<br />i
<br />
<br />This form is used in connec-
<br />Lion with mortgages insured
<br />~~~°~'~"AGE under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />~,2 -- I1 l.E .~. 4
<br />THIS,Sit7RTC;AGF.,madeandexeeuted£his 15thdayof April .A.D.
<br />19 gg , by and E+etween Trhyne R. Stelk and Roxy L Stelk, husband and wife
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part; heresnafter called
<br />the iNOrtgagnr. and SUPERIOR AORTGAG E, INC. ,
<br />a cnrparanan organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska
<br />ptrrtyaf the second part. hereinaftxr called the M1iortgagee.
<br />t4'fTNECSE'fH: "that the said tfnrtgagor. far and in cansideratian of the sum of F1fty two thousand six htatdred
<br />fifty and Pb/100-_--- ---~_------^-- Dollars (5 52, 556.60 ), paid-by the Mort-
<br />gagee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Soid and by these presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />Eain. SePI. Convey and Cantirm unto the 4fertgagee, its successars and assigns. forever. the fotlawingtfescrifxtf
<br />teat estate, situated in the t"aunty of Eiall .and State
<br />of Nehraska. to wit:
<br />I,tot Thirty Oae (3i ), Wes ~taood Pack Second 9:ibditrision, HaI1 County, N=hraska
<br />of ihe Sixth Yr6ncipaf hieridiatt, containing in ail
<br />went survey;
<br />acres according to Govern-
<br />Tt) NAt'l: ANO TF} 1#t)I_I7 the premises abort dcscrtt4ed, uit}t elf the appurtenance. thereunto beleanging and indudin}t
<br />all heating. plumbingauJ Ittttuittg fixaues unJ eyuipmem note e+r hereafter attacPlet€ to trr u.ed in connection uyFlt said real estate
<br />unto the ;Martgagte. and to tFS successors and aSSef;ne, forever. The ~tortgagar represents h'+, and u,vtnants u~i[h, the Ssiortpa-
<br />gee, that Fhe Ric>ngagor has gtxtd right to sell and ccensey .aid premisea: that they ate free fram ern:um6ranae: and that Fhe
<br />M14trrig<rgar wilt warrant and defend Fhe +amc .tgainst the lawtuf claima o[ all persons uhomsoe vet: and the satJ M1iartptagor here-
<br />bY relinquishes all rigErts Oaf hantestesd, and alt martial rights, either in law ar in c~uity, and alt other contingent interests of the
<br />:N+rcSgagur to and-[n Chu alx9ve-Jcscrilxz3 premises, the intention being tc> ~ unvey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple, incind-
<br />ing elf nghts of homtstead, and ether rights and intertsTS as aforessid.
<br />E'1tf)S'IDEi] A2.tt'A}';~_ and these gzresenis ate executed sod delivered a~pctn tht 1'altnuing conditions, iv wit:
<br />TheLforigagar ay~reos to pay to tfte 4fort~rgtt. ar order. the ptiacipal sum of Fifty two thousand six htatdred
<br />fifty and"b/100--_ ------.--.-~______ tk~2larsts 5,550.00 ),
<br />wilfe interest fratn data at the rate of Fifteen and one-half per centum f 15.SD `sr}per annum on
<br />ihe. unpaid. balance uma! paid. 'Che ,aid principal and intescst sha11 be payable at the ofFice of
<br />to ~ rand Island P~braska sch other place as'thr holder of
<br />the note may dtsibmate in writing. in ntont{tty installmtnisof Silt htatdred eic,~tty ;,x and $3/100-------
<br />Ih>llara4~ 6p5.$3 1,corrunencingonthef~stdayaf
<br />June 19 82, and on the firer day n* each monttt thtrtafter until the principal and in-
<br />terest are fully paid, except that the heal payment of principal and tntereat, if oat wooer paid, shall bt due and
<br />payable «n the fiist day aaf Pia 0 ail a carding to the terms of a certain promis-
<br />sory note of eeen data herewi6t execr~te~y the said biorgugor.
<br />'f-lteliart~Fgor in order more fully to protect the security o€ this ti4orzgage. agrees:
<br />P. Tftat he witf pay the indebtedness. as hereinbefare provided. Privilege is reerved tee pay the dtM in whole, nr in an
<br />amount et{ual Fa one or mart monthly payments on the principal that are nett due ern the note, an flee first Jay of any month
<br />pride to,maturiLy: I'tytrc '. h+?~.+ever, That written notice of an intcniiun [n exercise such privilege is given at leant thirty t301
<br />days prior to prtpayment
<br />?. That, tap}ethex with, ;and in addition. in, ihti monthly payments of principal and ineerest payaPsle under the terms of the
<br />tukte secureii hereby, ihe Ivlottgagnr wilt pay to the Mortgagee, on the first daY of each mnnttr un6i the said note is fully paid, Fhe
<br />folio W in8 sums:
<br />ta) atmounS sufteient to pxyvfde the twPdar izeai=rif with funds ic> pay tl;e next rraorFgage insurance, pirmiutn if thts
<br />tnssrumcnt and the note secured hesahy eta insured, nr a rrzantftly charge tin lieu qr'e nrr,rrgv{gc insuranirc prr-
<br />+rttte.rrJ if tPtey acs held ksy the Secretary of lious7ng and i3rf<an Deveiu~s.xnt, s, failaws:
<br />{4T it Arad ao long .as saSd Hate of even date and this tnstrtrntent are itrxured ur are reiasureJ under the }~rxi
<br />vissons of the \atiattal liausittg, Act, err amount stafii<eent trr aceamuleatc is; the. hartils ut. the. hvldei one
<br />FI~i.EfifY#s r-tl,P4-2 S 43AA Wtv~Ch .txFy LW s,gp<7 +Y tilt? h4fnr~Y .F Cs:}},~,4LtH(r
<br />1<tt.rta=<_t~[t~`tJtut 14t'J~{
<br />