<br />82--~~ ~ was
<br />SC~3~I4rISI0ti AGl2EEMc?•3T
<br />C0:^=TI?vEUTAL vARD~iVS. BLd)Cit 3
<br />In The City of CrGnd Islam , Ne~raska
<br />Tae undersigned, L:Il1-CONTII`'EvT E4T~:tPRLSuS, ItiC., a ;Vebrasica
<br />corporation, and <<ARGARSi B. ~icGI2AT:-i, hereinafter calle~:? the Su~-
<br />d'.ividers, as owners of a tract of lanri i.n part of the Southwest
<br />(quarter of ti-re "douthwest C~uarter tS'hty~",,i-:) o Section Fight (8),
<br />T~wnsnio ;:levee (; i ; iiorti-,, 3an~>e line (9) 4;.'est of the bth ?.;;. , in
<br />the City of Gran3 Island, :-Tall.. Cotmty, ':el,,raslca, more ,:.articular. iy
<br />described as follows:
<br />the point crf "neginning tieing the northraesterly corner of
<br />I31oci~ "iwo °Z? Continental. tar:3e:ns, an addition to the City
<br />of Crand isian:i, mall County, tie7raska, sai:3 point also
<br />:~eit7g on :`~~ sruther?v ri~;?•lt-of wa> line of College Street;
<br />thence '° :s8 5•~' C;(;" '~ t"nr L9i.~5 :eat r~ton~ the southerly
<br />rigi-st-c}i-way ilea L_ sai-? C`o`sleae Stra~et to a point of
<br />rzarve• t:'zc•nce can .~ curve to tyre right havinf; a r.aii.us o;:
<br />23'.C3d) ca~'t't, :~ lung chord ~rearfng of 81° >8' 28" ii for
<br />7{x.8ts cE•t : i:c>r a^. arc 4iistancz oaf y .u2 feet ~~lone the
<br />s::air1 scgut;~atrly right-c~;.-k~av 1 inf' ~t :'~~11eKe Street to t°~rc.
<br />trcrrtha:>a4;er~y earner :?f l~-~cic ~, Contisventai. G<~r:3ens;
<br />tlaeszce S 42 '•,".' C'* •J for :'1~'.,~a, r`e~~°t alc>n~ the easterly
<br />ling. as s<:i ,llc~ck rnzYr +.=+;. C'cmtinent.~al ilaraens, to rn
<br />an~;lc point, ttrencc S +;:i`' 4~' "3'i" tti t<~r 387.fl8 .eyt aloes;
<br />the easterly iir1E' •., :: sai.1 :l<~ck, Fc.ur ~;4t, ;;>nt.z7ental
<br />Carcrens, tci tl~e soutreast<•rly cs>rnc>r <;~:: sai.~i Rl.~ack F~rur
<br />!has, Conti-rrrntal f„r:iiens; tnEn~c 7 `sts" 54' i5" ,. zor w22„h
<br />feat; i;l:enCf~ > ~;'+-~' ;v~" td ,:or Z['~.~f2 fra~t tr> a pc~ini: on
<br />the r~c~rtht~rly ra:•"i. ~ ,~.iv linr~ ut: :~tatc' Street; [hence
<br />S ?~8` ~i3' ~4" • r ,5 d~Ed ~c~et a~le?ng the :~a. i northerly
<br />right-c; w:~y l ins of Stan Strc:ct; thencte ti '.}o ! 3' ?,~;" ..
<br />*or 2i'~.rl~ f'e'et to a point can t?•r~: southcrl.v ling. <~f. sai4i
<br />Illcrc?~ Tc t> '';) Cont=nental {;arelens; thence ti gs" 54' S~"
<br />':i fc~r ~4.15~fav~:.c r33.ctag the said southerly Line nt 'r; ?,c~c!c
<br />iWt7 =`zi Con~tine+ntai ~ar3ens, to the st3~.1~t'r'twesterl.y earner
<br />o:: sai::i F~l+~aek 'I',ao {`~) « ~ontirental C;ar,iens; thence along
<br />the westerl~.~ arnc of sail E3.ac;c Two 4~'i, Continental.
<br />Car~3ens rc}r t x al J ?s;ing t}.tee cc~ur_ses : t i ~: G 4J'
<br />5Ei" >ti L~r 2?~ '1~ teat; L.i S tats{~ 74' !s2" ~ for ~`S.8 ~ea?t;
<br />_-31 "a (> =;3" ~~" ,_ for 3f~n.~i5 ;'eat, to ?~e aoint cf hegin-
<br />ning, and Containing h.i5 aercrs, more or less !:t'~e
<br />so~athrrly rlg~t-of-.wa-a lane of :;oli.egr Streit assuzrred *?
<br />88 ?'~ ^,J' a; _... °sirecticrn;.
<br />3esir~: to *rave Stt'~r.iivi.?~:i as <, s~.:):iivisic>r, t±~:e zaar3ve-dnscribe:i .tract
<br />of lea+t.:i wtxit:,z is Ictcate•.i w;t,`rin tre c~-ar~?;rstr=' ri.;Tits of the City of
<br />'viand Ysand, tir4Dr3si~.a, an:i :';erebv st:br.t to tr e _.itv Council.. ;~f
<br />--,
<br />such City for aCCeptancc~ as .~ruv•_1a:3 t_y za3°w :srr ..a~carat,= ray ar1.:i nl.:at
<br />cif such pr:~~?osed sulr.:iivi s%c7rr, t~, i7t ~:~°s~h+n as :'f7:~s i ~"'` ~1`.`_. r ts:ii~...,. ,
<br />~il.raCir. s, :<e.s ~*>~<at.~n~ 'x, l,.ci.tty t.ne ta~cl t.~~ ^€~ ',ai..i ;a? r<. r~<rrt:i~-
<br />aafar'iy a •sc:iL~:_nt? t.ht~ lc?ts =~r'ai ~<r5e,;ents :Ic,{3 s-a;; ! ~;.rs~y~ ,..-
<br />i J. ~°.l t. i.°>c'b, e.>'; e. ;'t ?ast< .it•:~:s~.,aro y,". k:'.i ~s;X ~t .,•,.bt; r. ~a t~•.'i i~~~;Y~i. r,, •ti a~ s; ,~,~,;. .._
<br />