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<br />L i)~11t~c3a <br />together with the tenements, herediiarnents ar.d appLttenances note or hereafter tttereurte belcrngtng or in anywise <br />appel;taiiting, and al} the rents, issues and pmEts arising or to arise therefrom, indusi~~e of all the estate; right, title, <br />?nten~st and claim whatsoever, at law or in equity, ruttish Mortgagor row has or may hereafter acquire in or to the <br />described real property and each and every part and parcel thereof, inclusive of a14 structures, improvements, <br />appm~`>enances, f-~i-tures, easements, rights and privileges now or hereafter acquired, erected on. or used in connection <br />with the alxwe-descsiF>ed real property, all oT which :tee het~eby declared to be appurtenant to the 'and; all structures, <br />improvements and fixtures now or hereafter acquired and placed, located, installed in, or used on or about any <br />pretr=isees owned, leased or operated by Mortgagor, utcliding without':imitat3on the described premises, and after- <br />acquired title to any of the described real propet?tp resultingfrum purchase. or i:he exercise of an option to nu*chase, <br />and to any streets or other public roadwa}'s abutLi.-tg the descriheri real property resulTing from any vacztion by <br />operation of law or cY,nL•e}'ance, all of which shal6 life deemed and cons~raed as part cf the retilty. x171 propert}• subject <br />to this Mort~e is hereinafter referred to ac "the mortgaged premises.'' <br />TO HAVE AnTD TO HOL: D the mo gaged premises unto Mortgagee, qts successors and assigns. <br />IT 1S HEREBY AGREED that a[1 covenants and stipulations in these presents contained shall bind the successors <br />and assign s of Mortgagor and shall i n fete to the benefit of the successtiz•s and assigns or Mortgagee. <br />Murtgag~r coverant~ a.nd agzees. <br />i..9t the time of the excxution anddelivery dt3sis Mortgage. Mortgagor is.wellseizeri of tkeemortgagedpnmises infee simpkehasgouri r~,l*rt' t <br />and atr[hort}' to rnartga~m the satnr :sv hereknpmvNlcd,. aced the mortgage+i Premkses are:free:andciear of. Siensattd encumbrances, except <br />2. Nottgagar will pay, when due. t2ic indebtednass hereby secnired in accnrdsnce with the terms. tkrererof: <br />3. MortAaaor w-i11 pay all taxc:s,.astcessments, w.aLer and ai3ter c}aat~;es for utt'lity services that may be levied; assessed ar chaxgedupon or against <br />the rnartgaged premises. or an}' part thereof, before the sameixtvwtne past due accorditsg to kaw: anal will promptly pay and satisfpany nrecktsnic s <br />tier: or ether erxvmbran~-en t.ksat rttig-ti. by aperatioo rr#' taw or uthervrise,ia¢rntne a lieaupbn the mortgaged premises whether or not superior to the <br />lim of chi \Sartgage, all prermutns upon inaeutgice pdiclea an the mortgaged Property, all Gaensea ar fees... kegally awuig b,• it, ak] rentals ar other <br />c]wger for the rue of any teased graurat ar premkses upon w.kuch any of the mortgageclpremises may. t!e korated, all taxesor *tsseRvnents which now <br />are or ,w-hich may hereafter 6e leafed ar asaearxd artd u~hkcks ;are or are to become. a lien upon the mortgaged premrses and property. nr any part <br />thereaF, or upon then !4ori~;Jge er thedebt secareelthereby: or upon ttaeinterestpayable thereon. and arnaunts Eor investment in. b:sakst.