<br />10&Fi--WARRANTY DEED {Revised 7461)
<br />'Phe llu llm,r. G..nerxl buPPiy Faouee, Lineo:n, I; qbL
<br />KNOZiT AI.T. VIEN 13Y THESE PRES1?iVTS: ~~ "°° t } Q
<br />TF1=iTlor~1%e, -eila M. Sharp, a single woman, and Lonny J. Mittan and Debra Jean i
<br />Mfttan, husband and wife
<br />a
<br />Fern>in caned she e antor whether one or more,
<br />in con.~iiieratioab o£ Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and no/100 dollars ($9,800.00)
<br />reee$~:ed £rotn grantee, 3a hereby grant 5trgai.h, .at,. i~a.tcer ~ru! eunfir727 iulto The City of Grand Ts land,
<br />Nebraska, a Municigai Corgaration
<br />herein exiled the eran:ee whether mae or rnnre. '!te t'rtilo~trit, ueseriiae~i rrai propert} is
<br />Ha11 +" ~;u~u~: Nebraska
<br />Lot Five {5), in Black Fiv¢ (S), in College Addition to West La:un, an
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />-~~ P~~c~~o APR lP5 ~9~?
<br />~~a~~~~~
<br />8Y
<br />Ta 3,1ave and o i-+i~2 LF ~,r:• 7 r .?re+ r r:~• t:r Ie*r tia 7t7 sli ne 1.3 i+
<br />.tits, 17eraditaments and appur-
<br />cratau~scs iher«to F,,.loxlt,>tt~ ura±: 1',~ ~:rati. nd Mr.u„~• . to.•:1, .,; .7~;>ieri~ ,orrc~<~r.
<br />At«! u~~ grantor r}r3es t r ~~: , 1 , ~s- tt31 , ~ t , ii ~ not e's hotr:; xnd assigns chat grantor
<br />it: la~rfu3lr srmed of sail Itrem ~« that. } ~. ,,r7~ .~:rt. ~ aura rairair ?..ccg~t easements and raatric-
<br />r.f~ans .nf rtcarc?;
<br />tltnt grnlntor taa~ goad raGfit srta2 ' x , ~ ~ all rttri t ~t,ar, ~„n;alaor ~sarrauts at~rl tcitl dafend
<br />the Iltle to an.~3 ,tteflties xgn~llst k .,~7ti ., : „r;. f .. .ih ~v it sIISS4e ~Frx'.
<br />,,~i)xt~~3 Apri~ly~i5, .'t 82
<br />~" ~~ '~
<br />....
<br />ST11T`9. Ul+', .. , Nebraska . „ t.'rsrtnt} r, S' Hal l
<br />I3eforr me. n taa3~krp public <2rzat fin_il r'aa- ,irt,J , ,~>~~itp. 2~.~rsatr«ctly i•AfEir
<br />Bela H. Share, a single. woman., Lanny J, Mittan and Jebr-s Jean Mittan, husband
<br />and wife
<br />ktai>m^tt LG me is be dbe 6i3rntrica! i>ar~uz: ~ r I r~„~tv r.h~i :..~ i,~.i tiic• ~,r•t;<rin;; i~i~truer.er;t sr7,3 a,~lcnnwt~xlgi~d the
<br />esecuLiors ther~aoT to be his, nrr err ..Heir ro2uar.a: ti~ ~et•t az:d ,1e~:3.
<br />ria3 ~csnl +ar ~, ril. i,5-
<br />,-.
<br />~ '_'3ARRC3UT.'aE ..c'.G~.'YVY;t. ,.~,~~.
<br />~~ "~"Y ` S°s+` 3, t~~ a~ '-"'~ '~ `-~-~::~-; ,- , . '~ot,:r~y 2"ubli¢
<br />. ~t~` t~~:tsemivvts:,esyira~. ...5¢gtemb,¢r.23.,.. 29.$x...
<br />tsn
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<br />c r t ~r: e$ -u nuzttertesd indax an~i f' Ifni !' ar r:•ez,r=i :u th:r lu „tter s S .l ,e=1s t)f£ier. ir; si~;d {.',blsttl~;r ttFe
<br />srtt'a;.3{:y.5' M1f.
<br />_:ici, xr~a~cdrsi i11 13cnrk.... t... nz l+ei~e.
<br />2• .
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