,_ w._,_. ~ ____.~...
<br />READ PROPERTY MORTGAGE g2,..~i) ~ ~ ~ ;~ °~
<br />NAMFC..n -.
<br />----- -- -~•----- ..• .~.-~ m.+..v v..asvn,>:
<br />'la~rv G. 'Tiller Karer K. '*illss MORTGAGEE: C.J.T. FINANCIAL SER VICES Cprppr~,t 20n '
<br />Li`~281;n232~.- 3tE'l3.:. Wlf~ ADDRESS: ~ tj{~i ;e t't ~.
<br />7~ ~. $u~l
<br />
<br />Grind xL~la:fide hTebr. 58:3D1 L2nOOl.n, `±eL'T. O~~t7'I
<br />LOANNUkt$E:R- DATE mnaMis oiwu°iMxei
<br />o yeas ~.arfacrrea NUMBER OF DATE DUE EACH UNST CHARGE
<br />
<br />12$'76
<br />Tipril 8r 1Q82
<br />Aril ~l;
<br />i~t~2 PAf ME NTS
<br />;20 MONTH
<br />
<br />Dg7E Fi,'1ST
<br />~PAYMF.NT pUE
<br />PAYMENT ,
<br />P 15th
<br />TOTAL OF s
<br />
<br />?~~7 ;5, °1882
<br />sg57.33
<br />s ~53a4cs AYMENT DUE
<br />3pri1 ~Jfi
<br />7cq? PAYMENTS
<br />s i9~6~.33
<br />s 7Q16.oS
<br />To secure payment of a noxe whi€h i signed today promrsmg xo Ray ypu ma abae amount financed together vai2h accrued finance charge and io secu:-- ;.; ~, my
<br />atF+er and future o!>f•••igaLit>sis to ytw, the Maximum thttsearuiing a[ any groan tlma nct to excred the amount waxed above, each of the undersigned grants, narga~ns,
<br />salts and' conwsys 3a~ yW the teat estate described laeiow, and ail presenx and future rmprow.mants an the reap e5iate, tahich is torated in Nebraska, County of
<br />T:se Stststherl.y ?c,• re~y D +,hE `;a. -~i=.lf o~' T_,o-t ~, wnc the SautheT3z~
<br />7~•~ £set of ~ 's4, ~Il r 31DC_l ~, is .. .. -Clsrkty ,dditior, tD
<br />tAe City of ,T3SiC Zsl~.nd, `,?li {.`ptzrit;~, 'webraska.
<br />t wriB part' me r+ot0 secured 4Y mis mortgage ac€.ordrng Sd its farms, end if 1 da, ttran to rs mortgage will become Holt and vard.
<br />1 welt psy alp taxes, liens, assesarrretsts, aolrgations. encum#xar+cea and anY other cnar~s against the raai estate and maintain insurance on the real estate in
<br />your Lsvor in a loan artd amount zMnfa€tary td you. You may pay anY such tax, Iran. assess}nani, otrfigatian, encumbrance or other charge or purchase such in-
<br />surm€e sn your ovm Warne, if t tail to da so. The amount you pet' vriu bear ,nterast at the hrghest lawful race, wrll be an additional Iran cn the real astute and may
<br />Ha enforced and€altectad in the 88lrte mariner as any diner attlrgatson 4i4'urod try this !nartgage.
<br />}i t am fate m max;ng any part of anY t?aymenx ar +f i Ztd nor rr•,p>y sv ,n env rtYhG eft iceman rs of iha i~'san se€u[ed bV t3~:s agraamant, the full amount I
<br />owe, less re#und Of any €harges which you have rrcr Vet a,arnrd that xwa ttl tW, g, an ~r 1 p.epa d my loan uI , .v+i1 t)ecome due, it you desire, without your advising
<br />me- (wdl deliver the sacurrty to Vau at Vau quest, or itc*r^, t you r. are uie+n=srs wh e nr~;~ recur n +, ?scat
<br />your rntant Sa 4all She sa€ue"xty, ytNr mmY ip 5o a . ry e9aw an rn T _ dci and take ~i AfEpr g,ving m0 10 da VS notice of
<br />afieP yp[, hays aptsired th+e pra€aeds +a my tram Gtti+ i,o .. ~, t, +nwprr,~r _dy tit r sa r yet 7 rye c Mated ih .my unpaid balance. I f any money is left aver
<br />all of the rrghis of a secured ~ tV under the U,tel ~ - gut r, env n Heys 5r,rr . :ng, 1 agree to paY y~+ Vte ba4an€e, rn eddrtlOrt, you Nava
<br />ors: C.rxnn,~r ri -,,,
<br />It ypu era assae~ed ahY Lnx erasing frpm tog reef estate, : agrarr r:; ;ray that astesammr in asdttran ea any oxnar assessment which I am required to pay.
<br />if l am Iota m making arty part a# any paymanX., / am rn da#aUt[. ~n mat cafe, you rrtay fiend ma a note€e grving ma 21'1 days to elimineie the default, except
<br />rltst. if You alr~tly Revs taut nw a notice for s prw;ouc deiwYt. you nefo Hat sand me arw.xnr nonce. i t i arimrnata the default, 1 have tna righ[ to continue malting
<br />t7eYmHfis. if t do trot N.m.nate the daiauft, than me #u#1 amount t ovw, last the porNOrv c' Hte F;nance Charge whch you have not Yet earned, will become due if
<br />you dostro, mthdrt Ypur adwarny me. Tha proceeds ai the sate vr+fl oe credited tv my unpax,i.'.atanca. rf arry money re left aver after you have applied the praca9ds
<br />to my ipso obligatirxn, at wiip rte pMd to ma, but i+ mV money rs still owing, t agree m pay you the tuiance €wvirrg, :f ptermrttan M Nebraska Law.
<br />"fttis mprt9aiM ywt# oxtemrt; cor+aWndava arM renaW any axestrrtg mortgage iratvvean us can the aoow raai astata.
<br />Ea€h pt ttfaur>y9arciprray apnsrs tMt na axtenaian of tune ar clmar var.atron of any ohirgsovn fiacurad try m,s mart
<br />tPtis qnp;'raga.; {t&IQIB wth of taGl e,'ly ether pb/igations Under
<br />EtICfi ditY#l ufsdYrtigrMd tiYNMt all mp#tetr#ghta, horrresteW exemption and a.! other exmr pitons ratatrng to Tne abcrvB raai ax[ata.
<br />by yWTNE$S ytNi6R£OP Lha underargnadihea-Revs} sat dins.-tnaui h~rnfaf ana ) ton ~"-. °- - ~ ' tom"
<br />'~
<br />s
<br />r
<br />/ _
<br />4TA7E OF NE BNASrcA .. .....- -. ..
<br />3 ~r , _..._... _. .._
<br />COStAYTY OF .... -.. i - LZ„~, `- _... - - - at.
<br />The t +'nf4 inatrurnant was ackrewerPar:pe+'7 estate me rho ~ ~ ~' .,t .
<br />,,
<br />- .. s ... _ , ,_,~ _,
<br />i' r 4.J . _ _ ~. {~.r
<br />rrycycrat. a2-2i F5 fi?-8p? ov ~ .~/ .. .t'..~ ...s~,,~.sf~ ..,...
<br />'Sf avi[t5 '! Notary PyarlC L--' -
<br />
<br />
<br />6...~
<br />