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<br />r~Yrs rt~ni~a°rv~e. cam:--.__. 14th______ nay af__-__Aaril 82
<br />___.___.__.,. Ica ._...__ ~ by and betwsan
<br />Richard A. Ca-izada acrd Marian J. Caizada, husband and wife, each in his and her own
<br />_rght and as spouse of ttte other,'_T______~._~_~.__^~___._._____.________
<br />of _ Nd i 1 Counh•, Nebraska, as mortgagor 5 ,and Home Fcderat Savings and Loan Association of Grand tsiand. a corporation
<br />Drgartixtd asul tzisting under the hers of thr United 'Mates Df .$meriea with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, as
<br />rn{KtlCj'a$Ge~
<br />W FTNESSETH- 2ltat seta mortgagor. S^__._.__. for and in consideraNtm of the sum af.._ __
<br />*Five Thousand and ;°loiltlaths* ~~ 5=,047D.•~~- }.
<br />r; -
<br />the receipa of which is hereby acktwwfedged, do _. _..._ _ . __..._.... Sy these presentx rm+ngaFe andvrurantuntosaidmQggggsa its<sacecswrs and assigns.
<br />!Dreyer. all thcfaifawing descrP.xa reef euate, s;tua!ed in t»e County of --, Hd t 1 ..
<br />and Stare of Vtbraska, ro-vrit:
<br />l.ot Three (3}, Capital Heights Eighth Subdivision, Hail County, Plebraska.
<br />I'o~athar with a$t heu[t.rag, air rz,mlitksrutx,g, :ifihtiaat, and pdumniag wau,pmem sad fizture+, rncluarnit wcxvrnv. awnu~ts., µt+*rm u,adawv n;>i!
<br />dgorx, sad wusdosr »iradas or bliada. uasd an ar m eonrxctma wrth saxt prapertp. wtwthea the wmn an; anw loracc+u oa Haiti fxotxnv :,r hennniur
<br />ptatxd thereaa.
<br />T(? IfAYE 4NI} Tt> lit>L.L) "i`Hf: SAMIi, t.a,p;hrr with sit and stni;uiar thr trarrnrat«, hersxl,6anarrsts and ag,purrana ex:rtr ths•rrtrntx> hw~
<br />tat'rAiag, or in amywiae, •ppettsanjtttg, itrrav^Lr, earl warrant tau title tx, ?:hr sarr+e.. ~axf mxxgap(rsr ~. hnrrtay ~avensat with ~,.a+ck
<br />murtga~xz carat _t hs ,~! a.Y~. .. , »t the tfaiivery lzeracd, ahn iawiul rsw~r S ~fi ttrc prrmtxs akx,vc c.rn.rye,9 ana ci vvr;lscv1,
<br />araA ... a Y"e setxed.. ttt a geed and fndafeaaibce c. u~ir ccf rntwtrr.ane`r tutrrn„ 'r.w arui rtvar ,.;t a1I encurrstsrane~r+, arnt that r u,ll
<br />s v n.. }'.
<br />warrant .u:¢ Sxtend tlw tir3a theraur forxro~ar agauust c.+w riatrns arui +iwmaxZfi. <r# aii lrrs.cros wnnmm~rr
<br />' irtfC?k'1 L7tU AI.N',4YS, arxi slits 3.natrurnent ig rxcrut.anf ataf a9er3tvr~erd car sn:.urr t.h~ a :rant ut th«9 ssatn ui
<br />*Five thousand and P3oJ.1t3~ths~ ~, Iurikra~a~f~~~•QQ ;.
<br />.. , . _
<br />with mtercwt thereon. i:a~ptlfru with such charges a[tii3 auvaacra as nWy `dug arsni (a}~,:•- .:, sent nx.rt,gut{cY^ ;outer thw +.rreus ar " , "r.i ~; :,nr;
<br />of the prr im:iiaary c~wYp' o{ awns date fieraw itti ~arxf ±wacun~f k,sxaby~. 1^xrx'utasd k,y satii r.-,~tasp,,r S tn1 seta mart itri$ai., 7xayaialr rxy,..._acE
<br />sa said ante. anr::~Cri ketiit3l the patforaiancx +xf s11 tlw: sxrr.•as arnY cr adirwns cxrraarn~4 r: ±;yin. The usraw cx4 Laic: nests err dwn¢irr r,ccrry...racwd
<br />liarefn Dy t2iis refereacs.
