<br />
<br />>'~
<br />f.
<br />0055105-7 i
<br />~es~t~O13~4 I?EE~k 0~ TRUSS'
<br />TIiiS L~F~ED OF "} FLU51" rs e ht Toth a off Agin . .
<br />E12 t~o~r~ ~ 'Gei~ltata 'and Janis 'B ..~e~sfiotn frn'sbaziil atid~ urfe . .
<br />19...., among the Trtrstor,.. .... . ' Comuterclal ~'ederaS'Savings
<br />.... .. ..'~tt8' l:eart'et§9tsfi'ihtion ... (Iterzin 'Borrower' } .. .... .. _. ....:. .:
<br />CbtthnS'eY'ctdI'~'h~eYaT'Sd:rifi~s 'ffi "9;a~d'A:s'siic,...' . . ...........(hereto "'trustee'}, and the:Beneftctary,
<br />.. ... .... ..
<br />. I~hYS;ifA . . ~ ............ . ........... a corporatian me fu and
<br />eAisBrt undo t~ taws of :. .......... . ....... .whose address is.. ........ - .. .
<br />212;0 ~outh 72nd Street, {9tnaha, AIF 68i2~i . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. (herein "Lender°').
<br />13OttAOwt:a, in GOetsidetaton of the indebtedness herein recitedand the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />.and ottnveys-~ ~',~»stee, ins trust, wiflt power of sale, the Following descritsrd ptopcRy located. in the County of
<br />a ...... State of Nebraska:
<br />Lac Tw> (?), in B3ack 'Crtro (2), in tJest Bea Air Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, HaII Cannty, ?3ebraska.
<br />lfii? 5. Gsrlastd, grand Island, '.:lebraska b~8ffi01
<br />which hastfWe oddness of .........................................:..............................
<br />tsxscetl tG~ty3
<br />. ... ~ . , .... _ . (herein;"Ptr~erty Addt+ess'") ;
<br />t5ur: aara z:p &a9W.
<br />Trtct'rwe:A with sit the impro+:c*.tents now.rsr hereafter erected on the property. and alt casements, rigliES,
<br />appurtrnanxs, ruts (suijrct haw+ever to th4 rights and authorities given, herein to l_endc:r to collect and apply' such
<br />rents), royalties, mineral, oil a;sd gas ricl:ts and praf4ts, water, water rtghis, and wakcr stoc], and all. fixtures now ar
<br />hrrrattrr attach,cd to the propr~ zy, a3? of whrcdt, ineltuligg replacements and add'atians thereto, shall he deemed is be
<br />and remain a Para of the prr~ezty txrvered by this DetFd uf'Trust; and all,of the foregarng, to&etlaer with. said property
<br />{or t1x icaschoid estate if this Decd of "Trust is on a leasehold) arc herrtn refereed to as the "`Property";
<br />Ta SECL;R£ to t.endr_r ra) the repapnecntafthe ndebtednrrs evideneed by Borrarver's nrxedateci:~psi1, IIJ,. 39f3?,
<br />fecrein "Note" ). ih tt>< prittCipal soot of ~.1 r -Y Tu,,r A~t3 -r'4t,1{. HU39:llREB; anfl_ QQ/lt)C}- _ . „ .
<br />........ . ... . . . .. . ......... . . . .. D~tsllarti_ u,t}~ 4ntere~t ±h,crcon, pravidmg for rrtanthly installmi ru
<br />tat principal arncf rnt;rest, with the haS:rn~e of the indck~#idn:.n, ,f no! , ~cr pt~id, due and payable an. ~ . .
<br />rTay, . 1 rf3i2 the ~}nxnt ct ,.I1 other wm~ witltinterest ther~7n, advanc~cs.l
<br />in :sc~urtiancs: h~tcwtth e fxtxect the siraaity txf this Decd ai "trout : nc, tha ~ctormancc of the rovcaanis and
<br />z~tcrmettt~ of Earroxe herein cc*nt;tinxc? and (b7 the rCpayttleaauf , c =uturc a.. ..n,~,. u.rh inKrcat thercutr. maxis
<br />[c, 9ctrxnvt~cr bu hr~der pu.*susnt iu p:uagrap'ri Z7 hereof f 3tcreir "`F~u u~u s.x!vat;t:es"},
<br />#3ca,<russ~er cw~xtartsv that [~.-;::;;;,~cr va uaufui,y~,zs ~of rho ruati v ~r~b :~onuatfianc3 }tasttrv rr,tht to~+ru~nt ancE
<br />,9 d~ trm: E'reiperTi~, tiuz ttse Pr.:~IrLt3° s n:a~ncvratx~s+..1. autd :.k~r E un,:ur u 't v ~-xata aotst da '~r~.?: ~*ettcrttilV tfxn
<br />s
<br />t.t1t .-, :he f*r~apcrng s~,n~t ~~; ~ a,rt> :.nu cfmsnc:+. =utgecg t., az~r~, ct .! ,,,.._r _._,nta 'r r~~. ,..~,-. Isted sro a
<br />w tib:Jeri: ;,f ~iag3dr:~rts to ccr.cta~c ar, an« ratio .as a.hr,ec pout ~r.,tr~~ 1 :^et~'.<s itrt. t'~~~~: is
<br />~~~ ;. t [m .. 2ktµ;,tii+~ UNIF6Y['l& tk"siRi9lA~pt a ~r,-:a
<br />'.u1=":eW3:4~1iLk 1 ~ttt!flY,S
<br />