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<br />~~ 1 E~Al7r <br />Thin mortgage made and entered into this 12th day of 9pril <br />l4 82 , by and between Holiday i~'.otels of Nebraska, Inc. <br />(hereinafter referred w as martga6orj and First National $ank of Valentine <br />(hrreiaafter rrfrmed to as <br />nsortgagexl, who maintains an olFiet and pla« of businer at Valentine, Nebraska, County of Cherry, <br />State of Nebraska <br />77trreast:ra, that for the conaideratian hereinafter st:tad, receipt of which is hereby acknawledaed, the <br />mortgagor does hereby mort6age, eels, grant, asaigtt„ and convey unta the martgagee, hen succesaora and awigna, all <br />of the failawiat6 described property situated and britt6 in the County of Hall , <br />Statc of Nebraska <br />A Tract. of land located. in the So+:theast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEISE`-t} in Section <br />Twenty-four (24}, Tawnship Teti {IJI, fiorth, Range Ten {10} West of the 6th P.M. in Hall <br />County, 'Nebraska, mare particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at Cite Southeast Corner of said Section Twenty-four {24}; thence westerly on the <br />Sauth line of said Section twenty-four {24} a distance of seventy (70.0} feet to the westerly <br />highway right-af-way line; thence northerly aiong said R.O.W. Iine a distance of Two Hundred <br />Three and Eight Tenths {203.$) feet, to a pains 71.6 feet easterly from the east line of <br />said section t•~.=enty-four {24} thence deflecting left 90oO0' and running westerly along said <br />R.O.6~?. 13ne a distance cr€ ane hundred and Nine tenths (100.9} feet to a point 17.2.5 feet <br />westerly Pram said East of section twenty-four (24); thence deflecting right 87040' <br />and running northerly aiong said R.O.W. .line. a distance of two hundred (200} feet to the <br />actuai place of beginning; tiaence continuing northerly an u.O.W. line seven hundred eighty- <br />three (7$3.0) feet to a paint two htmdred seventeen :and five tenths {211.5} feet Westerly <br />fratn east line of said Section 24; thence deflectinK left 30`~S6' and. running northwesterly <br />slang said it.O.Sv. line a distance of eight-six and five tenths {$6.5) feet; thence deflecting <br />left 22033' and running northwesterly aiong. said r.0.k', line a distance of three hundred <br />seven and six tenths (307.f,) feet; thence deflecting Left 1230110' and running southerly a <br />distance of ono. thausand faun hundred twenty and never.-tenths (l42U.7} feet Lo a paint on <br />the south line of Section 24; thence easterly altani; c>ut•h line of Section 24 a distance of <br />one hundred fifty (l50) feet; thence deflecting ?2ft 90007 and running nartherl.y a distance <br />of three hundred eighty seven and elglity-eight hundredths (3$7.88) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 86024' and running easterly a distan0e of twa-hunrized five and thirty-five hundredths <br />(205.35} feet to the actu<el place of beginning and cantaaining 8.33 acres more or less, <br />•Cogriher whit awd immaiadi+tg all baildingw, atl i3nturcxa including taut nut limited to all plumbing, heating, lighting, <br />ventilatis~, refri~ewiing, rneiae.raetia(;, ate r~naditivaiwg apparata~.++, and elrvn[vrr+ (ihr n+aregagvr hereby declaring that <br />it i~ intended tlmt for 9tam« htaeia ra,nesrratrd xchall br deemed to have been pnrmannnt'ly iawtaltcd arx pnrt ref the realty 1, <br />and a!1 tmprroYraests> rxtar or hrYraft+r rxt>ating thr~rtwn; t!w hereditament a:rd appnrtrnanees and all enc~r rights ihere- <br />nntn b+.rlangag, <xr in ant+.ii}e rppertainin~t,. uad ihr and ravrrwiona, rmm~iader and remainders, al! rights of <br />redcaaptioo, and the rent.., +Rgnrw, and profits ,>f rite above dr.,c•rilW+3 prngert~ l pn+vidrd, lN)rtrvrr, that the msmgagor <br />~i,>s!l hr entitled in tote pt+w.xr~.«a~ian of said pr.:+prn~ +tnd to collrz-t and retain the rents. issne~., and pnafi[s Hots! drfnnlt <br />hrrrander}, '{o luaus and lr,.lmld the same ante ed+r uaertgagre and the .nnccrs*rrrr..n inte•rr+rt of the mongagc.- farrver <br />in fee .armplc err exurb otlserrRinte:, ? adm~, as is «tated lrrrcin. <br />The mortgagor revenants Chef he is lawfu!!y eteirrd and pasaeased of and hsa the rlplhY to ec!! and convey eaid <br />ps~op~erig~c that thK same is ftee. from at! entumbrarecra rxrcpt ins hrreisalxis~e recited, and that he hrrebr binds <br />lramnrlf and hsa aureeaaora in intrccst to warrant and defrxtd she title aforrsatd the. rrta ana! curry part ihrrrof against <br />the elairina od all perwna wlxomxur+et. <br />Tltsr in Atru!t3eut i~ gy~:en tat sr. ura~ tfie trnparte:at of a yarornssenr;: nut£ rirte.i ;1pr3. ! 19;1 <br />":~:thelxr.;zri~yl+ntmaf~ ~')~}`.t}il .xittreedir} 'G:. *~.. Pla:rs13a11., .lt. <br />in 5chali of Ecrl id~~~r ;:fo'r~ la' •_ a 'Ce=2trttztKt~, Lac. <br />~sn<. .~axxr..~:>,mt'~. kr~: +_,,.,cnr .r+;;,.~-a` <br />