<br />' ~
<br />WHEREAS, Farmington Second Subdivision is subject tc the
<br />Agreement For Protective Covenants, Restrictions And Cohditons'
<br />rcr °'Farmington Second Subdivision`", recorded in Book 8 at Page
<br />t~ ~/j ~ cf the Miscellaneous Records in the office of the Register cf
<br />Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />WfiEREAS, Richard E. Stephens, Jr.; James D. Burks and
<br />Donna tS. Burks; Mary Aiice Fisher; Fiazel C. .Austin and Merlyn E,
<br />Austin; 13ariand L, Layher; Harry G. Perkins and 1orr=~a Jean D.
<br />Perki,-ts; Farvel Praperties, ir'ic. ; Patrick F , Dowd and Suzanne M.
<br />Dowd; Grgii rr^lodman, Jr. and {area Flodman; Dale A. Bllesbach
<br />and Diaryan Fi. Biliesbach; Garnette V. Loucks; Alan G, Brown and
<br />Judy K. .Brawn; James k. Broaks and Teresa ~u. Brooks; Terrence
<br />Schmidt and. Barbara A. Schmidt; ir7illiam.r. Ziegler and Barbara S,
<br />Siegler; Laverne B. N:.et:eldt and Paulette G. i~ietteldt are the
<br />owners of ail of the lots in _ artringtoz: Secanci Subdivision.;
<br />riHEREAS,:.averne B. "Iiet.eldt and. Paulette G. T~ii.etfeldt ktave
<br />regtaes:ted the owners ei ali of the lots in Farmington Second
<br />Subdivision to permit the construction r~s a ttause that would be
<br />closer ti~an seventeen a.-td ct:e-hal£ Meet ti7'~°l rrom the sides or
<br />Lot Ten {10}, Block Twc i:3, Farmington. Second Subdivision:, Hall.
<br />County, Nebraska;
<br />S~THEREi3S, 011 of the owners ,c~ all c~i the lots i n rarrcaa.ngton
<br />Second Susxiivis:ion agree zhat '=21t construction house would be a
<br />desirable addition tc the suadivisian <'iesgitc the violation of
<br />the existing setback Ccvet:ant it7 resr.ect to lot boundary lines;
<br />WiiEREAS, it is tht_ 'SrsiyFs .v„ the aioresaad owrtcrs of said
<br />Farmington Second.. Subcz~vszs~.3 t~ i1:1KTri?'Je saidr'armington Second
<br />5ubdivisicsn b}- enc:riuragz;:q the construction of modern and
<br />desirable ~:weil,inq houses;
<br />=;GW, '1`fikF2Y;FOFtP:, in ce=c~53rieratit~~i +vhereof, and v£ the mutual
<br />b+art; s *_~a be derived by the vwra~:rs of :aid suadivision, and any
<br />puret«t,a•r ar purctrasers, t.he~r :3eirs, adna~nistrators, executors.
<br />ana a~:sic~r~s, all of the owrtezs of .ill ut ti7e lots i.n F'arntngton
<br />Secotta Subdivision stipulate .sxicy :ayr.ee tktat:
<br />i. ;mot Teri {1U3 . t~lcscic ~'wcs (") ,r'armingtcn Second
<br />Subctivisiota, Hall county, Nebxad ka, :s hereby released and trot
<br />su3~ject tv the x•ec;uiretnert ~sf thY original agreement oz
<br />protective covenants, restrictions and couditiorts for Farmiregtcn
<br />Second Subd.tv.isior° reguiriny ana building upon the lot to be at
<br />least seventeen anG ore-.half feet {i7~°} from the sides vt said
<br />lot.
<br />~..~'o iUrag as any bu.iGlrlg constructed slc;t Z.ot ien flu},
<br />Bl~;k ='wra (2~, Farmirxgton Second Suhaivzst~ra, ;iuxi Cc,inty,
<br />Nebraska., is Constructed in corx~orraity w..ta q~vr;:rnmenta
<br />requlataons and requirements son setbacr, in e;:fect cL the time of
<br />such construction "ay the ryspectve q;,vexnmme;-:ta:i agencies of
<br />Gxanc~ kslatad, iebraska, ana isaTl Court~~, .:ebrask`, and so long as
<br />sad aot~stru,:ton of buildings is i:n cor~iormit±~ wa4th al:r other
<br />4auirctnc;ity of the Agreement Far Protectwve t:'tvenants,
<br />nestr,. ~r.;.y d Conditions Fo ° "Fart~iragtor SeC.crnd Subdivision",
<br />sWCh c~a~L~uction shazll be p~rmitz,~;t~.
<br />i_ Tht3 unders~.-:~r~ed, being the. owrcrs of rtil oz tree lots in
<br />ra .~ingt~n ~tc.c,/' a Sic, ivxsion, da hereby Consent ar=d agree that
<br />~2 Kf ei3S~~ 5„(~VC•. .:.t-~ ;a ~E't ZCTZ'tn. abtiV C' na._Z !>+~ ~.. .,:ding tt~".;O!'x
<br />i EI.`_:t e: ; .i.~ ~i,~i1 ~,urc; ~3a.S`er Car purChaSC'r , tn~ nfi1.: S,
<br />3~i, :.751 .t L:ttG~,s, P~ ~ti;.al rti:pr~SEn L"at2ve S 3~tC c~S~2C.ii5.
<br />