<br />CREATING ;'~ "~''~ b~ ~ ~. ~ ~ J
<br />THI MF+STER DEED AND DECLARATION, made this ~~~ day of
<br />1442, by Brentwood Development Company of
<br />Gran Island,fa D;ebraska corporation, {hereinafter called
<br />"Declarant").
<br />The purpose of this raster Deed is to submit the lands
<br />herein described and the improvements built thereon to the
<br />condominium form of ownership and use in the manner provided
<br />by Sections ?6-801 through 76-823, R.R.S. NebrasDca (herein
<br />called "Ccndominiusn Propert,~ Act"', anal the name by which
<br />this condcmi:,iu: is te, be identified is Brentwood Townhome
<br />Condomirixusx Property Reai~xe IZI.
<br />
<br />The ._an;ls owned bY. _::^.e t)eclarant which are hereby
<br />subrnittedrto `:he condominsurx regime are described. as follows:
<br />is Seven ,?t ~i.~i:t !fi) end ;7i.ne %9), 31ock
<br />Three ;3 in Brantwr~oc: Second Subdivision in
<br />the l,it'y of franc Asiand, gall County, ?aebraska.
<br />~~.~ INZTI~t~SS.
<br />a`vxeei:~t ~:s hereinafter. ztoted, the riefini.tions set forth
<br />in Sectir~~z~, ''fi-80<. F?. a.. `'. r~ebrasl:a shall govern this ~2aster
<br />Deed anc% t'tyt B}'-ifaws, attached :.eret~.~ :3s I:xixibit "B", and by
<br />this r~>terence: incnrfaorated hE:rc;in.
<br />c. "Townhonae" shai: x°+ean znc include: The
<br />enclcse~l :pace of the c:i :i:t rc:sxdenti.ai li wing units shown
<br />on I.x2tib t „r>" '=ieret{, ~:;~e.~, is?entf ies? thereean as Townhomes by
<br />number; a:. airspace w:x ruozras, attics; air-cr.,nditioning
<br />~:omgresscrs :~r units; permanent ~:xas, charcoal burning or
<br />ei.ectric laurk>~cue =,;r:w?.:~, screeninc;, window class, exterior
<br />and a=titer:-:~r <oors, lout: shall xxot include structural walls,
<br />ccmmarx wa?.ls, intericar walls, :c,c~fs, flcsors and ceilings,
<br />except ~pS." the.~.xnit-side surfaces thereof, which stzall be
<br />ncludr~d i;x ~i:e tlefinit:iorx "'S'ownhtrnxe"'.
<br />Is. "'+::'r~nc:c~rsiniunS°, sixall mean the entire condo-
<br />min a:.x protect incluv 'fg :i.l buildings, lartLl, and other
<br />inxprv~°e..,taits ;cxpsx t_`xe 'rune? as set £,%rt~-i in this ~~aster Deed
<br />as a part :>>s the cp.,t3v:si:auam recime.
<br />c. "general Co;,vnars ~:1r3menCS" shah inriude: The
<br />lanti or: ~. .~h the buildings stand. including .~l.l of the
<br />:aurrc;::xd+', ia:tds embracAd within the 2eya1 description
<br />sp~;c.ifie:i in .~rtic,le II above, .*_he founda.tipns, roofs and
<br />:esa~. walls i:xcluding t!:c exter~:.~r surfaces of all buildings
<br />«~s3 gar«<;es ~xccPt i'ryr screening, wi:,ciow r~l~ss. exterior
<br />.:woe s gnu ~~arage dwrs; hxterior water taps w;xich a::ay be
<br />asec: by the. +:)w;aers rsssociation for waterirxg as.d main: e.,ance
<br />o c~~aurxos. areas and Yams and yurdens, Fdri~~es, walks, parking
<br />areas,, ~.:tility~ building, and all warts pf' the property ax•:G'
<br />iravr;;ve:~x~nts which arse npt located within ~:.e "Tcwnhomes" c;r
<br />denotf::d ~> "limited cam.~;on elements'" as shown an the plan
<br />which is ,:xhibit "A" heretra. general cottuuvn elements shat"~
<br />hls<.7 nc iili:e. :iii. 1nStaaia t.,QSia r~?°id the S~6a Cv i'lv'C*.°.s 3i3.r}~
<br />tt~exefor tk.~ any cez,tr~zl s~:rvice~s to be provided up to Fac:in
<br />tc~zs+n°xvzne ~ garage i-a,:u..linc; r~ectric: ~:.°i.;:g, ~S2a...:biny,
<br />tele~.rhtane wi -: my a:?d f iue-s .
<br />