<br />MORTGAGE $2--x)01 ~~5
<br />7'H15 ENElEA1TU1tE, made tlsla-__l.!]~.fLL._..,~_ day of._._. p„„,
<br />-raKt-r"1------.__.____ . 19 ~_, by and. between
<br />_8rr~zlsi G Wenn I i Lind~._~ Wean hfts6and an wife
<br />of _._, Hal 1 Cotmty, Nebraska, as mortgagor _ S ,and Home Federal Savi
<br />orHa°ta"td and t:dsan8 under the taws at the United.:itates oC Amesiq with its rinri ~ mod. Loan Atsoctatton of Grattd Island, a corpora ion
<br />moetgai{ee, p psi office and plaet of business at Grand island, Nebraska, as
<br />K'iTNE55ETH: That said mortgagor S , for and in wnsideration of the stun of_
<br />Fifteen THousand Sixty-five dollars and 00/100 --_---------~~ s yS,0r35.00 ,
<br />. ~ - h
<br />the receipt of which. is hereby acknowledged, do by [here prest^n[s mottgage and aatraiiritnto said ti~ert `
<br />ttaficc. its successorsand assigns,
<br />forever, at7 the following described rest [state, situated in the (:aunty of Hd I ~{
<br />and State of FHehraska, to-wit
<br />Together with aid heating, sir conciitiotsing, kghtrng, and plumbing equtpmenc and fixtures. including acresens. awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors. end wiixksw shadesor lslinds, used on or in conatnecian with said property. whether tEu aamz era now Encateci on said pnrpert.y nr henstfter
<br />placed ;barons.
<br />TQ NA VEi APtl3 TC)Ht)Lf> THE SAME, together with alt and siregsxler the tenements, Rertditametsts and apputtenance!n thereunw be-
<br />longing, ar ttr anywise apgertaiaatg, fotsrvae, and wsansrk the citEe Ln the same. Said morgagor ~___.. hereby covenant ... with ,aid
<br />matg-gee that _ ,; he .,~C_ are..... . at the. delivery hereof. the lawful ewrser S_.. of the premises above cnnvevetE and descritmi.
<br />a~.a _,.13,{"x- -- serial of a good a>xi itulefaaatble estate of inlseritance thesetn, free end clear of ail encumbrances. arui that _..._thc .y_. wild
<br />e~arrant and de{axd the title tisereto ftxever against the claims and danseads of ail persona whomsoever.
<br />lxftl)Yf UF.iI# AL WAYS, and tlsia instrument is exez^uted and delivered to se+eun+the payrnant of the sum trf ...
<br />F~teEn_:TH4s~5ansL~ixty-f.3?t~__dr?.71dr's dnd._4Q110.4_. -------- t~ntia,~Ea_._1.5..Q65.00_ ._ _. __
<br />witlti: intlateat tiserson, together oath stash charges and unvemcee as may b+r due and payable w said mortgagee under the terms and cr,ndition
<br />of the pnutnissory [voteofeven datefearew#th sad xernrvd hereby, eigcuted by said murtgggur.~r....._ w said morE~gagce, payatale as rxpresxwd
<br />inlaid [tote, and lei secure the pexfttrmanrsa of all Ilse txrarss and r-~iUOrrs contained threin. The terms of said note are hereh mcu
<br />lserria fro this refarecue, Y ~ rfxarated
<br />tt is the attention sad agnsemratt of t3sapertiaslse;retolhat this mortgage ahal! also securer any future advances made w said mnngal{ot~-.-..
<br />by sa[d murt$ages. and any sad all lode.-lrtadnaa» in adaldtmm to tna anxiunt above st.aied whx#. said mortgagors. or any of them may owe to
<br />said mnrtgagne, however evuleatced, whrtthar Ly roue. twolc accnuat or ucftsrwide. This mortgage shall remain in full forte and effect Exewrxn
<br />Llm fsarteas Iserato and cis`-ir heirs, perariosi represeatativc~+i, succeswus sad assigns, ssnui all emonnts secatted fereunder, including future
<br />advatsc~ea~, are paidin flat' with iatarast..
<br />The. mortgagoz_._S _. tseraLy assign _ _-. to said rnerthrobmna a1d amts and irxortre arssitsg at any and all Limes from said property and
<br />fierelDy authorize said mortgagee to its agent, at its optiEm, upon de#auEt, w take charge of said property and collect aEE ren[s and income
<br />therefrom. and apply the same in the payaasasst of raceraat. principal, insurance premivats, rates, assrxsmcnta:, ire or im r.vements
<br />W keep said preaperty. its tetwnwNeuooditioa. or to otfiner ~ .. p ss
<br />rentassignmmt s]uI! continue in.:orar emti! the un clsrrgts ~ P'aYm~ts parn'ided far hareinesr is the.. note hereby secured: 'I'bis
<br />~ paid balance of said [sou! is fully paid,. The taking of posaasson hereunder sha31 in no nwnnt'r
<br />preve9st ar retard said mpr;ga8ae in t3sa collection of said soma by £orecJttsure or otherwise.
<br />^Thc failtsra itf the m°rtgaStse tiusaarrtt any ofics rilt}yta hereunder at soy time shall na {;s canatrued es a waiver of its right w assert the
<br />setae! at any later time, and w insist upon s»d enforce =trc.:r compfiaace with a;l the terms and provisio-ns of said ante and of this mortgage.
<br />ff said mt>ttgagor 5 slsall cause to lee paid to said mtrtgagee the entire amourt due it hereunder, and under the. terms and provisions
<br />of said note hereby seRatrd, i.nclstditig future advances, sad any tssensions or rettewafs therxof in atzontance with rho terms and provisions
<br />thereof, amd if said mortgagor S.~_ shell rompiy with all the proviaiona of said note attd of this mortgage, then these pn^sextts shall Ere. void.
<br />otharwiaa to esmtia in fiiff farce arced effect, andsaid tnttrigagee sRal.E oe entitled w the possessitsn. of alt of said property, and may. at ilea option.
<br />~' ~wiw3e + ~ and all gdobtadneas zepresant~,t ;hett$y ;o Eve mmedis;afy due and ~yabir„ aced may foreclpse thfa morggagoc
<br />or ta3cas a other # protect itas4gfrt. Appraiserarnt waived,
<br />T4ua mortgage ahaU be htndssyg. upon emd sLa1E errors w the ba~F; of the heirs, execuwrs. administrators, succesavrs and assigns of the
<br />raspec;Sva'pertieks lieraio, -
<br />IN W CTtif:S.'S.' WHk,.R f', said Mortgagor _$_... Eva Y,2___ lsexestnto set . ~~?.gl Y`_ _. _.___.. hand .....~_.the day and year first alwve
<br />a titles.
<br />,__„ ~ s
<br />