<br />Lfiatr'aasi CavsNwrrrs_ Borrasver and 3.ender covenant and agree as follows: 8L'~ ~'~ " j ~ `# t7
<br />]_ I'm}^taent of €"rittrtypal and lnteent. Borrower shalt promptly pay when doe the principal of and:interest an: the.
<br />irrdebttdraess. evidenced by theNote; prepayment andlate chargesas provided in the Note, and the ptincipa}.of and :interest.
<br />an an}rYuture Advances secured by this Detdof Trust.
<br />2. Neadafar Taxes`and ittenra.ce. Subjec[.to applicable law or to a written waiver by L.endcr,.Borrawer shall par..
<br />to Lender on the day maasthl}' installments of principal and interest. am payable under the Nate, anti} the Noteispaid in ftdl,:
<br />a seen. (herein. °Funds^) equal to one•twxlfth of the yearly taxes and. assessmems which may attain priority over .this
<br />f}oed oFTntst, and ground rents an the Prapeny, if any, plus one-twtlfih of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus otter-twelfth of yearly premium rnstallments for mortgage insurance, ii any, alt as reasonably esumatrd initiaE}y and from.
<br />lema'!a time by Lcnderan the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable: estimates thereof.
<br />E'he Funds shall be held in an ittsEitvtian the deposits or accounts of which atr insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />stateagency (including Lender if L.andar is such an instifution). [,.ender shai! apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments;
<br />insurance piemiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzingsaidaccount
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessmens and bills, tmless Lender pays Borrower interest an the Funds and applicableIaw
<br />pertnitc E.ender to make such a charge. Borrawi:r and 'ender may agree in writing at the time of execution of [file
<br />Deed cat Tryst that interest an the Funds sfiall be paid to Harrower, aced unless such agreement is made ar applicable Iaw
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shat} na[ be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds, E-ender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />~rpose for which uctr debit to the. Fiends was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured'
<br />by this Dt:ed of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by lender, together with the future monthly instatlments of Funds payable prior to
<br />t#te due dates of [exec, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall txee::d the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />asscssrtrents; insurance premiums and ground rents as they fail due, such excess shall he, at Borrower's opiian, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. ff the amount of the Funds
<br />field by i_endar shall rot be sufficient :a pay taxes, asscssrnents, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fait due..
<br />Borrower shall pay to I.ertder ant' amount nec:cssary to makr up the deficient}~ u~rthin 30 days Pram the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower regiresting payment thereof.
<br />Upon. payment in full of all sums secured ba this Deed of Trust. Lender shah promptly refund to Borrower any Fiends
<br />betel by L.cndtr. If under paragraph 78 hereof ah,; Pmpeny Fs sold or the prnperiy is otherwase acyui.td by Lender. Lender
<br />shall apply, no later than immediately prior to she salt rat the Property or iES acy:aisrt~on by I..tnder. any Funds held by
<br />fxndar aE the lime of appliuttiian as a credit against the sums secured by thrs Deetl of "crust.
<br />3. Applirarittn of Payntenls. Unless applicable law provides oiherwrst. alt payments r€cewed by Lander under the
<br />Nate and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shaA lee applied by f. ender first m payment of amounts pn•ab}e to Lender by Barraw•er
<br />uttiferparagrapta Zhereof, then to irtttresi payable on the Note. then to the principal of live tiaic. and Ihen to interest and
<br />pancipat an any Future Advances.
<br />4. C'ltatttcs: #.ieres. Borrower shall pay alt [lasts. sissessmenis anti ;*ther charger. tines and :mpt>aaions attributable ra
<br />tlx Property w•leiclt may attain a priority aver than Deed of Truer. and icasthald payments or ground rents.,.vf any, in the
<br />ritanrier prxtvided under Paragraph 2 hereof or, if nai paid in such mannrr, by Harrower making payment, when due, directly
<br />to the payer ihcrtof. Barrowtr shalt promptly furnish tot }.ender ell nouces of amatints chat under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make payment directly, $armwcr shalt promptly furnrsh ti> (.ender rectrpts evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pnarity over this t>ecd of Tntsr: provided, that Barrnwer shall not lee
<br />requurd to descttarge any suc3t lien scs long as Borrower shai) agrce in wruine co tltt paymrni of the ahlagata~n srcaxed by
<br />retch lien an a rnannes acceptable to L.tndar, or shall in good faun t~ontesi such hen by, or defend enltarcrment of such lien in.
