<br />R & A PROPERTIES, A PARTNERSHIP, herein called the Grantor,
<br />for and in consideratian of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($I.00? AND
<br />67T'HER VALUABLE CONSIDE?LA;TION received .tram Grantee, does quit-
<br />claim, grant, bargain, sell, convey and aanfirm unto DONNA
<br />,7ANISCH, R ASARRIED WOM:=1N, herein called the Grantee, the
<br />Eollaxaing-described real estate in :all County, Nebraska:
<br />The west Seventy Feet {~;~' } of a tract ar
<br />parcel a~ land located in the Narthwest
<br />Quarter of the Aiorthwest Quarter {N>=?~a?~IW3~} of
<br />Sectian Twenty-Two {22}, '~aa:cship Eleven (ii}
<br />Narth, Range Nine (4} ;lest of the 5th P.hi.,
<br />farnerly desr..ribed as Part of Block Number
<br />Six. {6} or, the Plat c` South Grand Island,
<br />more rarticuiarl}* described as follows:
<br />~OCtSY~4ePSC". 2.>si~ c3'_ 3 pt?iTlt ~1t3~'tty (~~} F2E?.t SOUti:
<br />of the SautY'.,~st earner ir?f uat Five (5} i^
<br />Block ~i•.°e 15) , South Grand 1 ;land, snd
<br />running thence East "tor a r3istanee of Seventy
<br />f iG} FPer_, t^e<:ce South _`cr. a distance of
<br />Si:tity-Six (56} Fees, thence West far a
<br />diataace of Sevent?.• {7(3} feet, thence w'~orth,
<br />para31e1 with the East side ar ;.aausr_ Street,
<br />a distance of Sixt~,~-Six (66D Feet to the
<br />place ,._ "ssegi^ninct, ~=<nd heiny a reatanq_uiar
<br />trac± of ground havi,°;~ .. [vest Frartage of
<br />S xt.;>-5>: {5E f Feet an ~.cc;ast Street it? the
<br />C ty^.` Grand isia::.'., *~ebrasca, and r~ depth
<br />of Sett<e f :fT} ea.t; raxceati.^.g th~:refrcam
<br />>_hat :c~rti^ , shown F»°. >ti « c. ~;a t:~e ~:ity of
<br />Grand s ~r,~i, e ca:~rr~ rz c~k ~5~:, Page ?45, ,~~,~
<br />C7 rJLF. C: ", ""Y °x'tF S ~ t -c t?~a tr„- nF ;).PF'c?:>, ~ *~~~.
<br />~,.
<br />and
<br />~~~"~~ .
<br />Lots Five {%) ~:~~ ;~ 2x (~) "~~~, .,;~r, { .a au.bsi' - STANtP TAX
<br />',73.tii~n" hn .,"~:aStz~rti ~. ,.~ .;.5,~:,. v. S Wit' t:;t ~, ,`;'+`i ^,<:
<br />1. S1. 3.?'d , ;~a x 5. 'L...UUfY t'v ". {, :3. =s .4`ka y5
<br />:~ sti
<br />.c * =. !"~:~.- ~7;a~c.'r~ ,-' :`nz cy- i.^;e € i 3 y } end vn ---
<br />~?:arc?rer .'c~rrv t:~(r3 , Beirnnr.t Addition tc the
<br />S:.!.C ~{ C.? 4"rr3i;:C] iSj. r3^f~, `+e:t7r2Y5'K3J
<br />sY d
<br />.:Gt5 w'tn~ uFidreti 'T"sw'E'!'it °TwG (.~L} C:'1L t7 Y!i::
<br />~~undred ':`wen t,.-Three { :~ ;~ 3) i n 3t lmns;t
<br />~dCZit iai3 _w. the v~*'~ .,... .ar ~:L"'. .: £>.'t%t ;i{I
<br />,,
<br />NebrasYa;
<br />d::i
<br />.a;.s Twfi, {Zp any: Farr (~) iz Black Twent;~-Two
<br />t~~} i.:~ triwersaty Place, az Addition *-,o thr,
<br />:»~I'~'' f,~i ~r3n!u 5iaflsd, ~~i'Sr3Ska;
<br />and
<br />aot+ Fzteen {35} a~nc Se°;er.teer. (=F'r x.: ~?l~;:k
<br />Three f3} irs "1a~iv~rsicy P.iar.•e,, ~.n i~dciitir,?;~ tc
<br />the 4:it,' ~~r +:ra.nc? sla~d, ?ae"sara3sa;
<br />- .u 1'';I} O ry; ea ~~ a3~cave c scr hed ^ e "~ se d~: :per
<br />++~. ~.:. - :€: ~*?~-°.t_,. _ , ;'1 s>r .'z4. .. i;:!~,.';y. `»5 3::G 3s'l.~i7..r .. £'.::1^c. c, .. `+~11 _._ti; t. C
<br />