<br />>5: A't' N. Ub' ~i L1f1tA.ti2v4', t:auaty oY .....................................................:
<br />F'i!ed for rer~rd and entered in Neaznericat Index on
<br />........ ... .....::.. _ .........:....... at ..._......... o'clock .............,.. bl.,
<br />and recorded i^ 3Lartgage Record _.. ...:............:..~., Page .......................
<br />_...._ ...........................:......::..,...:...::,.. Iiy ..........................._.
<br />County Clerk nr' Deputy County Glerk or
<br />ttegister of tJceda- DeputyRegister of ])eeds
<br />$~ ~-- i) G 13 6 ~ REAL PROPE~'.TY MQRTGAGE
<br />~~ a. N_~
<br />George ~ Vnas and Cleo A. Voss, l,ereita c:allerl tlae mortgagor' whether ores or more ^ -,, ~ j
<br />husband and wife, U~ >V
<br />is eoi#aideratian a[ Fine thousand two hundred eight and 55/100 Dollars {$5208.55)
<br />rerxiveI fraan mortgagee, does mortgage to the City of Grdrarl island, iVebra5ka,
<br />a Muttifiipal Corporation, the following described real estate, to-wit'
<br />lot Rine {Lr), in Block Five {5), in College Addition
<br />to Ft~st Lawn, to the City o€ Grand Island, Na11
<br />County, rSebraska
<br />rknd the. nrartgrrgor daev 4aeeetry eosenant wilt, the marigagee and ~r-iLti ,znotLgagee'a heirs and
<br />aaaigna that mortgagor is lawfully xeased of acid }'aremiaea, that they arc free from encumbrance, Ltrat
<br />mortgagor tree good rigtat and. lawful auttrarity to ranvey the name, and that nrartgagor warrants and
<br />trill defend tbo title to amid prermses against star faavful rlaatsax of ali I!ersona wlaomaoever.
<br />fihis nrartgagc is given to xea~nrc ttaa payarar z+_ of r?rr Ixromi,sory nuts of Chia date made by
<br />rrrartsagar for $. 5,208..55 pagabie, :-a a~.ccart~.ance with said note.
<br />'~ortga~r xhail ;>ay all taxeh and natiexarraentrt l,tair~l .,pun mid teat property and alt other tazaa
<br />lavzcal on tlria mortgage nr Ltre r,:~~:, a i. : h tt;r~ zriortgat;a is grvezr to aecura bef<rrc the carne became delin-
<br />+turzrt . ,,,t shall uta:rstaarr fire wi:,rtxt:,rn; uad a`xtrneir, s•uv<xa}te insurance ae~ith a mortgage clause oa
<br />t3 r• btr;,,li,r~, errsurd g,rerrrisrs w r r ,.ur of ~ 5,208. SS if rraortg+agor fails to Nay such taxes
<br />and ct+nea.,,y,rtit'a tit }rrarnrc e, ~'r . ;,;rrsrar~r, rrrurtfixigrr raasti~ }ray xarch taa[es anti purehaae such insurance
<br />rrrr,6 tq<- atrrount str aalvxm~d t.. ester.°at, nt note {rrr•urr~t l+er araratura xlzall lee secured-hy this r[ror'tgage.
<br />ttr rare. of alcfaartt ~ ~r r: r a oP `tar prureil,a{ xur=, sr Gray wstatlaaent thereof or of any interest
<br />tiaartrau.,, t+err tthe aaau ,lax;; i.-. „z,,:~ .., +.r set rear crf tut nur,•pay raezrt oP soy taae,~s or aauesxments or of .
<br />tD,, rnitur., ;ra utaizrla n ~..r+a,ra,.r~r ,,, .,, ~,,, ;;rti,vielyd, ruartgager rnny at ttae option at mortgagee, with•
<br />act tl6tice, xt aa3y' ".arnt during s,~ ~~.,o,r,t„awner of xrca#r c#rfa,n{t c,rbreaeh, cleela're the whnta dobt sexured
<br />t,y tta,c ruurzgrage tv hr inanar l at,,y ,fur and pays tale anal troy forceless this mortgage.
<br />in for rent of iefault a r#a• ;:rrrarcrxancrs arf s-ny a,g rare tcrrriara aad econ~litiana of this mortgage or
<br />ihr ,ooze e.eti,rreai by' ri, the u:c.rt~,age~,~ ;hall lee eutitSed to arrarardiate ~~easian of the property above de-
<br />v~rrbr~l ar,d a!1 tlrr rrrrt_v, rreva~n :r and rntorne derived tl:rr~•irua~a during suelr tune.. as the mortgage a-
<br />,;, bCr fv rm, rer:aaina unlsa»i'slzail ba ag}died by tba rutartg~{yre to the payment aL the note and-all other
<br />~um~ „v~„r<u t;rreby' afz.>r atertuciiou of arty neceasar}• :costs of r;ollectiora.
<br />I)a:ed a4pril 8 39 $2
<br />~~ ~
<br />s"f~'I'b: I;YR ~EI:IiaSh`A,- CJwzrsty rrf ... ..__...f-{Ai
<br />l~
<br />..~'r"
<br />~ ~_~~diR
<br />jtw twnw. M of ~. tMi
<br />I3efrrre me. a notar}~ public eanaliEied far k'tirl county, perr~unally toac,te
<br />George and. Cleo A. Voss
<br />knoacn to tai to he the identical person or persons tic=bo sia;aed tlae
<br />iuregcr~rg itzatruinr.r:t acd acknawYedged tDr ezecotian thereof to be hie,
<br />leer ar their voluntarg set aad clee;d.
<br />.. ,
<br />'rGitneaa utp bent; .creel notarial seal <~u ....':,~ , 4
<br />31.5 •:ur:z,i~sion expi tic ..._..., _ ., 2~
<br />I'`t~rtr, ~.2 apfrt•o+zeat by ;i,•t+ra:rkar <'.sr 1s~.sa:.,:r,,, P.sa~a rw wear sror.. t,ar,: x.au,
<br />