Ex ~ tNSx~N ~ci~et_a,v~ta~r
<br />r: cansderatien of the cxtcr,sion of the time of payment of the orirjinat promissory note
<br />'~erc'rnafter described, the t,ndersit~ned• ~~~ ISla21d_Past_~lo_~.3_,_J_tt~9merican
<br />L@~iont de~aPtRtent of Nebraska _ hc•ra:f~y c .,vr•r;nr:t and a:~}rce io !>ay to the First
<br />.,rt;<rrvsl i3anho~Grarui island, Grano island, Nnc~"r;lca. nr ru-<ler, the t>rincipal sum of
<br />E~~i~gh~~~~t,~ Ei~ht_Thousand a_nd_N1100_---_----------°-----------------------°----_-------
<br />i 5 $8,000 00 ~ together with In[erest ther~ran atSl~teen & One-Hdlfj~er cent per
<br />:nun-r lrom the date hereof, such sum to he t~ayahte rrn $eptember__7~ 19$2 ___. interest
<br />:'•<elI i,e payat~;e at maturity on September 7, 1982
<br />~;e i,rr~rr;a1 ;~riv:crpal ;.:ate ~r, the amount of Eighty..FlghtlltoSdsaD_41~t1~110,/_lQQ_----°------
<br />6 - ----------------- (5 S£i 000.00 ___ __ 1 was executed and delivered by
<br />:`,e-undersigned urde~ ttze dace of March ].2,~_1~$~_ ___ to Tate First Natiaria!
<br />tank of Grand !stand, Gra:1d island, Nebraska, and wss due anti payable on th.e gth
<br />rsa'f af_September, 1981 _ togc:hcr Witt, interest :,t Sev_er~teen & One-Half per
<br />rent t>er annum andd scci:rcd by P. ct^alC pErsrileaii~'~lortr}:rc}c to Tl~e First tva;ionai tiarti4: of Ge-and
<br />tsland, Grand lstancl Tticbraska, OCi~6t~fit4C4~ as Doc. No. 81-X01190 & Extension 81-00523$
<br />;n the ~`~orsgage Retards of .Hall _ -- Coc:ntY. Nebrd~ska
<br />The unr.'crsigned agrees to pay such cxttrnded baian;c ~,f prin;.ipa! oT_ EightV Eight
<br />Thousand and NC/100 --- - --- - ------(5 88,000.00 i, in ether
<br />.+~ith fnter'est tizereon at $1XteFn $ One-Hdlf _ ,~cr cc•,it tier .{.ntri;t, Such l~;rr.Ciyoaf anal
<br />n;tc^-cs! to be payable in ,:~wfirt mo+~ry :nf thr• U,,;ir,i 5t;,tc; o: f~rncrica at The f=irst Nat-
<br />;r;n,,el ;3ar~ie of Grand island, t, rand ls;ar;ci, N
<br />et; r;rsk:; _
<br />=,tl of the cevi~nants and agrecrnents in sunk uric}rn.it ~Er,tc aand i7le Kcal Estate fisortgage a-
<br />!a.rye drtscr,bed, other Chan izercinbefcre me>clofied, slrci< he and res~.ra~n unchanged and in
<br />':.:it f¢r'E:e and effect during such exfvntJcd lttrrir,el. if ~.refau9t he ,wade in haymr>nt of any
<br />t;rinci,~al sum, the enure ;~r;nei,~al Sum ~rviti~, inter i•5t tturrct,:; stiali tyecome immediately
<br />;:ue arrc; payable at ttie election :rf the ferl.;t itolcier t!;~~; ouf.
<br />~~~. `;:rther tor~.sideratia;~; cf such extension of ti.r.r~ ,.; ;>:rynit:nt cif uucit inc:et~tecaicss, } here-
<br />•~y ra''ify ..:,d confi~•m sac.h r,u:rtgagc rccorrirs: ,.s DOC._ Np. 81 ~0~~90 & Extenslgp 81-QQ~,~38
<br />rn i2r•<;l Est lE -'.t rr <r ,c:c r .i s1s of ~ Hdl l
<br />ur, Nebraska ;s ht r't ~ ;nortgage lien upon
<br />c ; ai r~r-a.acrty de5r...buci tl.crcu ar r, ,au• wl.orr ;,? ..c tit;r thereto as nave awrtcd by me.
<br />e t:r+dcrs,~e:ec3 exeCUte5 this Cxtc::Siar, .'~t}rep ~aert ,.~::h rrkfr~rr~rset~ to and ;~r~ :he faith and
<br />t.rt;dst tsi their propert~~, wtgich they nuw uwr: c+r '•.r;vc~ [r.r inier<~st ;n err hereafter rrtay ac-
<br />;irire; the exi~ress ir7tention lacing to charge a+ ~i t;, r_+tinuc to chaxt~~e ar~y ar'ui atl of such
<br />:,•~vaerty with t~:e payment of the inclebtetine35, tnc ,~.;yr-re.nt cif vattit~h is hcrt:in exiene'ed.
<br />f?, tr T?~ESS 1VHcttEQl', tt:e ,na:.rersic}Heel }save t~rr ~rt:r,?t, t,ei It`tr5 hams±; this
<br />--8.tb __ ___~~.__
<br /><i,,y •;f_ hlarch,~19$2 __. __ ._______~____ _ _ _ ___._____...
<br />Grand Island Post No. 53
<br />The American Legion, Department of Nebraska
<br />'~ ~~ r"
<br />L. W French, Trustee A. C. Scott, Trustee
<br />5 T ,'~ T t~ C1 F ,~2Cs~si.- -- 1
<br />}-g-,~ fr>:'cgois?~j,.irasiru~j
<br />"' March
<br />~ran~ Island-r~l~wi~
<br />My Commission
<br />rovas acknos ledge J0(t,re ne° It ;y _ 8th day of
<br />2 `av L. W. French and A. C Scott Trustees for
<br />e American Legion, Department of F~ebra`ska` ~~~-^~
<br />r i~ '
<br />~_
<br />E~jy~i,~$ bisl..' ~~?
<br />y,EF ° -
<br />J
<br />°~ ` <~ ___
<br />N c~ t a r t' c> z_r h l~ c _._ .____----~_ __
<br />Legal Description: Lot Orte (1), except the Z: 26D' thereof, and all of Lot Two ;2), in
<br />American Legion Addition to the City of brand island, Hall t;ounty,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />