<br />
<br />BY ~2--~ t~Cil~~'3
<br />TN@S DEED is made by ................F`~4~3{~.$ . ~ ...~~~~a~E~........... _ ................... as
<br />Personal Representative of the Estate of ...EVEZ.YN .M.. ~tYZ~1Y.N a~~ ....................... . .............. .
<br />Deceased, Grantor (whether one ar more), to , .....ERANCF$ . E....M~~TaI+~~ ................................ .
<br />Gra~r4ee {wheUter one or more).
<br />WHEREAS, the Iasi Wili of .. -EVELYN. M...ENZMINGER .................. . ................Deceased.,
<br />was duly admitted to probate in the County Court of ........... ~F.?- .........................County. Nebraska;
<br />WHERfJtS, Grantor was dWy appaintad Psssonst R~ at asid eexate and is now quaGfisG and ecHrg in said capachy;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, the Grantee is determined to be the person entitled to distribution of the he2inafterdescrihed real propert/, and
<br />Grantor is authorized to dixtribute the same to Grantee:
<br />NClW, TFiEREfORE, Grantor oanveys, assigns, transfers and refeases to Grantee the foilowingdescribed reai property:
<br />Lot Twelve (I2) and the Southerly Thirteen Feet
<br />{13') of Lat Thirteen (13) in Knickrehm Seventh
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />P~p~~~0 STAMP TAX
<br />~M~~~ i'~i~R 1 d ~~~
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<br />iLegai tlr cription) ~ ~~~
<br />together with ati tenements, riered~ita,/m~entsfand appufrte/nafn~ces therrto bairmging, but subject to easemenix and restrictions of record.
<br />Executed . ~~'~~°~ / • I,J..1~...... .
<br />Estate at , ,EVelXn, Et1ZIItln~eY .. , , ,Deceased
<br />Signature of Personal R,;xesentative
<br />STATE L?F .......DiEB~XASK.4 . ..... . . ...... )
<br />} SSr.
<br />GQUNTY OF . .I...... ...... . .. . ... ?
<br />Cart ^ . • • if .. d.~?'; ... ~~!_J.+t~ .., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and
<br />gy~tfiad €ur arxi residingtn sand couniy and sxate, personal4y appeared ... F'''~r,~nCE`,S , E . 1'Soel ler
<br />a~_Persona! r'ltsptasentati+ee otthe Estate of.....EVe3..yZi .M.. Et1Zti11t2~er ......................... . Decaasti~+, to
<br />me kfxswn. Lobe ttra id~tttiaa! person who executed the foregoing Geed of Dixtribution and acknowledged the ama io be......... , .
<br />........... , a1~,rr .. . ........... voluntary act and deed.
<br />~''~
<br />~ {IrMil~, A ~ . i
<br />hf i•~"c`. ~ .n far, 39p F,i'
<br />DEEE7 ~3E D15TfitFS1~$'f(1P4# EiY '
<br />P~NSCiA@.~;. R~P~@ESEA@T,~,T~JL ;T€ST+~TE ES7>^iTE
<br />~.F«, i ;~ ,. .~.:~~t.e.is~ ,- ~ ,:,~,;.~v- Ps~fiL 1 ~f ~ P~`.~3E~
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