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_,__~-__ <br /> <br />The acceptance of a deed or conveyance or the entering <br />into of a lease or the act of occupancy of a condominium <br />toxsnhome shall constitute an agreement that these By-Laws, <br />~~ xul~s and xegnsat=ons, and the<?n~ d~ ~ZS~ T3~~~e~ <br />~eeel, as i:i'iey rn~Y ~~ ~x~e~t~e~. prom tim~to times; are aee~ar~~s <br />ratified, and wiiT be coa~plies~ wa~ti~. <br />AF'rzcLE I1. Tey~xo owrr~xs. <br />Section 1. r'ixznual Association Meetings. <br />t3pon December 31, 1985, or as soon as the Deve3.oger, <br />Brentwood Development Company of Grand Island, shall re- <br />linquish control of the Board of Administrators, whichever <br />shall first occur, the first annual meeting of the Assaci- <br />anon shall be held. <br />At such meeting, the oziginal Board of Administrators <br />slxal3 resign a~ members of the So.~rd of Administrators and. <br />as officers, ax:d all the members inclucina the Developer <br />s:lai elect a new 3car~ of Adzzaini.stratars. TYzereafter, the <br />annual meetings of the Association shall be he id on the 31st <br />day of :~a}* of each succeevirc, yeaz, unless such date shall <br />occur an a Satuzday, Sunday, ,~r 'ncliday, in which event the <br />meeting shal3 he held on the succeeding business day. At <br />such meetings the Soar a` ~t+-:r.inistraturs shall be elected <br />by ballot c-f the members n accordance with the requirements <br />of Sectio^^. ~ of i;rtic3.e Zi. ~a` t:-:ese By-Laws. So long as <br />ttae Developer shall own one cr e:arc ::;f the tawnhames, the <br />Develo~ier shad be Anti*_lecz to elect at least one member of <br />the x3oard c~€ Adsrir:istratnrs w;z~ shall serve ±or a term of <br />one 'sear. The. Associaion ay transact such other business <br />at suc:^. r:;eetinc;s as :~:ay _~rc~r~:r:iy Name :~ef~re it. <br />Section 2. S~eciai-riSe;nbers' ~~teet2ns. <br />Spet_~al meeti*ars u± the Association members may be <br />callea by the President ~r Vice President. rr by a majority <br />of the IIosrd c~£ e~dministrutors nand must be cal3.ed upon <br />receipt c:f written recuest from membc,rs holding a majority <br />of the total basic va3ue of the Condominium. Property Regime <br />using the -ercentac3es set :earth ir, ?aragra~ah VI the Master <br />Deed. ~votiee o> a special meetin, shall state the time and, <br />place cf sucki r.eetint, and the purpose thereof. No business, <br />except t3',at stated in the notice, shall Y>e transacted at the <br />spec~a1 z~eeting. <br />Seeti.on f'iace of Meetings. <br />Meetin+~s of the Associatia,^ members shall be held at <br />t~'Ie .i"efj is*vered office of ttxe C.arparation yr at such other <br />suitable place •~:ar.eeerient to the members as ^zay be desig- <br />nated b_, the czoars3 of «~mini.stratars. <br />Section h. vc.tice ~:f ~3eetin~.~s. <br />It t.nall, be the :~'uty .,f the Secretary to mail a written <br />native .. eav:~ annual. cr special meeting _>f the Association <br />at leastjthix`ty #3G} but not :Wore +.han sixty ;60) r3ays prior <br />to sa:::h meetn„ stating, the :urpose thereof as well as the <br />time and place where ~~ is tc.~ be held, to each owner of <br />record, at tawnhc-~e address or at such other address <br />as such awz:er ss':ail ha<>o desi.~n ted by notice in writing to <br />ttse Secretary. 'Phe mai°;.nc~ of a notice of r=.~eetinr3 r. the <br />~ranrer F>r:avi e3 by this Section shall be considered see vice <br />:3 ti. n7tiCe. <br />-~ 2- <br />