<br />'s'
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<br />403-R£f.E]-S£ OF MOR1'G.RGE--Cotpnratlen p .- "~.." Hvfiman and Felton & Woli, Walton. Re. 68451
<br />. IA! CONS117ERElTION of tide pagronent of the debt named therein, the Commercial National Bank
<br />& Trust Co„ Grand Island, Nebraska hereby releases the mortgage +xade'to
<br />Commercial National Bank i5 Trust Co., Grand Island, i`Iebraska
<br />by Edwin E. Kokes S Ardith L. Kr_kes, husband.
<br />~ Wife
<br />ox 3tre following described neat estate, to-wit: Sauth 332' of Lot Twenty-Three (23) and E 1/2 of
<br />Lot Twenty-Four (24}, Sass Subdivision, Hall County, Grard Island, Nebraska
<br />I of :Section ix Township ,Range of the P. M., ftall
<br />GaxRty, State of Nebraska which u recorded ~ of Reat Estate Mortgages, page
<br />of the records of said County. as Document 9777-004201
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHER~OP, the said Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. has caused
<br />vice-
<br />} t8ese presents to be execxted by ats president and its Corporate Seat to be mixed kereto this 9th
<br />' day of April x982
<br />Witne~ C4i»Erc.~„a~ Nat-r,onal Bank &-Trust. Co -.
<br />t - ;,3~,i r ; ,
<br />~~~~~ t,.~-~,~i.,~.-~fi=,-~..-.~~z~..~ZL.;,r'_'~}. --.. ... F3y~-'.K,-'...:--:-~.,-R:!-r'~5--'"~~C~.. 1B'-i,ce.-.. President)
<br />..a:.T ': ~_ ~- i J -attest _.. C. !~~:e'`CG;"-~ashte ecret
<br />i a~'_~ P, S arV 7
<br />~~[,~ ,~"' - ,
<br />....`. ------- On this. 9~h.
<br />ss ...day o£-..---....._~Pril ..-..--..., 19.$?._ ~
<br />i ~_. _1 :,.:_ .....
<br />..-County before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for
<br />. ;.
<br />said County; pereonaliy~- d:T~omss...,?-°---CQZItl.e--------- --- --------------... --------...--------- _-Vict=; President of the 1
<br />f
<br />...;.-x~L+~~.~3'.3Airai..Bank..3~..--Trzxst-.l:n- ----. -a Ca
<br />.... ............ ............................. rporation
<br />to xue peteo~~ `~wis' toYrbcLSe President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and
<br />(( ackaovvledged ffre ~xecaizon thereof to be his valuntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and
<br />deed of said Corpozation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority.
<br />tiTitn~ my hand aad Notarial -~
<br />'~.' _. r`-~-... ~~ ~, r..,~ ..::; is said County the day and year f
<br />~pr~w dot ur - sup. e+ ~ae-n.++ ~
<br />last above writte "-`-^
<br />,,. 4
<br />i MY comtniseion ex ' ~g~hm..Z~~ ~ ~ .-. ~~u.:c~,at,.:~s_. _.~~; -.~.,.~.,-Notary Public '.
<br />1
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