<br />icgalQracetdin w}rich operate za prevent the tnfontment :+t :be I~en car farfeiturc pt the Prapcny or any part thereof.
<br />:r• Hazard [asurscr. Borrnwet shall keep the amprnvemenis ncaw ex:sung or herwfter r,^ected on thr Property insured
<br />against }ors by fire, hazardsrncludrd within the term °`rstended coxtrage". and such other hazards as i ender may require
<br />and in such amounts and far such prrrads as Ixnder may reyuarc: provided., that !.ousts[ shall rtot require that iht amount of
<br />such caveragr exceed that amount ref snvrrage rcyuirtd to pay the sums saciarrd by th,s i?etd a# "1"rust.
<br />The insiarartct carrier providing [fie inzuram~e snaN l+e chosen by 4it+rrower s.ihiect tie ap;rnn;al hs' I i:ndi:r: provaded.
<br />that sorb approval she}I not Est unreasonably withht)d. Ail prcmtums on }nsurancc ;x+ticics shall f,r paid in [hc mantser
<br />pravtded tender paragraph ~ hereof or, f not peat in such. manner, b} Narrower making payment, when dot, directly to the
<br />iOatrranc(` carrier.
<br />All insurance palu-ies and rertcwals thtrtof shall ter m form a~ctpaahlt icy I:ender and shall rncludt a standard morgage
<br />clause in #avar of an4 in f,~arm acceptalxlm to f.tnder. Lender shall hart the ngfat to l.oici the txaircits and renewals thereof,
<br />and Borroier chat} promptly furnish to E.tnder all rtatewaa nx,ucrs and all rertiptrt of pearl prtmnzms. In iht event of lass.,
<br />Borrower shat[ give prompt rratic't tea she msuraracx senior and La:ndas_ Lander may make prcrat ai }res. i! not made promptly
<br />6y Aorrower.
<br />Eankss Lander araf Borrtrwtr atherwtse agree in wrong, msurancc pr+xtrds s.tta6! tae applard to rr.toratton ar rcparr of
<br />the E'ro},erty damaged, przavided such rtstarstaart ar repair rs cccanamrcalla• ic.tstbie and tY+c xacunty irf thrs t7erd of Tnrsr as
<br />trot thereby rmpaired Cf suctr teslaraflon or rcparr is nai econamic.ally itasrialt ,,r ,f thr atciraat} of i2us E)etd of 'I rust w^auld
<br />be arn}fait'ed, the insurance proceeds shall bt applied to the sums secured by this t.lrtd of Tnrst, wnta the excrss. i( any. paid
<br />io Harrower. Ef the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or tf Narrower faits is respemd ere tender r+ithm ail days frarn the
<br />date [wort is mailed b'y Lender to Boxrawer chat. the insurance corner utters to srttlt a .farm cur ;nlnraracr Istncfns. Ltradtr
<br />as atiihorizcd to called attd apply cite tnsuratece proceeds a! (.xnaiei s optirxn r,thtr t<: resaarat,ran t:r repair crt nc~ Prapeny
<br />or to tht sums secured Icy [loos Decd of Tnast.
