<br />1iN[3W ,+~LL hSEN E:Y TH£SE PRESEN'T'S: ~..rse ~) ~ ~q ~ r~,
<br />TT,at Lincoln Equipment Company /~~~7 ^,1~~,~~~~f
<br />(I f Grantor is nrs married, add wozeis "an unmarried pcrsno".,
<br />LancdSter Countq, Nzbraska, m cursiderauon of S 1 `~~ ,receipt of which is hmrebv a<k no.v kdged, and rfie $trthrr paymrnc of a
<br />sum tc~ make: tdzal payment of Sls-~Q-- for pates and~~ anthers and o;her a:rces rgnipn:ent ;vhzn set on tF,c tnl~ ry described property,
<br />do es hcrcbq granr and rnn.~r,- ttnr~ [hr_ Nebraska Public Power District
<br />{hert!inafter referred [a as Grantee, whether o;xe uz mart'
<br />its (xhe iessers, s+.zrcesa!rs and assigns h ppesmanen: right. p r rice and ~:. t :.f tgr.-<xf, ~ t. concrrurt, oozra a ti-n and ~emov al ecrasary
<br />pales, ves: gtrps, urtderground rlerrrc tacri::azs and ocher nett >ary zqupmenr ,n .. Anne.. flee tnervwnh, nn and acre.. 4.< hal?owing propr [y ttuatzd in
<br />Ha11 tt-,t Nee r „~ t p ~ ~t rlarly d sti,ribed $ i~u~,w,• A tract of 1 and compri s i rig a part of
<br />iFle a owe'-SA~~ua~r~er ~7'%2S47;~' oaf dec. Five t5}, Township Nine (g) N, Range Nine (g} W of
<br />the fith P.M., Hall Co., NE, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point an
<br />the N line of said W Nalf of the SW Quarter, said point being 150.0 ft. east of the NW corner of
<br />said W Half of the SW Quarter, said point also being on the E right of way line of U.S. Highway
<br />No. 281, thence running southerly along said right of way line a distance of 2,573.45 ft. to a
<br />point that is 115.53 ft. E of the W line of said W Half of the 5W Quarter; thence running south-
<br />easterly along the N right of way line of the east west public highway a distance of 83.7 ft. to
<br />a point that is 50.0 ft. north of the ` line of sal d W Hal f of the SW_ uarter; thence running East -
<br />r~~~~=.~.. ,.. _..__..... _
<br />atop said hi hwa ri ht of wa line and bein -~_ ~~~~_~~~",...~.-'
<br />9 g y 9 y g parallel to the ~. line of said W Half of the SW
<br />Quarter a distance of 344.6 ft.; thence running N parallel to the W line of Gideon's Addition to
<br />the Village of Doniphan a distance of 526.0 ft; thence running W parallel to the S line of said W
<br />half of the ~W Quarter a distance of 70 ft; thence running N 14°E a distance of 1110 ft; thence
<br />running N 11 E a distance of 1010 ft, to the N line of said W Half of the SW Quarter; thence
<br />running W along the N Line of said W Half of the SW Quarter a distance of 786.7 ft. to the point
<br />of_beginning-------------------------- ---- -------------
<br />The electric line and underground electric facilities herein contemplated snali be located on the
<br />property approximately as follows: Referring to the SW corner of Sec. 5, T-9-N, R-9-W, thence
<br />easterly on the S Tine of Sec. 5, approximately 54Q ft, thence northerly o ft. which is the
<br />actual point of beginning; said point being one ft. west of the SE corner of above described pro-
<br />perty,. thence northerly parallel to the east boundary 526 ft.
<br />17tc Ciran[rc akrakl aistt bane tkto pn iSege and rasenrcr f %`.. t tl ~ k .ptt t. r rt: r tt ~ ztPt y rs t-. say p,tq., ~, at cassary
<br />in tennetuon with ^bc a+ansuua nua, ep<;rau m. r.eainrn ,ar t, .apx .., , .. ,. .r., , ~t sal. lu.t and aurd.. gresund c„, trs. t:r, rL,~c .
<br />°I"I'te Grantee sha1P kw Nava the y~nc~ at aria asnee [u t r r s at d _ndt rhrush as n,ay in as.y wa7 rndangcr ~ r ,nrufere with t}re seta ' pc.aunn of
<br />the Lints, undzrgrtzaad ekecuic tat trrties and c.{r.rpnrrnt . cd i,; car ~r.t. s t:,,:rrwn#s.
