this nrtarAata,
<br />} tc ia.Rlsa in4aat,an ardagx•namaux of cha patW.iea haneW roar this mortgage aiaa73 aIan asnure any ttuum advances ztsada ia..+faid marl:ft'agar. S_.
<br />t f''S' laid za8ne aru% say and all tndabta!tinsssa in addu.xrn U+ Lbe amnuat size: ve stated whirl, said murtgagara, e>r any nt tkzem, may awe to
<br />1 +aaa, !v, ~~:.,r evadaaa+d, whether try tw'=e. Ixa>a acrxauat ar atherw.iae. Thin mortgage shall retrain en full force and ettact l+etween
<br />the partSes herew ana their beets. patsanal rapzeatattatsve:;, su+~eaaora and assigns, uatel all amrw.nta aatvred hereunder. includin}t future
<br />udvanaae, aro pain •n ±ul; with intazaaa..
<br />fihe'mntigsgar ._5 __ hereby assrgrz .._..... so said mart~aga¢ uU rents and ixrrma anaiag at any and a13 times from acid property and
<br />hezrdty aut}zoraae sail mortgzytae or its agent, st its cgztian- span aetautt. ui zeke ciwrg~. a# <aid property and rnll¢ct all atzta and income
<br />therefzzan aeu! app!} ztze ~aanza to the payment of inwzest, pzirfcipa3, inauratue. premitzma, taxes, ass+rasznaura, z'c=pairs or unprovements
<br />nat!asaaeY'to;taeP aafr3 ptveparey su +,•,•~~+..~e., awditioa, ar iaother charges ar payzt[entapzavidad for herein ar: in tlrs Hate. hi~eby. secured. This
<br />zent ae[sigut[cetzt shall Ctaaiiasle ro tmxa zsatil The uzzpa5d tta.anea of said zw[e :s fzlty paid. The takitzg of posaasaLnn hnrezetxler shall in no manner
<br />Wes-=rit zx zatud aatd martzlagee hx tk~ culleetian at sa[d sums by foreclusuze or atheravese.
<br />,The tairzare zef the estmrtgagua. to asaer ; ae{y of iis. righis 3sanaszzzder at any time. shaSi nvt've conatmad as s weever ofits right to assert. th¢.
<br />t4{t4` same at any Tatrr tz:na. sad rq insist ugzo~. [ aazd enforx <trcf compliance with a31 4#ze terars and provisions of sair3 sore and of this nxrrtR y,
<br />]f said t>ar s atea4 ca.u~tfl be paa3 to sold mrartgage4 the entire amount clue it iereunder. aaa3 uad¢t the Let7ns and provisons
<br />of aaM note twreby aeczttawi, including fuxum sava»cea. argil any exianamas or zvnxwats t9ier.,srf in accordance with t!-,e. terms anal provisions
<br />t• zzzxl if said '-5--. aha~klsnmpty with a21 t3ze;xzovisiom of said.. zzare arzd of this mortgage.. t},e+~ these preseata shall he said;
<br />i :therwise to twin +n 4aff Eotaa azsd sliest.,. sad aaidraortgsgce s~.ha211ze entitled to. the poe:~ession ofa9k of ~[.id prop+asY- and may ~ at .its ppLioze-
<br />`f da:iam iht rvl7ok .~f sad ncLa add e!f re~prnasenud therreby to be mmeaiate9y due sad payable. seal may torts lose this marft;age
<br />{ or ta4e asry caber legal action ta+ protect its tight. Appa'aisetneax warvea..
<br />Yh .« mir[gsge; sSaibabirtding ttPn® sad slraii eisurato the t+e[fetit ofthe heirs. exacuWes. admirzzetratata, succossors and sasifms of the.
<br />tti 1Yl r 41•:S.S tYIiEHEi}t~, sakf S~ortgagar _5 tza Y2 heraunta> he rhar~ S .__ the. day end
<br />-- - Year first ahrrve
<br />,x~n
<br />._. .~,. ._ 7 _.... _...
<br />~thlr?en ~. Sper:cei~'~~~~
<br />