<br />~e~ur:~ t~ ~,~,;
<br />~~blt~
<br />{)
<br />77ma ttiaale aad eaiased into. this % ~ ~ da ~ C~~~-'~~"~-' •-•~"~`~
<br />14 da +llettreea. 30YC'E li. B[kiI3 and S~T,NLEY BCYiID, Wife and. Htassl7and
<br />(berrainafter refined: w a. atortgagor) sad ehe Admiaistratar of the SmaII Business Adn»ttialration, an agency of the
<br />Government of the United Suter of America (hercitiafter te$ened to as mortgagee), who maintains an af&cc atzd
<br />phter ~sE htataae ae g~~, State gl,i 1 r3i rag, I9th and Far*nant, Otteha, Net`xaska 68202
<br />~ts?t'ttts~t'$. that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which u hereby: adrmowhalded, tLe
<br />'Ktlafec`deea ltetcby mortgage, sell, itrant, asdgtt. and convey unto, the mart6ageep his. wsc~ors sad assigoy ail'
<br />of the folbsrin6 described prapesty situated sad being m the Cotmty of ua€.r.
<br />StaLa of I
<br />The Easterly R}airty-'I;ao (32) Feet of Lot Eic~st (8) in Block
<br />Seven. (7) in tYie Cltiginal ZY7wri. Haw City of Grand Islarri,
<br />Sall Cotuity, Nebraska..
<br />T+ogetlter wfth:aad inclttditt{b rB budiegs, all &~urres including bui ant limited to all plumbing, htaiing, fight-
<br />ttg, seniilating, refrigerating, iaciaeratin*,. air coatditiouing apparatus, red elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />declrring tlwl ii is isetendeci that the items herein enuuaerated shaft be deeuxed to ha ~e been permanently; im
<br />~+islled as part of the realty), and alLimprovemenis sow or hereafter ewetin$ thereon; the heredtaments and
<br />appurlenacmhes and:all other r'sghes ihereunlo belon~iug, or in anywise. appertaining;, and the seversinn and. re•
<br />veraaonn, remainder and rexnai radar., all rights of redemption, and the rents:, issuer,, and profits of the above
<br />det.erib~cl prnperty (provided, however, that the morigagorshall be entitled la the possession of raid property
<br />aad to r;,l-cct sud ribin the reuts,ssues, and pi+o6tE unlit default hereunder). Ta have and io hold the same
<br />Hato the mortgagee and the sucre~sara in interest of tht mortgagee fatever in fee simple or such other estate,
<br />if any,. as is statedhereia-.
<br />1'be wort;agor oaveuanU that he ie lawinllg reisedd and possessed o£ wd has s}~e right to sell and. caavey said
<br />property; that tlae same ir. {rre Crotty all encntahrataces except as hereinabove r~ited; and. that he hereby hidds
<br />hisosetf and his atuceewrr in interest io warrant and ~iefeod the tide aforesaid elacreto and every part thereof against
<br />the clait~ of ail ~fsona .rhouesccrccrcr.
<br />'fbit inetr~meot ie Ewen to secure iLe payrnrnt of a pronussary ntrte dated '~"i ~ `~','' ~ :~- +.n;
<br />in the principal noun nC b SZO,ClOCJ.f)(l', sigud by .7~yce if. £i;.iztcl and Stanley ~txl ,
<br />-ra larhatf of plc i~~nez'
<br />W/A. r'ur,. us ` (P-rS P t'e.. wc, adi a-rre w CfYssAae~..
<br />;S
<br />4 ..
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