<br />=;
<br />
<br />:hc seams-sax:ured hythis I?eed at Trust shall continue unimpaired. iJpc+nsueh payment and cure by $errnwrr_ this Dced of
<br />T rust :utd tfie otxdaggtaotx secured hereby shall remain in fulf`(c?rce and etPect as if~no accelerztiomhadncrurred.
<br />-'o- Ascgtnment; p# Reats,-Altpoiniment of Receis•er, 4.endee io ppssession. Asaddinonaf"security hereunder. Borrower
<br />hiehc ssign~ to Lender therents of thc-Propcriy.provitied hat Sotmwer shall:' prior to accel.i•ation under paragraph IS
<br />hc. ~,•z c,r abandanment .,f the.Propens•,~have iheraght to ei7llcct and retain wehrents as. the},became due and payable.
<br />Upon ac.eteratuan under-paragraphlh herrnfltrr abandonment. of the Propenq, Lender, ad"pbrsbn, by agent or 6y
<br />Judara.ilt>, appprntsd-rncaver, shall be cntizled to enter upon, take possession of and manage`the Property sad to collect the
<br />r~ltst>t the Prnpctty:rnclredingtfiose-oast due Rtlrents etallected by Leader-or [hereeeiver-shat( beapptied first to pavmenc
<br />of thrcosts of managementof the Properly and cailcction of reins, including, but net limi:[ed to, receiver's fees, premiums
<br />an recciver'a bonds and'rcasunatile attorney's fees. and then to [he sums secured by than I}etd of Trust. Lender and the
<br />rcr:ervcrsha'rl Ix tiabfetoaacaunf onty tor2hase rents act;wlly received,
<br />2L.FaTUreAdvytiees,= Upon requestaf Borcower. Lender. at Lender'soption, pnorto tull'recotiveyance of the Property
<br />br 7rustee'zp Borrower, may make~uture Advances ro Borrower Such`Futtare Advances; with+titerest theran, shall tx
<br />secured by 'nx. Qcetf of Trust when evidcra_ed by pramissarv natesstatittg thatsaidnotesare'securedhereby. At no time shall
<br />thepr xcapal amaunt ~f the ndebtedn~s secured by this Decd at Trust, not anciuding sums advanced an acC:arciancc here" i;h
<br />to protr.t =he security of this Decd of T'nast. exceed the axi8mal amourzt of the Note-plus i3S 5'p 78, OD0.00
<br />22. Rrepnveprnce, Upon°pasnrtent of ,+ll xums secured h}' this Decd bP Trust. Lender shall7egttex4 Trtsaee to rccnn•ec
<br />the Pn=petty and shah surrender this- Decd of Trust ;and all notce evidencing indebtedness' secured by"this Decd of Trost
<br />to 7rturee. Truszeeshal{ reconvey the Property without uarraniv and without charge to the personEer..persc+n, :~,a11e'
<br />entitled iliereta. Suthperson or persons shall pay alt casts of recardaaon. it am•.
<br />2.;. SubslitWe'fr~tee: (.ender, ar 1_ender's captipn. mar Pram tame to time remave Trustee and"appoint .. stictessur
<br />tntstcettiaay Tnastee appointed hereunder h}' an inttniment rccorckd in the county in which rliis deedo#Tntsiis recorded:
<br />Wnhout conveyance of the Property. the successr>r trustee 4hall suececd tr, ail the title, power and duties canferred 'upon
<br />the t'rustechcrcm and 6y applicable law..
<br />Siv Requext ipr ?~otict5. Borrower requests that ropier of the r,¢irxce of defawh and notice of sale a sent to Borrower`s
<br />address which as the Property :4ddstss.
<br />fx Wtrrrrss tYnt REOF. Eorrower has executed this f)ced «f Trust.
<br />{~ ..
<br />Dt7an@ E.. King ........ -eo.mwer
<br />-r )
<br />5u5HIt M. King / -9or*ower
<br />STA7F CiF: hIEBRASrC.A.. Hall l
<br />On this nth Caunry ss:
<br />deg of Rprfl ty 82_ before me, the undersignrci, a IYatary Public
<br />duty comrstisstoncti and qualified for s:tuS county, pcrsc+nally 4amc Duane, ~....K??t9. and ,SUSdIt, M.. ,King-
<br />F(itsAand and i~iffe
<br />. ........., to ine known to be the
<br />uirnt[rnl>perwn(4l w} nartte(sl ;arc subarnt*rc1 t+,r thr Ezttcgnang instrument and ack~nowledgcd the cxccution
<br />fheteaf to bc. ~ tlS~jtX:... , vaiuntary act and decd.
<br />Witnrss my hand and notarial +cal at Gzartd islan~T .
<br />date aforesaid - ~,,,.'-- ... in said county, ahc
<br />My i'ammissaon expires +.
<br />~rtw,+tllrRtrr-stu.,lgy~i4 .,
<br />RICHARfl iL 1tiilTi~ x-ichar Id. Mattke 'wat+rr n~~~+
<br />>A~ Calm. Eq, $M,'.~ 3f~S
<br />RtOUEST FOR RI:Ct)`~"EY,<iNGE
<br />Fo'T~:~sr~i~-
<br />Fhe undcrsigntd es Ihr balder od the ntNC c7r xrc#er. secured t?y this Decd t»f Trust. 5atd note ar notes, tngeihtr
<br />with al( other atsdtbtedttesi wecurt:d by thrs Decd rtf "Fro.,, h,ivc tacen paid in tali. tau err hereby directed to cancel
<br />said nitre ar note, and 3hts Decd of 'Frost. wfrit;lt are dchvered hereby, and to rcetmvey, without warranty, al3 the
<br />estate ~*` held by you utrder thn Deti-d of "!"rust to the peraon or pcrs4ms legally entitled thereto.
<br />Uatc . - .... _ .
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