<br />$x'...,3(31 ~ ~7
<br />ICIdOw ALL ~~IEN BY ~E PRESENTS: That Irvin G. Stoney and Marilyn A. Stolley~reinafter
<br />called mortgagor of ___.~_ County, and State of Nebraska, in consideration
<br />of the stun of . ~2• DOLLARS in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain,
<br />(Amount Financanit
<br />sell; gnd convey unto Dial Finance Company of _,,rt„at*+*...~t~_ hereinafter called mortgagee,
<br />of ~ ~_ County, State of Nebraska the t'ollow~ng described real estate situated
<br />in -_H~}' County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />All I,ot Fifteea {'15) in Anderson Subdivision, located on part of the Southeast
<br />Qtt:Earter of the Northxest q'hta.^ter {S~4idWya) of Section twenty ~xo {22), township
<br />Eleve?a {'6'1) North, Rast3e Niae {9) blest of the 6th P.H., as surveyed, platted and
<br />reroorded in gall Cotmty, Nebraslca•
<br />together with all the tenements, heredita:nents and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title,
<br />dower, right of homestead. cisirns and den rands whatsoever of the said l4iottgagor, in ar to said premises or any part
<br />therf;of; and ;bIortgagor does hereby cavenr.nt that said lfiortgagor is lawfu3ly seized of said premises; that said premises
<br />are free from all liens and encumbrances except as otherwise noted herein, and that YIortgagor will warrani and defend
<br />Lhe title to said premises against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />TCl HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said mortgagee, provided always, and these presents are upon the express
<br />con~pxtion that if t e said mortgagor sha31 pav rn full to said mortgagee a promissory note dated April ~th,
<br />19 *~''- for $ ~~•~ __ payable in nstalments according to the terms thereof, the final instalment
<br />of which is due on Agr11 ~~ 19_ ~? which includes interest at the rate of 24{k per year on that
<br />part of the unpaid principal balance not in excess of SI,000, and 23v per year on any remainder of such unpaid princi-
<br />pal balance {the monthly rate shall be one-twelfth. of the yearly rater, and shall pay all tales and assessments levied
<br />upon said real estate, before the same becomes delinquent, then these presents to be void, otherwise to be and remain
<br />`sn fu9l force.
<br />iT LS Fi3RTtiER AGREED that a faiJum to pay any of said money, ertlter principal or interest, when the same
<br />became due, or a fai}ore to comply with any of t e foregoing agreements, shal3 cause the whole sum of money herein
<br />sccttred to became due and arollectible at nnce at the option of the mortgagee.
<br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: i. Do not t~ign thi® pa r before you read itr 2. You are entitled to a
<br />copy of tttie paper. 3. Yot- tray prepay the tanpatd balance at any tame without penalty and may
<br />be entitled tp reserve a refund of unearned charges in aceordance with law.
<br />Signed this __9th._. ~_. Clay of _---_A~.i-.-__.._. _. <1.D. 19- u2- .
<br />PATE OF 1V'ebraska ~ 4-~ ~-~-----. "~
<br />_.. _... _ _ _ County ___
<br />On ihrs __._ ~.tit,.__,_.._ day of __.. An_s.ri 1 _._-___, A D , i9_..2 _.__, tbrr m thr underaikmed a `ota y Public. duly
<br />rontmiss3aned and qualified for and residing in ::>aid county. perwttally carne 1r4in_,G....a12d-_t^I~rllyn-A..---_..
<br />~~~.~' -~ ___,___.__ to me known to lre the idengcai per3anPi _ whose rram6 _are3l'fixed to iho faregaing
<br />4
<br />instrum,~nt as mortgagar8 ~__ _`..-_-- -- __-_ and acknowledged the sate _ rlun-
<br />. _._
<br />lacy act and deed. taµ ro*,ta. - su~+ a r.wulr
<br />I KA7 NtEEN K. 4t1i1
<br />1 Wttxr~ts mp hand and'Votarial Seal the day and gear last alwtie wrtttr.n, iMir~xrur~ ~.r, ~crtst,lMt
<br />t+'ti My Cammixmion expiras the _.. .3 d dac
<br />p'1 of .. ~34~:. ~ _ .. _ 15 ~..~ ~L,G[.~: '^-! _. ~ . ,... _..
<br />~,: ~ 'lot t Pub !e
<br />b~fATE OF -_.,_u... _._.._.,- .__ ...___ . ,
<br />ss.
<br />_ _~._..,-___...._ County ~
<br />. ~...__
<br />Entezecl in '"+umerical index and $led for re~-ard in the nffiar of the Register of Deeds of said wunty, the _ _.._ ___
<br />day of -_-,._ _ ____. ~ - .____._ - -.-__-- .__-._.-. 19. _. at __ __ .'clock and __... _.-.___ _
<br />minutes _ --..__._- -------_----____.___ lei., and duly retarded in Book -__ __ _ ___ of _ __ _
<br />Jiortgages page __.---.____-- ---------- _----
<br />_ _.xzgi~u~ {~e DeEa:
<br />91:t (:8Y VE
<br />
<br />__ _ _.
<br />Deputy
<br />J
<br />
<br />