<br />It is the iateartioa sad agrearttxrtit aY the paetit~ rr+ec:t.; : ^iai tlua nxsrt.7aga siuiii e:w. ,: v.-a day tutura advaci:r> trwJn w void rraartr,a!; , ~ . ~
<br />by ^aaid ~, er i say emd ell ir2deiate.3ncros us n~~,t~,n vs the arrrunt assert _ .. wta.4 aw+ui rroxtgagarn. !er env ,i :F,ea,. m.,. ... ,,,
<br />miieL:aat»tgsgr,a, haw'nvar aridarced, wltteMjr Dy n..,-. `~._. o. _.:uttc ur athasrn.::». -.., :n~.rtFaltn shat ntarartt m fu37 lyrce anal e .rct L..t ,~.,-
<br />the Fsazties faarero and. r.frsu- kteits. persons; re{tr,~ra, n:::. ve:n.r~xxaus: amt ate, ..:,.si a..l axrauunts !,toured hwxt;.urxier. ircwdrnK ,.,::.,rr
<br />asYsansea., ors }Decd in toll with iasesaw.at.
<br />Ttis axrxtyyagar $_._ hsrsby aaergn . tr sat::r,:rtwegea a91 rrnta an,: uxcxine arisirsg at nay and ail tina~c lrr,as .:uW pnapexiy ar±d
<br />t~ebY sutharita aa~ euartgpgee ar ixsr egent. at its ~;,«.~+ut, ups dxtault. u, take ::ucr~,~ ,f aaiti tsn,peFty anc£ cratixu.t ell reatx and i~sn~.r
<br />ttstp~aSntrn. and apply flis aartie tc, the payase7st of ir::arix ^~^flcipa--, :rsi:rsrxe prem:uras. taxes, arsaca..:r~eats. rrf,;alrs <+r nmpn,vc*nse:nt.~
<br />w ante :prraparty m taaaatahdacuwditiaa~.. »x i„ c: ~+:+x chr rgan rrc p:rnxants pxoti"idea tar tmaraia +sr ay tom.. tarts h«ratry securrd. "`9'dir+:
<br />rcpt aasigaraentahall c-oat£autn n furca until tlac uapntt3 srata^,.:. ~ .ax# rastr := t~ly patio. The :akvr# crf {s,a.^ses5:arr harc-und ~ srha77 c: ar> tr+:ittrrar
<br />prcyrnt or rttrrtd ~aicf -~ortgagne in ih~c c~o:htcioc: ,.,i zaid +uaus by forvctuaure cr ;rti;«xwt~..
<br />tailors trYitrs - to e.aaert. azsY DY its r~ista lttreanaer et any time sha33 n<x a cssa%:-u.-+ as a waiu~ar of its ri{Cht to acvert the
<br />aazaeat arty tat~.timc. aaa tar insist upon a~ eafaru S:.rseL ee:~plrxrrce with art the trr~x ana pro =~.a,;, , u{ said opts acd of this a>L rtgagk.
<br />it.xvY raart$'st;,•; S xtxaff iuarxws w be 4>exi w +asJm~a.~ager tlm entire arr,aurit ti•x ,t hareuud+u .,ad ureter the terms and pra•. ivians
<br /><+f,eaid rwte $ereb? ._r.rxryi. carIw,tau+g future advar,cav, and zny exrrnaion. or rerurvra7a t}:xrr,c' ss aa:ri;ar.:e wi;h the tnrais nn t nvi:rian+
<br />tluxecri, arnf a sad ,~•.x .eagle _.~.__ ahati crkttply witL a13 t;xrprovrsirna of ~Lti rxdr r~ rd rives martgag..>. ,_tnetz thasn pre~,iY,v ~sha31 }ir vain.
<br />rrtlrerw v+e to rnrnam s Etch fares sad at[act, and maid ttrartgagt~ xhel7 bs entitles! w thn pnsaa:ssian. of a[[ of said prapeny, Has: raay, at itx nfKion,
<br />rfucla: x c4r^ wfi43e of xaid tyoLe ascd alt ~ repn~axntad ilrereby to bs iasrzisaiataly aur^ sna payable, and may {r„„-er;israe this mrnrtgagc
<br />r en.ko ~.,y ot}ure ~>aal ae:taurx to grotset iU, right. Agf„•a+amrat. waives.
<br />"~:, r,:~~r.,-;ng•~~.:h.e.ll he 4a4adiag upon area shat! enure to tits tsgsnafii, {rf thr h?ir». eze.°uwrs. xarn.vattrafnrK.:suce~at,svrs a»d asst~t.~: ,rt e.txt
<br />Lti s'.!'i `Eti~ +etf+Y.Et:k.(3F?.. x9rd SSa c,r ~... ha ~~, hereunto vex. the? f ~..
<br />t;anr3 5.__ thn day arx7 5`'dvui?tz mbr,~te
<br />wrttun )
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