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..._.~ <br />~. ~ <br />", <br />~~ <br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that #f hr aha14 fail to pat' +aid indebtednesr: or :,nv part thereof when <br />dslte, or shall fsi! to perform am covenant or agreement of this instrument or the pratuisrary note secured hereby, the <br />entire indtbtedneaa hereby secured sha#I immediately become due, payable, and collectible without notice, at the <br />optian of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, and-the tnartp;aKee or hi assign: a>eav before or-after entry <br />ee1~l avid groperty w#tfioui apps#setnent i the martgaKOr }tavang waived anri aasit:ned to the snort#;ager a!! rights of <br />appraieemtnt3 <br />t t) at }udicia# sale pursoant to the provisiana of 28 L+.S.C. '3i#41 c a ~ ; or <br />(tt) at the optiaa of the mortgagee, either by auction or by solicitation of sealed bids, far the highest and <br />best bid complying with tbs. terms of sale and moaner of payment apeeiF,ed in the published notice of sale, first <br />,~ivinR four weeks' testier of the time, terms, and place ctf arurh .air, ia. :+,{vrrti.ement not I:..+r, than on•r <br />dnrittg each of said four wteia in a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which acid property <br />is aiRttattd, all other natiee, being hereby waived by else mortgagor t and said mortgagee, or any person on <br />behalf of acid mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note i. 4aid eak shall bt <br />hel$ ax ar on the property' to be sold or at the Federal, count}', or city courthouse far the county to which the <br />property is Ideated. T`}ta mortga>;te is hereby authorized to execute for ant? on behalf of the mortgagor and to <br />deliver to the: purclaasez at such salt a atrffecitnt conveyance of said property, whictt conveyance shall contain <br />recitals. as to the happtniag 'rr xhe default upon which the execution of the power of sale herein granxtd <br />depends; anti xhe said mortgagor hereby cortuitutts and appoint: the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the <br />mortgagee, ells agent sad attorney in feet of raid mart{taRar is make sorb recitals and to execute acid <br />eaavtyance and hereby caa+enaau and agrees that the. recitals ao made a#ral# be eHtctual to bar alt equity ar <br />right of redemption, homestead. dower, end all rtthrr exeruptirans of the nsortrrauor. alt of which are itereb. <br />expressly waived and conveyed to t#se nxortgaIIer: or <br />+tttt take any' +>ther appropriate arsaatt pursuant to elate +,r #'edrral ~tatauc +•tther in state ur F'rderal <br />court ar otherwise far xhe diapositian of the #>ropr•rty. <br />In the ewtat of a sale as bera;txbeforr provided, the martgaROr oar any prrse»ae in pasaraeion ender the mort- <br />gagorshall thew becotoe and Ire tettaaxa haldina over sect shall forthwith +lelivtr #>asaession to the purehraaer at <br />wuch salt or be surrtmanly tltap~asseraed, in :accorelance with the prr>viaana of law appiicah#e itt tenantri ho#rlinrt over. <br />The power and agr:nry hereby granted are raupletl with ate inieresl and art trrecacablt by rieath .+r ut#terwtrre« reuei <br />ors: graatexl as cumulative to the remctiita for ra#lertina al «aid%ndebtedneaa provided h. law. <br />4. 'I7se prx>cxeds of say' rak of raid prapertr in aernrdaner with the preceding paraarapha shall be applied fleet <br />xo pay the cosu rend rxptrxsrs of said sale, else e>prnsn incurred by the real>rtRartre for t#te purpose of protcctinrt or main• <br />raining said property, and reasouablt attorneys' irc:s, wrotrdly, to pa! etas indehtrdne.,* ~erured hereha : anr9 thinlly, <br />to pay any sarpleta or rscesa w the perw.te ar #rers+rns legal #v er>tit#ed t#ae ret ci <br />$. la the event acid prtrpcrty is sold at a judicial forexlttaure salt or pursuanu to the, power of salt hrreinrbovt <br />graateti> sad 4ht proctctis are cwt suffieienx to pay the; total indthttdnesa secured bq this rrtstrumrnt and. evidenced by <br />will pratoiewry note, the mortgagee will ba entitled to a defat:iency judgment far the am.+unt ,>f the deficiency wit/tour <br />re~and to aPW~+sscru, <br />f>. In the event the mortgagor fails to #>av say F^ederal, .i+ric, or locrl ttx a~,stasmet>t, anr:onsr tax or uxlxt*r tat <br />lien, tbargt, fee, or allele expenat charged against tlx property ebe tnarxgagtc is #>e rebq autharirxd at has optaon to <br />pay the same, rtiny slims ao paid by the mtarigagee shall bt added to and became a part of the principal ama+aat of t#tc <br />indebRedosas rvitieaced by said Hate, au$~eeE to the same recce. sad ronditiotu. If the mortgagor shall pay and <br />diseharge the iadebxedacar tvideaxd by said proruiasort su>tr„ end ahaIl pa q' eacta ,;.,.;;. and shall diseharge all <br />tarots. and liens and the cast, fees, sad expenses of makatxg, enforcing;, and tsexnting, this mortgage, then ibis mortgage <br />+hali be t~nar5sad turd surrendered, <br />+• 'Tl~a ewv+ratutis herein eaaataiaod ahadl bind: sad. tltt hcnehta and advautagea .hall rn,re to t#a:• r,••pee live ru+ <br />cerwea and arraigrms.of the partite hcxreto R7htttgrer cased, the singular number shall inclmdt the plural, the plnzsI xhe <br />aisgralar, sod: the tot of say grader shall iaclade all gtadtrs, <br />8, !tia waiv+u of any caveaant htreia ar of flat olrligatioa +xecurrd hereby aha#i at ani irrtu• s#aerr,rftr^r Ise #ae#ti <br />to be r wai:vtr of the terrnrt hc.rtof or of ehr. note secured hereby. <br />4, ~ ~ai d~esrct seller, oa' jadgment ~ralding say pravisian r>r pt>rtian of tfat,. ran»trunaent tnva#itl ar artarr- <br />fa~tttable .hall. abt is sty way impair or preclude the rnfartrmtnt of t#ae remairinlt },rovtaiuns ur lrortiona of t#r is <br />lfa. Nary +.tit4is~ ttatitr~ to he iesxted to eba anatigtgar pursuant to the pravislsoa of tlxis irxatrwnttax shall be ad• <br />dr+ssnad to cbt at iw i:i lxwttt ~t aagk; uacl; 2cat; . C r ,.<: ry;r~ , z=~~,rasi« ! iiki(: <br />sad ataxy writtep rrrrtsce to bt tssutd to t~ve martgsgttt olcall <br />Isar'ar}nfntro~atltatf~retomt~e~aen:x l', <i. ?I+~x `,r~L?. '•:~xE,:{;ti , ,t~ur,ral~'.Tt ~+u2;;1 <br /> <br />