<br />Unlps Lrmitt and Borrower aiherw ire agrce rn writing. any such application of pmcreds ire ptancr pal shall roar extend
<br />c.r pc+sipUne the dot Batt of the monthly tnsiallxnents referred to rn paragraphs arn4 .'-. brrro; or r.-Aangr the amount o
<br />such r-estallmeais_ 1, under f
<br />paragraph tR hertoi the Property ;~ acyu+rtd by !.ender, :,ti tight. [stir and iratertst of Harrower
<br />in and to any aasstrrarice pohcics and in sad u* the proceeds thertaf resuiung inane danaagr t., rttr Praptny prwr io the sale
<br />or acquisition shall pass to Lertdtt to the tsttn! at t#tc sums sixurtd by this EXed at irusz ~ittmtdratclt b-trrar #a such sale ar
<br />acgtsirition,
<br />6. Pevser+atiirra and l4afarebagce of Property: Leteebolds; t: oadomioiorw; platmrxd #. rata L}rrv
<br />shad ken the Pri +- Narrower
<br />p ape'rts vn gcxad rcparr arx3 suit not .antmat w-etc x.z pt. rut+w unpa r a,r 2 t r,a*ratcr rra of 71~ Pra{~rsy
<br />and shall tompiy with the provictans of any :rase if ibis Eked of Trust is an a ieasehatd If thae E7r'cd axf Trust es an a unu ,a a
<br />candantimum ar a planatpf unu development; Borrower sltaii pednrm :all of Aarnswtr's atabgair, rxv unati•r the uectarutrvn
<br />or covenants creating or gavernrng ttte rondaminium or planned unit drvektprzienr, the by~iaws and r-gala[+ans r•t the
<br />condominium ar planriad emit devrlopmrnt, and constiiutnt dixuments. i# a cx,ndaininium tar planned umi dtvciopnrent
<br />rider rs txecWat by Batrawcr and rceurdexi togralxr wnh tb~s l~ted at ~rus+, iht covenants and ag~rettnrnts ~+f saute r+dtr
<br />sbalE x incorpamted imo and shall aurora{, and supplemcni tttt sovtnana. sad agreenuats at [leas Dtts9 ~€ "1 rasa :rs ;f she ridrr
<br />evert a pert .hereof.
<br />7, ?tafcetlnn of Lesdrrl SKrteirp. 3f Bonowra fa,ls to perform rtes covrnants and agrttments rontamad in Ibis
<br />EAeod of Trust, at if any acttatt 3r prcw°eeding is comrncnced whitish rxattr+aa,} attecis 3.endtr's ::merest in the Proprny,
<br />snelttding, teal not hmrtrxl to. eminent domain, insolvency, code en}dretmenf„ nr arrangements or proceedings revolving a
<br />banltrupl ar deses(ent, than Ltaeder at Lender"s option, upon noticr to Borrower. may makr such apptaranc e>. ali5trursr reach
<br />sums acid take such action as as neeesrary to proieca Lenders interest. in,iardang, teat not :imated u,. dia,hurx anent ut
<br />tTaaottahEc aisttreey`s fats and entry upon the Property to ataakt repeats. If Leiutrr rryu: rcu rnangagc iosura race as a
<br />cotidittan of mak,ag the loan steurexL by this Eha3 of TrusC, Borruwtr shall pay the prcnuums .*cyuercd aa, marntaua such
<br />•nsutancr rn eHec: ur,-„ such irme as the requirement far such insraranct termrnatts ua acuxdanctt wuh Nornawrr's artd
<br />Lctsdtr's wuaeo agreement or applicable law. Borrower shah par aht amount of al( mortgage ,nsuranc:e prrza~aiunas ua tfae
<br />manner prrsi--+td under ; ar•mgraph ~ hCreaf.
<br />Any amvurxs d+steutset# by Lauder pursuant to [tees paragraph 7, auh mierect thereon shalt t:cumte addaucanal
<br />•mFehtcdrtrss f Ik>tri'iwcr secured hp this Deed of Tnust f.ndess BDriawar .and Linder agrce to labor terms of paymrnt. such ..,.il
<br />+m,x;nts shy ,.yabit open. nouct from E..ender to Narrower rtyutsiing , ti;tacn! thrrcatf. and shall ixa: ,aaterest ?:earn thr
<br />3sic of d4shi~rsemcn[ at the leis payable frrmt timeto titre[ an outstanding p •ri poi under the tints unless payment tr.# n+tcrest
<br />at sun •. c iwi6 h c .rtrnrv rc- applicable law, in untcli turn[ si,cn r-a,uri, <hail blot 'nteri"3t at the highest tart
<br />prr uassihr'e - See „pr her ;,, w, >,oabzrrg eantainrd m this ~zaf&rtph 7 , reyuerr I tsdcr raa incur any rxpense c:,r take
<br />,inp aatrcr. etrionde.
<br />li t~<i:ou. I.tz~: may mskr zyr :uuwe io tx rnas3e rtatnr aFx3e curt r plan an,t n {arron> at tt;a^ Prtepr, r_t Y, t rrw. idrel
<br />rhmi L _uifcr rate d 5nr 8tsn°:wtr rwt.rt prx io an} such rnspecitra »peci:} rk caxcuaa, is ,,,uzr thrttgar relarrd rc Lcr~,istr,
<br />~rr 4rV~E ,rs , :r E'rupcc.v.
<br />