>ck as may <br />be required. In cast of default in payrnes•t of any .,f the faregotng,iiartgagpe,.ib sucaessors. or assigns, may at itsoptibnpagsaid insucanoe <br />premiu rru, or reiraure ttm tmerte;se;cd premises arodpay a'I premiums therefor, and {,ay'licenses, fees.. rentals; chatgrs taxes sndlorassesaments due <br />or ciiiared W be due tnxler azry ieGiaL-itiv-e lx>:uer or authority tar under any vakid trontract; and any,amounlPso paid by MrYrtgagee, and any amount <br />requirird for imutment in bank vttrk at afor..-aanf yhe,(k k>tertime partaf the principak debtf and amounts'sopai:l bV Mort~agt : ~h.4t1 bear interest <br />fnxn ffie Sate of pa}•tnan[. <br />4. MoriRa~~x (il wtii kccp alt impan'rmenLr erected on the mortgagtdprerniseain-goalarder arutrepatr, (ii).wr71..pot pernut waste of the <br />CnartRaged premia._•s or do or suffer anytkrirg to be done to deer°'CiaYe orYmpair the vahteoPthe mortgaged prctnkxs t~uirrg chc 1[fe of this Mortgage, <br />{iii) tvik not mike any akuttges in or alterations to t•a± ,tnpravementx on the mortgaged preutenea whit4t wilk materisily decrease the value of the <br />came. and dv1 will rex remove or ptrmtt n ta~ removed gate irnprvvemeerta fnrnr~ttsemortgagtdpremises, witttnut tYie prior written consent of <br />~~- <br />5. 3[ort~~attar will keep the buildir~ impn,vements f>uw erectsd, ar which essay kseread'ter heerected, an t•km. mortgaged ptemiaeaSruwred against <br />lone. of damage bti fire with exters]ed cti,vera.{te endorsement. v~tten by a rett{urnaibke i~aurance camper,}~.or iasa~rance crmrpankies 5atkafaeton~ Gt <br />rlartaa,gee in an atno'vei satisfattury to Mortgagee; namiryf Nart;gagc:r wui 41 rtgagitr it a~.ndparnes as Chefs interests may appear, surf wild cause <br />W be executed sod attached w ak1 policies of itw.rar,ce .issue 3 thereon a ciawc n ,~ mm saYr<Cucu~,r~ t< .Surtrxgt4, n;akinq fuss pa}'abie ui 3lortgagee <br />u its intere6ta ^cay' appear, slid k±rliey or policies of insurance. W be dclivored tc, Mortgagee. .an}- i~v~lrancr. funds paid to Morlgtigee ss a result of <br />~r oe loM tp the mortgaged premises carerni rtay a[ uhe cy u r of llortt~agee t~ released to 3lortgagor i<_~ t,e expended in the rcp'a:r, resWr- <br />ation, ar tgekacemsnt of 4~e mortRagecl premises w dsrr>ageti or toy., c~r k~e re+airttd by .ltv: tgaKee gnu be ::Fq.~}fed towarrk ti;e pa;/me;it of all or such <br />of the items of ituleinrlnesx wxalrreck bereny as Hartgagee may eiert. Martgy;cr here ;y apa„mts i4for.~,:gee aKent to cot!etrt all amounts payable <br />nlldlr said pc>lieiex to Mortgagor, and saarh aexwunty re:_wir..d afvr the Goat of cvilection shall ?,r applied u, the pa}Tneni of [he principal sum arri <br />interest tteetean, and other sump cvcured hereby. <br />6. Shcmid 3lertgagar fail w rasp ar~y taxrza. ussesareents, fire insureryce premiums yr other crargen paya}i!e 6q Martgay.rr hereu~er, before the <br />satue ehalt be peat due, MorGgageernxy. at its -upClon, make is}=meat ihercrf, and the amour.?s so paid with interest tlserecrr, at the rate then <br />Gr41'a>~" rm the rrdeb[etiaetss secta'ed hteewby c}yu; be added w and become a fare of the d~>t secured by' this rSlo::gage and shah be repaid to <br />![artgaQee frrrtbwitk withcrac waiver of tut}' riget anaing frnm breads of stn cf the rovenanc5, and for au~~i~ pa}meets with inxre5 the mortgaged <br />premises as wep as 3lartgagcr chap be bovrxi u= the name aztent r s bcwr;ck for t're pay~mnsx of t5e Smfz'utrdness herein specifically des<rrbej, Sboufd <br />licxyrygx uarkesuch La}anent or pa} rneiits at i'_c curt m as set fr -th ~ i the f mgning un.e- c Guth act shaft r~:,t tnvtirute a waiver b~~ Mortg;~ee <br />of any ctber rµ,ttts $ enay have a.