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_ ~..__ <br />82--~ 1)01379 <br />,-- ~~~ <br />..~ ~, :w <br />'°Exhbt A" <br />Thee€oilowng described real estate situated in Hall County, <br />State of Nebraska, <br />The Northeast Quarter (NE~t) of Section Five (5) in Township <br />Nine (9}, North Range Nine (9) west of the Sixth P.M. subject <br />to the right of way of the St. Joseph and Grand Island. Railway <br />and excepting the three tracts described as follows, to-wit: <br />-First, commencing at the Northeast corner of said section Five <br />(5), thence west 42 and 28f100 rods, thence South 42 and. 2B/l00 <br />rods, thence £ast 42 and 28/144 rods, thence North to the place <br />of beginning; Second., commencing at the Southwest corner. of <br />the Southeast Quarter (SE'<} of the Northeast Quarter (NE<), <br />running thence East along the South line of the said Northeast <br />Quarter (NE a) to the Southeast Cornea thereof, Thence North: <br />a ong tshe East l~rne of said Northeast Quarter (NE .) fit rods, thence <br />west:, parallel with the South line of the. said Northeast Quarter <br />(NEB) to the. West line of the Southeast Quarter (SE ;) of said <br />Northeast. Quarter (N£~), thence South parallel with the East: line <br />of said Section Five (5), 52 rods to the place of beginning, <br />Third, commencing at a paint 50 feet East of the present center <br />of the raitroad track. of the St. Joseph and Grand Island Railway <br />Company at the Southwest Corner of the Southwest Quarter (SW 4) of <br />the Northeast Quarter (N£) of said Section Five (5), running <br />thence East on the half section line ib rods, thence North 20 <br />rods, thence west l6 rods, thence South 20 rods, to the place of <br />beginning, all in Sectior. Five (5), in fiownship Nine (9), North, <br />Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M. <br />In t12e event .the title to said real estate is transferred, or <br />contracted to be transferred, frnm the undersigned far any reason <br />or by>any method whatsoever, the entire principal sum and.. accrued. <br />interest shall<at once became due and payable. at the election of <br />;:he Fioider hereof, Failure to exercise this option because of <br />transfer of title as above stated in one instance shall not <br />constitute a waiver of the. right. to exercise the same in the <br />event of any ..subsequent tr~xnsfer, <br />S <br />9„ y ~. <br />'.~ <br />~~~ Harry I, Turner <br />• ~~sy~`_ <br />,~ <br />L <br />~ ~ ~J~' ~ , <br />r <br />"~' <br />1~..~ <br /> <br /> <br />