<br />'P1re ;grantor ;~T:LI•-RR#EBICA ~3,
<br />s eorpwwratibn ©rgsnued and resisting eznd~r szi~t bq virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska..
<br />in eonaiderstian of FIFTY-SEVEN THOT:t&AND Al+1D Nfl! 100 ($57,000.00} DOLLARS
<br />neoeiced from grantees does grant, bargain, seat Canvey and confirm. unto
<br />MARGE A. DAViS, ,~ Single Person
<br />herein- eslbed the gtnntee whether one or meare, the fott<rning tlenaribed real. progeny in
<br />..........~.........._.........._....,._.Eta.11 ......................... Csa~nty, ?~fehraska:
<br />Lur ~zcxa~~ta (la>, zra sLOC~ flair (~.~, oLUS=. xaLL suanzc~~saola,
<br />cT o~ c~nlsD €SLAIiD, lia4LL cote, iv'1';BRABt,'.r1,
<br />sisbject ca easements end restrictions of re.:ord, and
<br />provided, howevex, brut yranteea, their-heirs ~.nd :resigns, by «cceptance
<br />os this :(feed agree to Loco to rescind the Retttriccive Covenants recorded
<br />ns 1laCURtent ;714-002204 in t.hes flf:i;.e r+ the Register c+f Deeds. Hull Count:y»
<br />i:ebrnsks d<:ted Apxil t7, i97tI» us fur us they y,ertain to Lnts 1 through t:3,
<br />Mach inc?ur3ive, o:£ B1nclc 1, fn raid Jlele 'till. Ssrbdv3fon
<br />t~JMIF.~tx l-llrii Hz
<br />NEBRA5KA I3C1CIJ1hi!'
<br />To bevy and t~~ ixold titer atr,+e -~ r,t~,...s ~>r»°uainra together with all t±*nt
<br />II ~_e~
<br />I ~ ~Y
<br />[CFtlirta, tleredit9lrEe 8fl1
<br />appueteaanosa t?tereto beloxyCing uuir~ the: crar~tcr ae,kl to Grantee's heirx anei axeiptos f~rrrver=
<br />And the graatx~r far ftselt snd t.« .,~,,~raaosa einau hereby +~ovenant u°ith the granGre aed with
<br />grantaek heiase au+l esaigrOS ctaxt gratttcr ,4 f ;:;1 +.eiac~t vi` said 7~reruiet;;; that t:laey aarc, frnc trout eneuxn.
<br />bronco;
<br />tl-at grantor hrs Rood.. right at<d larvfo7 snthoritg to ; va:~y.> the Kaeua, anti t9eat graut+ar wamaatas and will
<br />dsfeud the title: tau said g,remises a!gaissst aha Iserfal l:,i;,,t .,z nil ~rz+ctrya wht+s~ver.
<br />irr witnd~c +sBareof, grant+rr h~cs hez+r!oniti ..,_ ..; rrtrtxrsrate seaiY tat ba affiamd attd these.
<br />ps.eaeanta ,:,gn«e3 b~- ifn President,
<br />. "I7alrct RPril 9 3R 82
<br />..y ...... .-
<br />1 .. ~' ~'~
<br />.. - ley ..: ... - Vii... a ,.....,....„.. Pres~dentr
<br />'t 6Pf`~'~ti€ tiFH1tA,5~{A, Gouty of ......,...tin:i,i....,.,....
<br />l9eforc me, w nainry ptablie yuatafied in xaid rasznty, ;,eraotrally saute
<br />.I. ~. Schultz, .Tr. President of
<br />ltld=AmeriEre Go. , a coy;~ntatian,
<br />~n«wn w ~r :o hr the F'rreidesit bnd identieal gesY~au whti aigncd the foregoing instrument, sort eckno+x°
<br />irilgcd th,~ rxrcuticn. th«r.~Uf t~ be hie es~lubtasp act and dt+eel as such nfflr_cr snail the roicsutzary act atxd
<br />,.ir,~d «f paid co;-guraeiosi ms,if that tka corporate rwalaras Lheretcs affixed by ~~ authority.
<br />Vr`itster~ rte;, h»nc2 mv~9 n~rtear•la3 selat e+ez ...._~Pri~..,~... L..„ ,...., .............«..., 19 ~.`.
<br />~,.. x
<br />rtara~twrsa+-wweaaao.da
<br />LMIQA V~lK
<br />~. t w teat ~ AiR IL )~ #!y earetmtl~i~ra gx8$air.:~ . '.~ ~,lnx;._ *~` -._..... x$' .-° ,~-
<br />