~;ing fn,ee l{ortgsfro. s .°~.ure as araresaid, .nckud,nq but taut :;;once to 1lorrgagre's rights under parlgraph B nt <br />thiro Mortg-ny-e. <br />~- ASartgaQtrr #r~eov A381$"f16 and t.ranxters unto Harrg~agee Lhe issues and profi6, u~K Cher vit7r 5~;; F.~wcr and authors Cy v~ rletnand, ~''W for and <br />m7iecf the same in :Ane narnc of'dort.gagor ~x ir. its -,wn canrE-, and to tape fr~ssession of .aid manage the mortga(;'..'. i~,retrtisea or to ra;tse a rec?=iver <br />io 11e app~rst-ed ftu stmt ptsr}x'~ae and apoky The income ttoerefrom, ;after rise c!nt .,f cailec tan end tr:ar~em.:-ai., au tkic reduction of ttte (ndtnbtedrese <br />>rersncs3 hec'P-by'; kwcided, brn*~evec thus the :9gttt ~ cyritei son atui nurlat,'fr~ent s7at1! not apple as?ong ~ th>_s'-rknzt{,.,f;e is in gem! standian- <br />& If any of (he. ftri1aw;±~r shaEl rKt7a. the entire unFwid laalarxr of prrxzpa! arvi ac^_rced interest :eccred by than Mot cgage shn11 'recome <br />imebediaiejy due and payable at the option of M<rr'.gagee seat furecJosxL e prc~reedin~, may Fx= rarer; •enecvi f.i; J; x•itkn <br />ia3 f;efpwtin t?re liroelS pa;,'rent~,f any inuiebtfn:ness:o;vr p.nn:pds when du.=. <br />Sh) F'aikure of Mrxtg~ur to {aerfenn or ..-a1»rerre a4 Chi ems isio .~,o of this Viortg;mac r trey 'ecrl»~r;=ing of an event ofdt fault under spy ether <br />aQreeresent or 4eetuit}r im'trumen; L'etua -n tdor[gpl;or and Hortga[,YC. <br />(e} Dina,rtrgofarynuercpreseniatr.,n rn.,}crauiiena~irtlsin~~:,fsr+yr,~,^.Eica'e,ach,=duleu-st&temenL n,.cievrflxr7siahni~by.. <br />mar tohlacfJL'xZee, whether ~r riot. rn ecuxner!,,~x, wrU, this N:rrt~-.fie. <br />(d'1 3lorige, to gow' fat=r. ~!c~~rr ti x rc awir-.Lkr can=t t. 3ee:r f tract a r t to v n ~ rang in the o ed;ti<~n of n4= a,rs, <br />4gamoal or atherwi~, of Mnrt~or wr of gay +~n:iors~r, yvarur,L,,r r urcty fur the ii:rk n,_} f §S„r,K"dfi ~; t„ .A rt;:.p;ee, uhf. ~, au the reasonab'--~: <br />apinNrs:+f.Nutgtgee.ic{rairs cndcv:rea&-Slor'8'a±CCF. ,se<•urity_ <br />ikl If hkaft{t~.,r teem:rn.~ tr>;a7lveat +~r ut~;a to pay its d~[•l ~ ;c+ tner ;rxture or mak_a =s ;~v ,iln:r..~ut fur the twaef"t - re ~'itcr^s..ur ::(ea <c <br />wAuntr¢rg raGtioa Srtl~tvmm,ry, it a vo;untsra ;r_t75or. sre3cing reorr-vri:aA r, • !.> ~fEer t z p ,d, or sr t r e: rar,w :c>ant~ ori;t ;coddurs• rr aimti F se <br />na atuwer COfale'ating !.~ rrc t~,k-acs rtnY utlrar u;'Uea irni icat:ng act rn .nci- ir; aati envolue t~ pr'icicn Lnr~,.arr. i r -:r Fn.rhn~r+lry, u~ ,`=e pui-nunnt ! q. <br />$'tY thLlkrupt.^v,, rp+itN9n~:iris o 9r l•rc o. ~ x =,r a.~ti j,rsd~ U n r v. »i f +, iai;ti r , ,n . ~.. ~ r, sat ,.+c:npet r true»- <br />4metxrm ,m a mW;a rr is apfx-anted for ,m:: s atr„x.~?:.u t< r' i or. v...1 nr.}..agor : pray!=rg_ <br />fit Lam ur r+-fsf~ictioa < atstax,!na7 datr;r~^r .< yip ,,: U . •rtrCag~ki yn. -u.-._ <br />ig+ 5+a:~W celser crx.~.t. r.,:,n ,~ - [ .,,,; c- ... -_a n_ ~ ~, , <br />F r ., .. 7r, .._ <br />Y! ~> :elate .F )1cr.K~:~ ~ g.. n t :7 ..r a. - x~ r Y .. ,_ I ~.[ - u e~ h .pt3rin sc ~ any <br />sx~ rave cc w-.1~<,u.,z, .+.:,it ,r nor: ~, ...,.i . ~~ ,~ .. .. ~ .. ~ _ <br />?`W6". - , ?8. •. ;;:fir. <br />