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<br />URT~AGE ~2~t)~1~~~; <br />TFfIS ItVbENTURE, made c6ie_. 7 6th day of _._t~Df ]-~ -_-._ _ .----__ , l8 82_., by and between <br />Robert ~J. Kensinger and Susan Ka_nsinger, husband and wife, each in his and her own" <br />right and as spouse of the other, <br />of Hd7 } County, Nebraska. as more S ~^ <br />gagor _, and Home Rederai cravings and Loan Association oT Grand [stand, a corporation <br />organfztM~ and. existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand island, Nebraska, as <br />mortgagee; _ <br />WtTNESSETH: That said mortgagor. S ,For and in ~ronsfderatian of thesum of_ <br />*Three Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-two and rho/700ths* <br />the rttdpt of which is faereby acknowledged, do __ by these presems mortgage <br />forever, a1ll the Tollowirg described reef esra[e, stunted in [he Covn[y of H a 7 7 <br />a»d State of Nebraska, to-wit: _--' <br />ana#s{s ~_~ ~ 5'32 <br />South Twenty-six and Six Ten•~hs (25.5} Eeet of lot Eigfit ($) and iVorth Thirty- <br />nine and Six Tenths (39.6} Eeet of lot !Vine (9}, $7GCk Eleven (77), West Park <br />Addition, Ha7T County, ?Nebraska. <br />assigns; <br />Togetlmr with atI heating, air oomfftioning, ligh&iu;, and plumfrzng equipment acrd 4utaues. including screens, awnittRS. storm windows and <br />doors, acrd window s}aatias or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the same are now h>caccd on ,std property ur herexiter <br />placed t7lerepn. <br />7'O HAYE A,RiI? 1Y) H(3Ld> THE SAME, toget.,harr with ail and singular tlv ^,eraen[~, hertxfitaratents and appurtenances thereunto bc~ <br />tinging, or in anywise appattnming, forever. and .warrant iha trite to the sneer. Said morgagor.. 5._ hereby aw.onant with .said <br />mortgagee Shat _.... t_ he,}L._.._ a.rL' _... _. , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner 5.. of the paemt++es abvvr. canveytti and de!»txibed, <br />uad, ._ak'E ., ,._. setzed of a goad and irade£aesibie estate of inhmritnnce therein„ free and clear >rf aF1 encumbrances. and that t hry_ wilt <br />warrant and defend. the title thereto forever against tfae claims and demands of all persons whomscsevar. -.. <br />YftpYIUED ALWAYS, and tftis iltstnrOYant is ezec°utHd azrd delivered w srnvre the pa ~mant of the sum of __ <br />*Three Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-two and "do/74Qths* 3 632 00 <br />_ _ _... _ ~..__._ _.._.__ ._. _ ttollara 18 ~ , <br />welt iatarast thereon, togaWer with such charges and aovancas as may be due acrd payable to said mortgagee under the, terms and condi[.inns <br />ofthepminisaory Hole oE.even date herewith and secured heraday. ezecuted by saitf. mvrLgagur .5 ,- . to said mortgagee. Iwyetrla: »s expresw;yf <br />fa aaicl rwtx, and Go aecuratha per£armmce of all the tarmr and c~.ditwns containati thcreirt. The terms vt said note, are hereby incorpr>rate,+d <br />hereon hY this reference. <br />ft is the intarttiten and agreement of Uae gartiea ha:reut f hat this mortgage shall also secure any future advances made to said nwrtgagw S__. <br />by said mortgagee, and any and a13 iradehtedraass in addition w the amount above staled whic,l. said mortgagors, yr any vi them, may ewe tv <br />said mortgagee, hawaver evidenced, whatfser by note. boo's acwunt yr otherwise. This mortgage shat3 remain in fvi! force aruf. effect betwuen <br />rho parties Aerate and their teeter, Personal repteeaenaatdves, succeawrs and assigns. until ail anwunts secured hereunder. includinf; futon= <br />aadvances, are paid in full with interasL. <br />The mortgagors _,..._. }tereby euaiga _..__.. [o said murtgagex ail rents and income arising ac any acrd all trines €rom said property and <br />hereby auzharixe acid mortgagee or its agent, ai fLa option, upon default, ~ tetra charge. of said properly and collect alt.. rents and income <br />therefrom aad apple tlaa same to the payment of interest, Principal, insurance premiums, razes, at,sessment repairs or improvements <br />necessary to keep aaid.p:vpertymteaeutabte cotaditon, ar u. other charges or pay;-rteratr; provided for herein ar in the note hereby secured. `flail <br />rani asaigr[mem shelf cantfnua in force uaril tM unpaid i,alanu vt said crate zs fulfy peat. 7'he taking of possession hereunder shalt in no manner <br />prev~tor retard said tnortgngea in the :Oflection of said sums by yr otherwise. <br />The fE:e'lure o4 tlae n:vrtg®pgee to assert any al Ste rights latzeunder at any time shall not P,e construed as a waive? of its right. to assert. the <br />same nc any infer time, and txi insist upon and enfatrf ,.;.rr~s compliance with.. nil Ilse terms and provisions rf r:aid note. and of this n:urtt;aKe. <br />if said aaortgagar S shalt cauaeto bepaid io said mortgagee the entire amount due h hereunder, and under tree terms and. provisions <br />oTsaul ix,ta fteteby safatied, inciudirag future advnncea, and any rxteasions az renewals Lhertwf in accordance with the. ternvx and provisions <br />thereof, and ifsaid. mortgagor 5 ___. ahaIt comply with ai3 the pms~isions or. said Hate and of trots mortlyage., i,hea these prusu;nts sfmU be void. <br />otberw.Saa W. remain in frill torc®:and effect, sad said mortgagee shall be entitled to the possession of all of said property, and may, at its option. <br />daclaro the whole of said .rota sod all iudehtsdneaa erpreaa:,,~tet{ thereby to be immediately due and paynbie, and may fonxfose this mortraKe <br />ffi taicn roes other fagot action to protect itarfght. Appraisement waived. <br />Thss mortggage ataali he binding. upon Held shall enure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administzacnrs, successors xnd assigns aI the <br />ta~pecLSyar.'partfea hara«o. <br />11S W/'2'N~~i 'W13EHE4F, said Mortgagor ~5.. Aa d~_heretmw set ~. t f .bead _5;_._thc da and ear fsrst at>o~.e <br />~1b~, ~ ~: ,~h er . .~ r~ _~ _ <br />.. .~--> ? <br />