<br />'i'kro G'tantee hskt t k rc,-nc+ sc ai du a: ra3 nzttg. ascc t d uru v r dr t, [ ~l p f t i - f l ! p a ~ tl ~ ,t >.r,
<br />ant t$e Urantee sh ll indamarty d savc h rr s [hr t w>r [ a .,at n 1 g i! rig K r t ,p<:rt1 ~.I t y n A t)n•.
<br />qunstrvctxm, a rattan niaintrnar cr xxid r n al of ar } c o-arttcad ek cr c hr a:, .:tswuus, m ,hc went that xll +n part of thrr unacrgrarund clrr.trit. facrh.ms which
<br />mayy br trsstailad an vntd zasuarent rrg,ht,ot y~ h cc+en a dr€o ~tiv4 to wvi< rhlr m the ~~kc judgnx r t >r ~c i r ~ d t u shal h - ttm rrgfit wutaou[
<br />atkditinoal pxytt[ent r tnrvaidcr race to zn Crannr ~r tntu sa,. c.cs+>rs to [ th r r -ny dam.agr it r .. 1 r, ft t r a.ra ur <p. t1 uch
<br />undergracud faciGttc ; prnvsded rr nr p ~~. +ts ae the pr aprrtp teat the sr t 1 uz t ck. rp1 n .~ r t ,% oh _an.~ ~ f - ~ n 1 ocnt
<br />grsrrred }rerrhy„ the fiYan[ox o rhr r [n rttie shall gran[ [3 env y to .3,c t; ar tt , fnr th r ~. garr T:- n rr t Y.n latch
<br />farther nutallatian an a k .ric a prrry hx[h rs ntunxaPly sst t fa ~[. ry t th¢ part ,f ihr } artz n fuf ~ g f„ r . ~.,;, th,. ~tndcs-
<br />graund alcctru factk[ttra, the L ~:al v.. rfie right to drier: artc thr n t •.uiublc ~ is fnr [ha r d rd rl ~ [ Ica stcl:
<br />easement; and zf rTr parrtes'~. },. -~ t ny such n k ca[nm tnx and rgrntnd . t faciki[sr tV .~aa t y;: h .~, „.{,! pr ~kk•
<br />the unr5rf~~tnut"a3 rlrem Lcibnt r>z. rr ti nv ~.~, t p --. In Jccr,-rrdn rg <t ~ . ~ (~ tur[knc tmt~latrti,n ~[he f,rantu .,,.,.I a. e srra.,c .9ete.
<br />care arui di3igcnrr w acvvd mj,ity to darna};t ,w ehr pz ~ ~ } otzh< Grerrznr ~ . ~. ,u.., .~.r.. • `a
<br />'iTac Graruee ,rgrrss afi [ shautd i liars rd r rrg r d Irctz t 8rtr.s t stru- rd t [ rid •.r t h.ndc nad fi„ a puled ,;C P: t , s. thr ri~ftbdt way
<br />nx aaflrnarn[ hrrrl+y secured shad thew .caw and ar, m3natc,ar.d this .ar, tract .,iiaH beat rm fur r. fo.ix atsd eYfcat.
<br />Sigmti. tfic..iY..._~_d.ay r>i! r.L~__._ ~L.
<br />---- 4.t t., : Y
<br />r ~ ,
<br />Ly .
<br />• F~ ~ / ~-
<br />~~._~._~_______ ^-.__._ Robert Cann, Executive Vice-President
<br />STATE OrNki33R+~SktA, ~ - - ~_~~~~ FOKREL>tS"TE3t47fiI.3EE17SS'i'AMY.W~ __Y~
<br />.(?k.';atTY i;F 6FPflt!K~:.. '~ .:
<br />Cnt:hia 4~d.ay af,~--.. ,u~ . s~;.rrr rnr ti:t utxdr s;.gt?c~d, r.
<br />to ~a
<br />Norav s' ~~!~.. ~nt~d ~iJ~r,;sati Cn }~ aa~'.. 3sare nrrsnnal§e appeared
<br />e r,r.a i rec knit stt .u ::c [Y,C den.i<a' pr + .x ,., , ,yg.~,.tt ,a acgz,~rtg
<br />~.uum. _t .. "7r.ncx aid wt kr:ewh tg.d rfie e n aor: th «i to he
<br />i. _.. •. ; axsd.deed f, rY spe, - xain ex p~rrsrd-
<br />Ikf iAiE il uar,>. t ci€a• da E ,... wzrte r:
<br />4EMi$liy ~J' Y ttr ~ r~s< ,
<br />~ ~~ t ~~ ovary ~ttr,
<br />