~. toS-6--SUR1rfVt}R~}41P YYkRRANTY DE~II ['>~~_ ~ F ~} ~, ~ <~ m) Hutfman and Fetton iL Woff. Waiton Ne. fi84bk i '
<br />__-__._ ....._---__ .._.--- --~-~---- -._._.._ r.._~~__
<br />
<br />+ SSTQ'~ :1LL ;1dEzN BY THERE P1tESE~~TTS. That STABIA, A Partnership
<br />4
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />inco~nsiderationof SEVENTY-ONE T°dOUSANT3 AND NO/100 ($71,000.00} DOLLARS
<br />i received from grantees, dnES grant, bargain, sell convey and eorfirm ants
<br />JOHN A. 30NES and D. ANidE JONES, Husband and Wi€e
<br />as joint.- tananta with right of snrvirorship, and not as tenants in common, the follnwing described real property in i
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />To Nava end to hold the aabova cieticrilted premise~f rr,~;cther with all t:enaments, hereditaments and appar- ,
<br />tenancc*ia tberato belonging onto ihP t;rsataa anfl to she .r rxs»ai~ns, ar to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of '
<br />them forever.
<br />i
<br />,#atd grantor does hereby eavenant w~atkf 4fe ~ruu4,~ka and w fah their assi}rxis and kvith the heirs and assigns-
<br />of the survivor rp them slsat grantor is latvfully° se rsad c,t ,ofd pramaxsr..: that that' are Erse from enetunbrance
<br />except easements acid restrictions zzf record
<br />dratrrarfCcr has go+~d riy;lst. aazd lawfu3 autht~rite- tr. +^onre~ tt;e ,:acne: and that grantor ~,varratrks and will defend
<br />trfr f:•l,. su said precuiwx aga.ifi~A ilte lawful r'lain>rv of all pwrr:ona whomsoever.
<br />It is floe intantiotz cff all parties hrrn[z, t§aat itt thr• =,rrnt i,f zhr ,;loath ,1f .._,ishrr of tlff> grantecW, the entire
<br />fee ~ampla title t,i the real xzitatr fhaU yeast in the nurvivfng ~;ratare,
<br />11atr<~ April l1 ~ 1;1 $2
<br />Thepdore L. Stave .
<br />w ,.
<br />.~`-.
<br />S7'.~?7"F ~F ,*lebsaska__... ~ ~~a tizis_ ist .day gag April ryf...$2 hf!fore
<br />Hall ss.
<br />f'mcx#y ~ tae.. #kc sadersagacd a :1'cftr#rq~ !'ubiu;, duav confrttitsiiiaed sad f_ruutiJSed ,lrir ';
<br />ifs said cause#y, pertoai~ly carxe. Theadtir~e 1..- Stave, Attorney S.n Fact
<br />-'°" _€crs--Racsdolc~ -.d_ -8ixecurwao...atxdTheadore,. L<. S.tava,..
<br />i[>rEMt filta/Nf - Rw air Mhaafra
<br />t9-ILMI YJfIGlK Per the s s
<br />,., +~r Afton ~-ziili 12. ifs _.
<br />tea me kavu~nf to ire #ke idea#ua{ persrxa or j+ersrrfs wtu~se aanae 'is pr namts nve
<br />fSEtit} afycsed to #ht ~s3rerrria,,I iat#ruufrn# sad at-ftaazzrizdged the Cxecutioa thererrf tai be
<br />kit, krr or #ftcir vv3ranlary ast and dead.
<br />Ii°tia~arsaara} Ixttscd sad ~'m''o#aaia? Seal 4'lsc dal. vad ;~e•ar tas# abvx:a :x~rsdterz.
<br />"~:.+~ <"? C 3)C..SC.'...Y`c#ctrti !'uhltc
<br />', .ply tr~rssaaissioa c:xyires 1+4t• !off".., r?ca}• oi'.. -y~,0'~ ,y ~j
<br />51'.x'1` i? (7~ ...... _ . _ ... l
<br />has.
<br />l~ttertcl on ttzituerieal iatlex and fii,ycf for recozd in the llegistar of 1leadaa Offiee of said County the
<br />.......... . d;~y cfi, , .. . 13...... , at........... o'clock and........... min,utx ...... .... 1b3,, ;
<br />~::uf reccrrdz:.d iti E3+'x+7u, .. ............. f~f... , .............. , . at pogo.... _ .... .
<br />._
<br />Fuag. ,',f kJc+ca3s
<br />