r i
<br />~_~r._.___~.._. ~a_. _ _.__r~ .__ ___ . ______ _ -___~ _
<br />__ ; _ . _ _~ ~__~n_~__-.__.. ~__~. .
<br />52-A--REAL ESTATE MORTGi4GE-(Wkh'Tax Cfauae) Rev: ?8 ftu8manand Fel[ort:8 WoIf,:Walien, Ne. 68451 ',
<br />r
<br />a~
<br />'Wife, each iz his aril her aan right and as sQOuse of each. other
<br />of Hall County, and State of 13E~~r S}C3:. , ia. coneiderationof ?he sum of
<br />ZWF?dCY-Ch'E 7~ICt3SF~ID FEND NO/100'LHS~---- ($21,000.00)--- pOLLAfts i
<br />in hand paid. do Hereby SELL sad CANVEY unto ~ ~• RCSaFF:R I
<br />of 1_a21GdJ^'tPX Courtty..StateoC N~bSaSka. the'fallowingdescrihedpzemiaes situated
<br />in Hall County, and" State of Ne~7Y'aSka , to-wit:
<br />j
<br />j
<br />~ i
<br />~ The Easterly Forty-Fbvr Feet (E 44') of Iot Three.{3}, ~
<br />in Block Eighteen (18) . in KezmYlan and Dec3ter's Addition
<br />~ to the City of Grand Island, Hall fbiudty, Nebraska-
<br />. ~-,
<br />AKA: 1515 West 2nd Street, Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />Tfie ir+tnttien heingta cortvep-hereby an absolute title in fee simple. induding alt the rights of homestead: and dower:.
<br />i TDHAVE AND.TO HOLD the Premises above deaeribed, with all: the appurtenances thereunto 6elongiog..:unto t:hesaid
<br />mort~teeEa} andtohis, her. or their heirs snd assigns forever. Provided. always, and these presents. are upon: the..ezpreea
<br />I oondttiwnthtt i#.:the saad'mottgagor(a), his. her or their heirs; ezecutars, administrators or assigns shall'pay orcauseto be
<br />~ paid to theaaid. martbagee(a). ham, her or their heirs, executors, admiaiatrators os: assigns. the Principal sum of E 21, D00.00
<br />I paYahle as fallouts,. to wit:.
<br />Ntanthiy payixterits to Sae madz to Exm3 G. Scheer at her
<br />' residerioe - 2111 Dodge Street, Li'looln, "7o~u~a~i:nr 685211.
<br />in the almialt of 5370.71 per month for eighty-four (84)
<br />caoalsecut:i.ve mossths based on a sey~i {7} year amartizatid~i
<br />with:,nternst at the. rate of twelve per ceiit {12~} per
<br />aissnm.
<br />with interest aawrding to the tenor anded'ect of the utartgagnrs written prouti~ory Hato bearing even date with these presents
<br />and she!! pay aII taws and esreasaicnts levied utwn. said real a»taie. amt -all other isxsro, levies and eaeeaaments levied utmn this i
<br />terortgage: ar the aote'witich this moAltage is given. to secure: betor+e the same becomes dedinqueaL and: keep the buildings on
<br />said Preau~+ ittatratl for the sum of S 36,DOQ.00 lass. if say, payable tie the aau# mottgagee. then theeePre>,ents '
<br />tope ,;otherwise tobeandrw:miain. in foil farce. ~
<br />!T iS FLJI2THI3i AGREED (i) That if the. said nwrkgaKar shall fail to paY such fazes ar procnre such insurance:.the
<br />sud..nwrtgaRec. maY PaY such. teues and ptocuresudtinsurance; and the stun so advanced,. with: interest: at 12 pox
<br />cent. shall lte repaid by ssud inartgagor, .and this ttmrtgage shall ataud as security far the same. (2) Thak a failure Ya pay axy
<br />of sad money, etfherprindpalor intetxstL whew the same. becomes :due,. or a. failure to comply with,..any of .the foregoing 'I
<br />agrceraonta,:. shall cmuiee the :whole. sumof maaoy hereto- secured. w beooaw due sad ~olleclib-e at once at khe option -af the ;
<br />crenrtgttgee:
<br />Signet! this loth. dayof ~~ i8 $2 I
<br />~ j'
<br />4 is ~ o#..... ._ _ ......_, ~1.kjk~r1_:...,.._ eTt ~ ~! _ i
<br />...... ~
<br />STATE OF ........~..,...,.,.,Cauntgaf .......-Hach ..............:
<br />The Coregoiag instrument was acknowledged before-tne ....... 1pr1 10'..1 .............. . . ...19 .$ 2
<br />NGW NC;<]Yi3~i and I.E ZAM . HC~ N(~JY~SI, FlLtsbadx3 and Wife,. each in hi:s ane her awn
<br />~ by ............................ ;
<br />{ right and as sprxsse of eacit ether.
<br />uoo~r F f-- .G~~ .~'~ ~...~-fit..
<br />;, t;e,are ~ ..ry• Signature of Person Taking. Acknawletigtnerrt !
<br />Ar..E4"mmess.v
<br />", ''' NCfI`ARY FGIB,LIC ~~-^1ltf/~fflrt
<br />Title .. ..... ..... ... 1~i'~r!
<br />rafs:.a.,~m~
<br />~,
<br />t<
<br />9TAT8 bF... ~.. Ent¢red un numerics[ intlez. and Gded for racord
<br />s County .-_ ..,:...,. ...._..._. _...~a~ en the Regiateraf Deeds 06~e of said{'cwnky the
<br />._.. _....___.day of--_.. ,-.,_:,__. _..:....~ 19.:.......-...., ak_......_...........v.-_....,_..._o;efockaad.... ...._...............mynutes...._.._ ..._.'M.;,
<br />~~ and xecortSs+i in f3onh.. .,,:~....~w .~....._..a~., _.,......_ ..__ .....at,pata.-,
<br />..a_...._._._..._.._._.. _. _..-_...... ,.._ _Rsag• of :Deeds.,
<br />d3s._...., ......_...._.._. ._....,_ ................i7eputY -
<br />