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<br />f <br />s2-=ooa3~o <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />HELEN ANN HOLLAND and JOHN H. HOLLAND, wife and husband, and <br />HATZRY I'. TURNER and VIVZAI~T F. TURNER, husband and wafe, herein <br />called the Grantors, for and in consideration of the sun cf <br />SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND SIX :iUNDRED SIXTEEN AND NOf100 DOLLARS <br />($77,6I6.00) received from Grantee, do grant, bargain, sell, <br />.convey and confimt unto C M & B, INCORPORATED, a Nebraska <br />corporation, herein called the Grantee, the following-described. <br />real estate in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast <br />4uarter (NE~j of Section Five {Sj, Township Nine. <br />{9) North. Rangy Nine (9) West of the bth P,b2., <br />Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the North line of said <br />NE ;, said point being One Hundred Nineteen. andTwo <br />Tenths (119.2) feet East of the Northwest corner <br />of sai:~ NEB, and also being a point on the easterly <br />right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad; <br />thence easterly along the North lire of said NEB a <br />distance of Seven ??undyed i~ir_ety-Eight and Nine <br />Tenths (79d.9j feet; thence southerly parallel to <br />the hest line of said 'r3E~ a distance of Two <br />Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-Four and Sixty-Four <br />Hundredths (2,594.64) feet to a point that is <br />Fifty (50.0) feet :Jarth of the South line of said <br />NE;; thence easterly parallel tc the South line of <br />said NE a distance of Two hundred One and One <br />Tenth (201.I) feet; thence southerly parallel to <br />the West line c_° said NE3,~ a distance of Fifty <br />{50..0} feet to a point r.,n the South line of said <br />NE ,; the-nce westerl~• along the South line of said <br />3E~. a cistar~cP cf Sev.}n Hundred Forty-Sin 1746.0) <br />feet to a Point that is Three Hundred Seventy-Three <br />and Two tenths (373.2) feet East of the Southwest <br />corner of said PSE;; thence northerly parallel to <br />the easterly riytst of way Tine of the Union <br />Pacific Railroad a distance of Three I4undred <br />Thirty {33L.Dj fe<_~t; tiaence westerly parallel to <br />the South line of laic: ~iE; a distance of Two <br />Hundred Sixty-'cur t264.G') teat to :~ point on the <br />easterl~:~ right :;f way line cf the Union Pacific <br />Railroad, thence nra:thc:rly a:cong the easterly <br />right of way tine of the Union Pacific Railroad a <br />distance of Te~rc :"houband 'I"hree Hundred Fourteen <br />and Four Tenths (2,334,4] feQt to the point of <br />beginrsing anew contai;aing 47.04 acres more or less, <br />subject to t3ae county road on the North side.; <br />subject. however, to a grant and. conveyance hereby <br />:Wade to the Village of Doniphan, Hall Co-..aty, <br />?~ehraslr:a, for ~. aerpetual easement. and right o£ <br />way oyez, across, under, t2zrougtz and upon the <br />followi~:g-described real estate, to-wit: A tract <br />c:f ?and commencing at a point that is One Thousand. <br />Five T~undr~d Thirty-Five and Seventy-Eight One <br />Hundreths (1,535.78) feet [hest of the Southeast <br />{; E} corner cf the Northeast quarter {NE's) of <br />Section Five t5), Township Nine (9) :dorth, Range <br />Nine {9) West of the 6th: P.f3.r xall County, <br />~dc.t~r~,}ka, and lacatecl upon the: South Line cf said <br />,~ortneast S2uarter {NEB;} ; tha;nce northerly parallel <br />L tc 'one Yiest line ref said Northeast ~;~aster a <br />?_~tanc:e of Fifty {50.(~j feet; che:nce ~zesterl~= <br />»ara:wel to the South '.ine cf said 8vE=~ a distance <br />- 'Mr Huncircd One :and Cane-fienths feet (2(3I .I) ; <br />~~ South parallel to tkxe west 'ine of :7asvi <br />